Saturday, June 27, 2020

A thing of beauty

I splurged and purchased a juicer steamer. It steams berries and separates out the juice.

It is a thing of beauty.  It has three part is for the berries, the middle collects the juice and the bottom is for the water...juice is siphoned off with the hose from the middle part.  No more pillowcases or cheese cloths hanging and dripping in the kitchen.  We will use it mainly for chokecherries.  Possibly for raspberries too! The jelly from this juicer steamer should be beautiful!

 The chokecherries are going to have a bumper crop this year.  The tall shrubs/small trees are filled with tiny green berries that will be ripe the first part of August.
Chokecherries in bloom earlier this year...every itty bitty flower has the potential to be a berry.

The berries are forming nicely  June 26 2020

Far Side


  1. Very cool, enjoy your new toy :)

  2. I broke down and bought a sieve for my blackberries which works nice but is pretty messy. This sounds like a good thing! We used to make chokecherry juice and jellies. I think we mixed another type of fruit with the chokecherries.

  3. I look forward to seeing the thing being used. Congratulations on your new purchase! :-)

  4. I can't wait to see the results of your steamer. I still use the cheese cloth method and yes it does create quite a mess.

  5. My sister makes a lot of juice and jelly and she has used something like this for a long time. I hope you love yours.

  6. Yes, that is a thing of beauty! :)

  7. Chokecherry jelly was a favorite when I was young. I've never made jams or jellies but that steamer looks to be just the ticket!

    Take care and stay well!

  8. This would have worked well for the rhubarb juice I made.

  9. That is pretty darn cool. I am so lucky that my daughter in law makes my jellies. I will have to share this with her.

  10. Ooh, nice!💖 Another treasure to make life in the kitchen easier. Enjoy!

  11. It's beautiful! You will be making all kinds of jelly once you get started! I look forward to hearing how it works.

  12. Yum love chokecherry jelly. That gadget looks like it will make life easier!

  13. I bet you find a lot more kinds of fruit that could be used with the shiny trophy of a pan.

  14. Modern appliances... sometimes they just can't be beat. You deserve the "luxury", Connie. Enjoy! Love, Andrea xoxo

  15. I had no idea such a thing existed! Araignee

  16. Berries of all kind are wonderful! I know you are going to love the juicer/steamer. We were picking blueberries earlier today. I put some in the refrigerator to add to our breakfast cereal, but most of them went into the freezer to use later to make blueberry pies.
    Hope you are having a great weekend!

  17. I don’t think we have Choke berries in Arkansas. What do they compare to?

  18. I see now it’s a cherry. Sorry for my ignorance.

    1. You probably have some cherries that grow wild, you also have Mullberries and blackberries which we do not have up here!

    2. It's in the same family as regular cherries and plums, but really not like the cherry most people know.

  19. That new juice steamer should make life simpler for you. I can imagine how many jars of lovely jelly you will be making.

  20. I have never seen a juicer steamer or even heard of such a gadget. It looks like it will work a treat and make life much easier for you when making jam.
    The chokecherries do look like you're going to have a lot of jam making this year.

  21. I like your new juicer/steamer! What a great contraption! Can't wait to hear all about it when it's up and running. Looks like you'll have lots of berries this summer to make jellies and jams! Yum!

  22. That is so interesting. I did not know such a thing existed. Can't wait to see the jelly.

  23. The juicer steamer was one of the best thinks we ever bought. It's a bit slow and messy but the product is well worth it. We've made many jellies and syrups.

  24. Not that I'm the queen of kitchen gadgets or anything, but I had never heard of a juicer steamer. Looks pretty handy!

  25. I have never used pillow cases or cheese cloth for making jellies, and I make a lot. I cook the fruit up and then dump it into a couple of strainers and try to walk away and leave it for a while. It's best actually if I do it just before I go to bed, and then it is done in the morning. A friend gave me some crabapple juice that she had done in one of those steamers, and I found it kind of weak compared to the juice I made. But, I know a lot of people swear by them. I see them in the thrift stores sometimes, but they never look as impressive and shiny as yours! I hope it works well for you.

  26. I confess to never having heard of such an appliance before, but it sounds like a great one to own.

  27. I've never heard of such a contraption! How wonderful is that? I don't think I've seen chokecherries and if I did I didn't recognize them. I can't wait to see all that you make from them.

  28. I have never heard of a juice steamer. Hope you are happy with the results.

  29. Oh wow! That is a beauty! Never seen anything like it, and I've never heard of chokecherries. We probably don't have them here.


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