Monday, November 2, 2020

November Begins

 Gosh I hate the time change.  We put 9 Volt batteries on our grocery list so we can change the batteries in our smoke alarms...we do this in the Fall and in the Spring.  I know lots of people just check their batteries...we change ours...our lives are worth more than a couple of freaking batteries. 

Oh yes the time change makes me a little cranky too.  Imagine that.

We attempted to watch the live video of Sunday church services...they have a multitude of problems....with the video stalling every 30 seconds.   Instead I watched the video of my cousin's funeral...21 people were there and that included the Honor Guard....and their video was perfect.  It was a lovely service, he would have been pleased. 

Saturday night I started watching a Limited Series on Netflix called The Queen's Gambit.  All about I am NOT a chess player so I have no understanding of the game but the movie was great I give it a 9 out of 10.  

Grocery pickup was another nightmare last week...over charges and missing items that we paid for...uffda.  This week no bottled water, oranges or green enchilada sauce...go figure. I believe they may be idiots and allowed to vote. 

Covid 19 Dreams...I am in store and no one is social distancing...or I cannot find my am I going to explain this to Far Guy?  Good thing it was just a dream...or dreams.  Uffda bad enough I have to live the pandemic but it should stay out of my dreams/nightmares....on the bright side it has replaced the looking for a potty dreams.

AND to top it all off The Sexiest Man Alive in 1989 Sean Connery died...and Big Brother ended and The Bachelorette is in big trouble. 

Far Side


  1. Glad to know that I am not the only one that the stupid time change makes cranky. I hate it - wish they would just leave it alone. And as for the grocery store being out of items - I shop at the store and they are always out of something I need. For the longest time the only canned soup they had was chicken noodle. Now they are out of cream of chicken. What's going on. And sleep/dreams, I'm lucky if I get 4 straight hours of sleep a night. Enough of my being cranky. I am right there with you about Sean Connery's death. I had a huge crush on him. Have a great day and thanks for putting up with me being cranky.

  2. I have dreams like that, too. Glad it was just a dream, but they can seem so real when you're having them. I have a harder time with this time change, for some reason. I wake up at the "real" time and then try hard to lay in bed for awhile and not get up.

  3. I never used to had a hard time with with the time change, but I do now. I just didn't feel right all day yesterday. Hopefully today is better!

  4. And time marches on. Sean Connery's death makes me want to binge watch all the Bond movies!
    Have a blessed day!

  5. It's smart to change the batteries! Sorry about the grocery mess up and yes I can't stand the time change either, it totally messes me up for weeks afterward!

  6. I hesitate to write this, but . . . . I donned my mask and entered two grocery stores. I was in search of green onions. It turned out they do not exist and the trips were for nothing.

    In the first store everyone was wearing a mask and social distancing. Except one man I recognized (but ignored) from a class I used to take at the senior center. I was not surprised. When I checked out, the cashier shared her husband is in chemo. #jerk

    The second store again had everyone in a mask. However two men had their mask under their nose and one had it on his chin. I feel like this will never end.

  7. Sounds like your November didn't start off too well. Hope it improves.

  8. Yikes, November certainly hasn't started well! I hope it improves very quickly.

    Take care, stay well!

  9. I hope your month improves every day!!

    Sean Connery has been one of my very favorite actors, and I never tired of hearing his sexy voice. In the few places I go, most everyone wears a mask. Even in the grocery store. I've been back to picking up my groceries again the past few weeks. I noticed that most people coming and going while I wait, have been wearing a mask. But overall in SD - not much mask wearing thanks to our idiot governor who doesn't believe in them. Our public service announcements don't even mention masks or social distancing - just hand washing.

  10. I've been having terrible dreams also. Terry says he keeps dreaming he is in a canyon and can't get out. When he finally finds a way out the path is so full of sand he keeps sliding back into the canyon. I keep dreaming I am trying to paint the barn. The old paint on the barn is so weathered I have to scrape and scrape and scrape...when I just think I can actually start painting all the wood that I scraped looks like I never touched so I have to start over.

