Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Noodle Day

 As most of you know we are big fans of freezer meals.  Yesterday was a cooking day. In the morning egg noodles were made and dried.  In the afternoon chicken was cooked up.  The noodles were cooked rinsed and joined the was a fine meal and freezer meals will be made after it is chilled. 

Far Guy's Paternal Grandmother made homemade noodles often...they were one of her specialty foods along with blueberry pie and the best fried potatoes ever!  The first meal I had at her house was chicken and noodles served on depression glass plates...we ate on the porch that overlooked the front yard.  When it came time for the blueberry pie I gave most of that to Far Guy as blueberries are not my favorite...I like them frozen or in pancakes.  Grandma hung white towels and then noodles over the backs of the oak chairs in her kitchen...I can still see that kitchen...the cupboards with red trim and decals in the center of the cupboard doors the big kitchen sink and the old phone that hung on the wall.  There was no rhyme or reason to her silverware drawer...everything was in the same drawer. Good memories!  

A double batch of noodles drying on parchment paper covered cookie sheets.  I made one batch and Far Guy made one batch...his are equal in length...mine are long and short and in between. ...mine were also stacking this way and that...but they all tasted good.  We use the recipe in the Betty Crocker Cookbook.

We get along well in the kitchen.  He could make this dish all by himself if he had to. 

Far Side


  1. I love making freezer meals. Usually when hubby and I cook we make enough for two to three meals - eat one the rest goes into the freezer. Less cooking that way and easier meals - just unfreeze and reheat.

  2. Sounds delicious. Your memories of her kitchen sound very much like my grandmothers.

  3. Home made noodles bring back good memories. I make them with beef.

  4. That's awesome. Rich used to ask his mom for chicken and noodles or dumplings all of the time and she made them! I never learned how but didn't mind eating it. I may yet have to try this. I did make a cake this month! :)

  5. Cold weather calls for chicken noodle soup! And to have home-made noodles - wonderful!
    And also wonderful to have good memories of grandmother
    Have a blessed day!

  6. I love this :-). And the silverware first thought was oh no!...but now that I'm thinking about it...

  7. Do you make a sauce to go with the noodles & chicken?

    1. Chicken broth:) I added two boxes of chicken broth to the chicken after it was cooked.

  8. Glad you guys get on well in the kitchen so you can work together on things like this. I'm also glad you enjoyed your meal, had fond memories to enjoy while you prepared and ate it, and will have freezer meals so you can enjoy the meal again some time soon.

  9. You know that is something I've never tried to make. I'll have to check out a recipe and decide if I'm that ambitious. We do enjoy pasta and enjoy it a couple times a week, but I haven't had egg noodles in a long time.

    Your memory of Grandma's kitchen made me smile. Isn't it funny how we can remember the details of a place so well. I think it is the feelings that these places invoke that bring them back.

    Take care and stay well!

  10. Noodles were my mom's forte and her french fries were out this this world. Your noodle look just like hers and I'm sure taste fantastic. Food memories are great!

  11. Your noodles look absolutely delicious... nice and thick. Don't you just love memories! It keeps our bones warm when "life" gets cold. ~Andrea xoxo

  12. My dad's step mother made homemade noodles for every meal I ever ate there. She woud rescrub her immaculate counter top and dump a pile of flour. She would make the well and add an egg or two (it was all by eye) and a little cold water, combine with her hands and roll them out. Delicious everytime. My own kids learned to make noodles (and taught me) with a recipe in an old 4H project book that our county still used. We never can make enough noodles to have any left after a meal!

  13. My paternal grandmother in Kansas also made noodles. I remember the white dishtowels over the backs of the chairs and over the curtain rods in her tiny kitchen with fresh noodles draped over. Mostly I remember a fettuccini type noodle but I wonder if she made other kinds too.

  14. I would love to be able to cook with my guy, but our kitchen is too small. We'd just bump into each other!
    Those noodles look great!

  15. Oh Blueberry Pie. Everyone seems to choose you last. I'm the same way... but at least I like Blueberries. (Any way they are served! We grew up in Michigan where Blueberries are a HUGE industry. And so tasty) I have never made noodles, but the Amish around here seems to love them. You can buy them everywhere. ( home made!) Mom used to buy the ones from the store and make Chicken.. Something.. with Egg Noodles. It was edible.

  16. Love your grandma memories and your noodles look good :)

  17. My grandmother made homemade chicken and noodles! Her noodles were flattened with a rolling pin and sliced narrowly but she laid them out all over the counter on the dishtowels...and sometimes over the backs of the chairs with towels on, too. DElicious! Good memories!

  18. I’m a fan of freezer meals, too. I have wonderful memories of my Mom making noodles. She also draped them over the chairs on dish towels to dry.

  19. Sweet memories! I share cooking with my hubby too. We are doing more freezing of half batch meals these days, too much extra food otherwise. I love leftovers, but not the same thing for endless days. I have never made homemade noodles. No doubt they are delicious. I do make pie crust from scratch tho. It's fresh blueberries only for me. They get a bad rap, too bad because they are so nutritious!

  20. I think all of us have some good memories of what Grandma cooked.

  21. I am not a fan of noodles, my daughter loves them though

  22. we have been feeling a little down lately so my husband and I decided to make potato pancakes... one of my comfort foods. The ones using raw grated russet potatoes, egg, flour and salt. It worked.

  23. Wonderful memories of your grandmother's kitchen and cooking. I don't think I've ever tried making noodles but my DIL makes them quite often. Even has a special apparatus with 'arms' so the noodles can be hung to dry.

  24. My Grandmother had some depression glass plates and I can never see them or think of them without thinking of her. Your noodles sure look good! I have never made them before. I'm sure your chicken and noodles are very yummy comfort food. You are so smart to make freezer meals. I need to do more of that. I bet it makes meal time a lot easier!

  25. I like the description of your grandmother's kitchen.
    Those are big fat noodles! I bet they were good. I have never made noodles, but I do remember my mother making them a long time ago.

  26. My Grandmother made noodles and dried them the same way. They were so good.

  27. That's amazing. I have the Betty Crocker cookbook, I guess I need to look this up!

  28. How fun....making homemade noodles together! Your dinner sounds delish and how nice to make freezer meals too. I love your memories of far guy's grandma and her kitchen. I can just picture it! Thanks for sharing!

  29. Those noodles look good. I would like to have your best fried potatoes ever recipe! My hubby loves them but I am not a good fryer of them.😓

    1. Grandma made them several ways. Some were boiled and then sliced and fried, some were raw fried...always in bacon grease:)

  30. I love homemade noodles and haven’t made them in years. Maybe I will give them a try with my newfound non wheat flour and see what happens. I don’t care much for the commercial noodles made of things like beets, black beans, etc. They don’t taste like noodles. The best I’ve made so far are zucchini noodles, mainly because I don’t expect them to taste like flour noodles!

  31. I see you didn't opt for Grandma's white towel drying rack treatment ;)

  32. Yummmmm a favorite right after chicken and dumplings!


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