Thursday, November 5, 2020

A day

 It turned out we needed a new pressure tank instead of a new pump in our well.   That involved two workers trapesing in and out of the house.  They did not have masks so I gave them some disposable ones. Far Guy went outside to sit in the sunshine.   I had to move some stuff for them...and then clean up after them when they were finished.  I opened the windows and turned up the heat and all the exhaust fans while we sat outside for a couple of hours.  My baby brother kept us company and then his bride showed up with our parents.  It was good to see them...they were going for rides in the ATV since it was such a nice day. 

There has only been a few people in our home since March...Jen, Andy, my Dad and three repairmen. It is a worry when someone strange comes inside....I disinfected things I knew they must have touched. 

After all that we ordered our groceries for the next week.  We had lots of misc on our lists...everything was ordered and we will see what we get.  I hear that turkey will be in short supply...lots of people eating Thanksgiving dinner at home I guess. I ordered a turkey breast...that will do for the two of us if we get it. Last week I got canned pumpkin for pumpkin bread...sometimes that is in short supply in a normal year. Normal...not quite sure what that is anymore.

Far Guy washed up my lawn mower...and I have a vacuum cleaner that totally comes apart so I cleaned that up...a few more projects crossed off the was a day.

Far Side


  1. Oh, I love that photo!
    Thanksgiving has generally been myself, hubby, and his mom together for the past few years. His daughter is too busy. Last year it was just the two of us and we had some visitors stop by to visit during the week.
    I do lasagna for our special supper. Not fond of turkey!
    Hope you get everything you ordered too!

  2. I'm sorry you had to let someone in your house. Can't believe they showed up without masks!!! Boy, I'm not even thinking about Thanksgiving yet, you are right, turky breast would be enough for us too. Guess I should get to thinking about it.

  3. Nothing like hiring someone for one thing and then it turns to be something else. Can't believe the repairmen showed up without masks. Not good. Just glad you got to visit with some family.

  4. We had a couple of repair guys in the house, and they wore masks without even asking. That actually surprised me. I purchased a turkey breast as well, just in case. We've been invited to our younger daughter's house for Thanksgiving and her husband is a great cook, but we'll see. We also have tickets to an 8 team college men's basketball tournament - masks required and limited socially distant seating. I'm not convinced it's a good idea.

  5. I wonder about people who don't seem to care about the health of others or themselves, like those repairmen. But then again, I must seem rather weird to some people, who knows? You are always busy, it seems.

  6. I'm glad you had some spare disposable masks for those repairmen! They should have come prepared with their own. I do believe I'd call the office and say that. Yes, we've been the same way as far as no one coming into our home. Our grandgirls were here during the summer but they had been home for months, not exposed to anybody anywhere, so we knew they were safe. There were two delivery men who came a few months ago, to deliver some new LazyBoy chairs and we had them just put the chairs in the driveway. After hubby & I carried them up 20 stairs and into the house, I wished we had just given them a couple masks & let them do the hauling. *lol* I'm glad your new pressure tank is in and that's taken care of before winter. ~Andrea xoxo

  7. Glad you got your water problem fixed. I know for us, replacing the tank would not cost as much as replacing the the pump. Hope that is true for you too.
    Won't miss the turkey - we prefer ham! But we will miss gathering with family.
    Have a blessed day!

  8. I’m glad you had masks handy for them. That would be really scary since, hey, you have to have water!

  9. I can imagine your trepidation at having the repairmen in your house and why they would show up without masks is beyond me.

    The positive: you got to visit with family outside in decent weather. Take care, stay well!

  10. I can't believe workers show up without masks. You would think they'd know better these days!

  11. I don't know why so many repairmen think it's ok to walk into a house without a mask? Not thinking/rude/or a political statement. We also got a turkey breast last week, even a small turkey would be way too much for the two of us.

  12. I wish this virus would just run its course and go away!

  13. Glad you had some spare masks for the repairmen. They probably didn’t think they would be entering your home for anything, so they weren’t prepared. I’ve ordered some non grocery items for pickup at Walmart - even Ice Melt without any problems.

  14. We get the turkey breasts for our dinners. there's still lots left over.

  15. I'm surprised they showed up without masks. I haven't seen the mailman but I know the UPS drivers haven't been wearing masks delivering packages.

    It does feel weird to have someone come in to your home anymore--let alone someone without a mask. Months ago when they came to do my apartment inspection he did not have a mask on. I had no extra mask to offer him at that point in time. Now I would tell him he has to wear one--I don't care if he was "just tested" like the excuse he gave me last time. Works for the federal government and they don't seem to have any rules about masks. I did like you did--went around sanitizing anything he touched after he left. Times have changed.

  16. It's good that you could give them masks, and make them were them. It's hard to know when people just don't think, or are deliberately fighting the mask wearing policy. I hope they got the idea anyway.
    Sounds like you had a good visit with family in spite of all the extra work for you,

  17. I know what you mean. I have only had 2 people in the house since Covid and they were necessary and they both wore masks but I did disinfect A LOT after they left!
    So nice that you are having nice weather so at least you can sit outside and visit. Good for your folks too as I imagine they get out less then you do. They are fortunate to have such wonderful family. I plan on getting a turkey breast too.

  18. Yes clean and disinfect after the visitors leave also good the workmen wore masks even if you had to supply them.

  19. Glad your water issues are fixed, even if it was rather traumatic for you both. Hope your grocery order comes through okay. We seldom see turkey in our shops, but then we don't have Thanksgiving either. Enjoy your day, Mxx

  20. Sorry you had to have workmen in the house....sure praying that turns out all right. Glad you guys went and sat outside....even had some lovely company out there too. Isn't the weather beautiful this week! Looking ahead a bit, we are supposed to have pretty nice weather thru the middle of the month...not 60's like now....but 40's which I consider pretty nice for my birthday month! The warmer temps can stick around just as long as they want! Hope you get your turkey and pumpkin! I haven't even thought about Thanksgiving yet.

  21. I wouldn't be comfortable letting unmasked workers into the house either. And I'd certainly disinfect after they left.
    Aside from that you had your usual productive day with some visiting time too. A good day.

  22. Sounds like a very productive day. Glad you got even more projects crossed off your list. Good luck with the grocery order.

  23. Oh, least the day was nice for sitting outside!

  24. I'm sorry those men didn't wear masks. What were they thinking? Well, they obviously weren't thinking.
    I had thought about a turkey breast too but Dennis asked for chicken enchilada's so thats what we're having.

  25. You have a right to worry with Far Guy's health for sure! Have faith all will be fine and you are a trooper in the making sure things are disinfected department!


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