    I am tired of the year 2020.

  11. Thank goodness nature is out there to be a salve to our broken hearts for all the bad things we are facing. Enjoy the beauty around you , hugs.

  12. I'm not sleeping well either...I haven't for months now. I never remember my dreams when I wake up but I'm waking up every hour or two. I think it's just the stress of everyday life. And we got more disturbing news this morning that I'm not allowed to share yet. Life. It's not much fun right now is it?
    My Walmart pickup order had several subsitutions last week. One of them was that I ordered 2 bags each of frozen mixed veggies, corn, cauliflower. Instead I got 6 huge bags of mixed veggies. I live in an RV. Freezer space is limited and now I have to eat mixed veggies with every. single. meal!

  13. That's scary...idiots and allowed to vote! I've had worrisome (is that a word) dreams lately too. Hope November improves as it goes along but I've about given up on this year improving. I'm hoping for good news tomorrow. :)

  14. I've always hated the time change and I wish we would just leave it the same all year! It bothered me more when I was working and on a tight schedule but I still don't like it. I've had a few covid dreams and I agree with you - it's enough that we have to live it. I was sad to hear about Sean Connery's death too. He will always be THE James Bond to me.

  15. I feel so bad that you have issues with your groceries. So far ours have been excellent. There have been a couple of things that could not be found (Worchestershire sauce... really?) but we were not charged for them and none of them were "must have" items. I hope your experiences get better. I hate having dreams about COVID... it's depressing enough to have to live it we shouldn't have to dream it too! Have a wonderful week!

  16. "AND to top it all off The Sexiest Man Alive in 1989 Sean Connery died...and Big Brother ended and The Bachelorette is in big trouble."

    This made me chuckle... which I needed. *lol* Thank you, my friend!! ~Andrea xoxo PS~ I hate the time change too, but even moreso in the spring. I wish we could stay on this current time forever now.

  17. Time changes never bother me
    Even idiots can vote but it is frustrating because they are idiots

  18. It's been such a mess out there. Ignorant people.

  19. 2020 has been exhausting.
    I have The Queen's Gambit in my queue even though I don't play chess, either. Glad to hear it was good regardless. :)

  20. You're not the only one having trouble adjusting to the time change. It has never bothered me before but this year I'm confused.

  21. I'm having very long, vivid dreams as well. I think we are all stressed out, but you may be extra stressed. Too bad I don't live closer, I'd do your grocery shoping for you. We had a neighbor do that for us. I told them I'd order for pickup and if they could just pick it up (when we had full blown covid) but they insisted that if I emailed them the list they'd shop. They did such a better job than the shoppers at the grocery store. And I didn't get charged for stuff that wasn't in the bag. They paid for it and I just wrote them a check when they dropped the stuff off on our porch. It was kind of more work for me because I couldn't just click on stuff, I had to describe it, but still, the quality was better. If I lived near you I'd gladly do it. Maybe you have a neighbor that wouldn't mind doing it.

  22. Yesterday seemed extra long, but by today I was fine. I like the light in the mornings.

  23. We’re going to watch that movie next weekend so I was glad to hear you gave it high marks. I was a little skeptical when Paul said it was about chess. I have Covid dreams, too, no one is wearing masks, crowding up in my face, etc. And the time change — my stomach doesn’t want to get on board! I guess we’ll all adjust eventually.

  24. OMG!!! My daughter has been having dreams like yours! Same issues! I have great dreams of meeting new people and having fun probably because that is the only socializing I do! LOL! I wouldn't feel bad about old Sean....he was a chauvinist plus he thought it was quite alright to slap women around when he felt they needed it. He really was not a very nice man....maybe he'll come back as a woman in his next life and be a victim of domestic would serve him right!

  25. I thought of you when I turned back my clocks! At least this time we got an extra hour of sleep. Can't be too grumpy about that...just at pay-back time...

  26. So glad I don't have to order groceries online- good help is hard to find these days and finding someone that actually cares about customer service is rare.

  27. HAHA - yeah that time change crap makes me cranky too. I'm going to check out the movie though!


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