Friday, June 12, 2020

Lilac and other stuff

The late Lilac is blooming.  I believe there are 16 blooms this year. Pruning right after they bloom helps to promote more blooms next year.

This is the Lilac named Donald was just a tiny sprig when Far Guy planted it many years ago.
See it is growing!   
Our trip to town was short and sweet I got almost everything on my list delivered curbside...they were out of Naan Bread...but my baby brother and his bride were making a grocery trip later in the day...and they located some at Wally World.

Far Guys weekly infusion took less than 30 minutes this week.  Both of us having Cell Phones really helps on Thursdays. long as I remember to charge mine up.

On our way home the Detour signs were up...showing people the way to go ...right into a Corporate Farmers field. (ha)

No doubt some dumber than dumb people will go that way....especially confusing at night! 

Last summer four miles were redone on our nearby highway, this year the next six miles will be done.  It will not be a big deal for us this year.  But some of our neighbors down the road are going to have some fun travels getting to their homes the rest of the summer.  "Minnesota has two seasons...Winter and Road Construction."

Far Side


  1. We are getting a new traffic light on the road in front of our house and the amount of work and hardware they are putting up all over the place you would think I live on a major highway and not some two lane beach town road. I guess we will need it when the finish that new housing development they started a few years ago. Sigh...there goes the neighborhood. As if the tourists weren't bad enough. Araignee

  2. That is a rather confusing sign. Glad to hear FG's infusion time was short. I laughed at your closing slogan. :-)

  3. There is road paving going on here too, though there is a pilot car. I imagine the sweet smell of the fragrance coming from that lilac. Pretty!

  4. This is the season for road construction here, too. So far none has been on the usual routes I travel. Hope to get back to blogging soon.

  5. Guess that saying applies to all of the upper midwest states. I grew up in MN hearing my dad say that, and moved to SD and everyone here says it too. LOL There is so much road construction IN TOWN this year that it is challenging to get to some locations.

  6. At my previous home, I had a similar lilac that always bloomed in June. It’s blooms were pink.

  7. The lilac is beautiful! We live near a major east/west interstate (I-70) and it seems like there is almost always construction somewhere on it. It is definitely a sign of summer.

  8. That is a pretty lilac. We have that same saying up here in Spokane. Two years ago some brilliant person decided they should do construction on every single north/south arterial in town. It was an absollute nightmare.

  9. How lucky to have a lilac in bloom. I should probably give up on lilac bushes, but I love them so! You are so funny. Those signs would be a little confusing at night...I would probably turn and go out across the field. Can't imagine what you will make out of the old milk can. Hope I'm around to see, whatever it is.

  10. Yes, I bet that field will get a visit after the bars close one of these nights!

  11. Awwww... your Donald Wyman lilac is beautiful, Connie! And yes, road construction.... it never ends, does it. We're home most of the time like you folks but when we do have to be out & about, the cones drive me crazy. I'm glad I don't drive much anymore and Dan knows how to navigate them. Love, Andrea xoxo

  12. LOL love your two seasons! The lilac looks pretty and I imagine it also smells heavenly. Enjoy your weekend :)

  13. Love lilacs, the late blooming ones here are usually called French Lilacs.

  14. Your then sprig is doing well now with some some blooms.

  15. Half of my lilac died so I have some serious trimming to do.

  16. Detour signs are confusing
    Lilacs are pretty

  17. I love lilacs and if I had any room I'd like to get a late blooming one. Mine are all done for this year.

  18. They say that about Ontsrio too, LOL!

  19. I love of my very favorites along with mock orange. Such a pretty deep color too. Glad you won't be inconvenienced too much by the construction.

  20. you wonder why the sign placement person doesn't step back and make sure....and maine spring arrives when orange cones appear...

  21. Glad your trip to town was uneventful, and your brother was able to get the only thing they were out of in your shopping.


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