Wednesday, November 4, 2020

More Fall Projects

 The weather was excellent yesterday 68 F and sunny that is 20 C eh! With the nice weather we were able to tackle some more projects!  It is what we used to call an Indian Summer....not sure that is politically correct...but so what!

We had a a tree that came down in the nasty winds last Saturday so Far Guy took care of that....a rotten old Piss Popple (Aspen)...when they fall over the branches just explode into small pieces all over. 

I straightened up some "stuff" in the new old car garage that used to be my garage. Vacuumed up some leaves that were tracked in. 

Then I went to Far Guy's garage to work...I vacuumed out the car we actually drive one last time...then I began the big cleanup...uffda...I spent the afternoon in there...I resorted to putting stuff in a bucket for Far Guy to sort through...he said it was all I could have just thrown it all out ...but then there was bound to be a treasure in there.   I found a few treasures myself and screamed three times...I let Far Guy take care of those treasures.   Since we keep bird seed in that garage...little creatures like to visit...nuff said. 

I finished up the Christmas Cards that I had stamped.  I came up with 111 to put in envelopes....awaiting the cheerful Christmas letter that Far Guy will write.  I really need 15-18 more someday soon I will stamp some more.  Just when you think you are done you are not...certainly I can count...somedays.

100 red envelopes and 11 blue ones

I am burned out on Christmas cards at the moment...I still have time.  I am working on crochet projects in the evenings. 

We have a few more windows we could wash and wild gardens to mow down...and today we are supposed to be getting a new pump installed in our 22 year old well.  It has been acting up a my other baby brother contacted a "well guy" for us.  My baby brother will come over just in case I need help doing something for those workers.  The well is inside the grain bin that is in our yard.  Holy cats we had to move a bunch of lumber...White Oak and Black Walnut that Far Guy has been hoarding.  He said that some of it will be campfire wood next summer for my brothers. I have not been in the grain bin for several years...I had no idea the stuff that was in there...uffda.

Not sure how the election will turn out...someone will win and someone will lose...the important thing is that we voted. 

Far Side


  1. Wow, that is impressive with your cards! I didn't send out many last year because I just was Christmas...less feeling. I don't know how to describe it.
    My fall projects this week are outdoors.
    We are supposed to get to 75 F today? Eeeks!

  2. Seems like the warmer weather has given you a burst of energy. Me not so much as I am still trying to adjust to the "new" time. Just happy about it being warmer and no snow yet. Really glad the election is almost over (they are still counting mail in ballots) and we can stop all the "hoop-la".

  3. An amazing number of Christmas cards! created with love. Tell Far Guy to save that wood! Black walnut is beautiful wood and he will use that someday!

  4. Good work making all those Christmas cards, you'll get in the mood soon & be able to finish those others. I've got to get back to wrapping the rest of the Grands Christmas presents. We are having that nice weather in our area too. I plan to work outside in the yard this afternoon.

  5. You are amazing. I still need to do so much work around here and I can't seem to get myself organized to do it. We should be done with the corn by FRIDAY! YAY!

  6. Wow, that's a lot of postage and I'm sure every one of the cards will be received with good cheer.

    Take care and stay well.

  7. That's a lot of cards Connie! I'm so impressed by how much you get done every day. We call it Indian summer too and so do several of our Native American friends out here, so I think it's still okay. However, I'm always doing or saying something that isn't correct so what do I know! :-)
    Today is another day of uncertainty. I was sure that I would turn on the news this morning to a winner but not yet!

  8. Your Christmas card envelopes are such a cheerful holiday color. The stack of them make me smile! Yes, soon we will know who the president is going to be for the next four years... not that it affects us here, on our homestead, one way or the other. White Oak & Black Walnut wood!!! Be still my heart! :-) ~Andrea xoxo

  9. Wow! Even colored envelopes!
    I thought FarGuy would save some of that wood for carving.
    Hope the new pump goes in without any issues. :)

  10. That's a whole lot of cards! I'm still a nervous wreck and will be until the election is final!

  11. Well done with the Christmas cards! We are having Indian summer weather this week too. It sure is nice especially after the snow last week. Good luck with the new pump. It will be nice to get it taken care of before winter really sets in.

  12. I am so impressed with your Christmas cards. You've really been busy! I have always love sending Christmas cards but I know many people that have quit . . . I'm wondering if this new age of isolation and families not celebrating as before will be the start of more people sending cards again. I hope so :)

  13. Your envelopes are beautiful! It is warm here again open and I need to get some windows washed. i painted today and ironed and made a pie.Put your bird feed in a big plastic container so they can't get at it.

  14. I need to dig out my Christmas cards over the weekend so I Acan stamp them and such
    The weather here is all over the place

  15. You do keep busy. Cleaning out stuff is my least favorite thing to do unless it is outside in the garden. It's rainy here now so I get to rest.

  16. why does fall seem to be so busy? The jobs never seem to end.

  17. We had to install a new pump in our well a couple of years ago. Now somebody else gets to enjoy it! Sounds like you had alot of fun cleaning up far guy's stuff...even with a few surprises! I need to start on my Christmas cards...but haven't found the energy of these fine days, I hope to start!

  18. You sure get a lot done. I need to clean out closets and drawers. Yesterday I started on the leaves; raked two hours and hauled off about six loads, dragging them on a tarp...did it again today. :(

  19. We are experiencing an Indian Summer too. Good thing because I have a little bit of yard work left to do for winter. Hope all goes well with your new well installation.

  20. I'm not surprised that you're taking a break from doing Christmas cards. I'm impressed with how many you send out!!
    It's nice to have some warm dry days to finish those last chores outside. Hopefully we'll get some too.

  21. Yes we are lovin' this weather and soaking it up! Projects are good and during these times they are good for our sanity. Enjoy your week! I am all caught up, I usually read each day but don't always get my comments done.

  22. Your Christmas card envelopes look so pretty all by themselves. I’m sure the cards inside are even prettier! I’m making ours this year, too. Thankfully, we don’t have nearly as many to send as you do or I would have had to start last January! I’m slow.

  23. Well done on getting so many projects done. I'm tired just reading this. LOL!

  24. I'll bet you are burned out on Christmas cards, after all that work! The paper looks very rich on those envelopes.

  25. Yeah those little buggar creatures are all heading in now that it is cold again. My traplines are all out but not catching anything yet I can hear them....I hate it! You are the queen of card making!


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