Sunday, June 14, 2020

Deer and Bear oh my

My baby brother lives 1/2 mile from us.  On June 7 a bear attacked his bird feeder...destroyed them.

Friday night he said an even bigger bear was there....and destroyed his last bird feeder.

Must be a hungry berries in the woods yet.

We decided to check our trail cam and see if we had a bear....nope only deer.
8 AM Deer

5:16 AM deer and can barely see the fawn. is right behind it's mother.
The other day when Far Guy was woodcarving she brought her fawn into the yard near the bird bath...she was probably thirsty.   Far Guy did not have his cell phone so no photos of that.

Far Guy can't figure out how to switch the AM and the PM on the Trail Cam.

Every time I get down on my hands and knees to weed my flower bed I think of the bear that came through our yard a few years ago.  I suppose I should just lay there and play dead under the bird feeders.
Far Side


  1. I recall my mother having bear issues with feeders. She moved the feeder to a hoist and had it dangling from a limb or some such thing. Finally they just took it down when the bear kept coming up to the house and rubbed its backside on their sliding glass doors. I think she ran outside and yelled at it and waved her hands. Brave lady.
    The bear took off.
    On the trail cam. Mine just eventually quit taking day photos, everything is in black and white IR now... :)

  2. Okay - the bear story is scary . . . .

  3. I live in NE Alberta. I've seen more bears in the past 5 years than I've seen in my lifetime. Just the other day, I was putting in bedding plants and heard a grunt. I expected to see the cows on the other side of the fence when I looked up. There was a bear ~ 50 ft away. That's the second time I've seen a bear so close to the house. I hollered at it then got a pot and spoon to make a racket to deter it. It sauntered away back up into the hills. And so far, the deer haven't eaten the budding irises and day lilies.

  4. You have to be cautious with bears. They can be dangerous and they can get used to your food supply and become a nuisance.

  5. Maybe Far Guy can help protect while you weed.

  6. Whoa.....I have a thing about bears. When we were up in the MD mountains last summer on vacation with the Grands all the "Beware of Bear" signs freaked me out. When I was on my honeymoon with my first Mister we went canoe camping in Canada. Bears were a huge problem and I was terrified the whole time especially as soon as the sun went down and all we had was one wee flashlight. Some honeymoon. It's no wonder that particular Mister didn't last long. Lol....Araignee

  7. Amazing pictures. That bear looks like he's going to borrow their grill. You do have to be careful with bears so close. Frightening!

  8. That is really scary. I don't know what I would do if I were confronted by a bear! Give me a deer any day. :-)

  9. Goodness, that must have been a bit frightening. Many years ago, my mom ran into a bear while picking blueberries. She backed away and the bear kept on eating - guess it figured the berries tasted better.

  10. That bear is getting a little too close! That's scary. I'm surprised we haven't seen a bear here. Dan had one tear his game camera off the tree he hunts from about a quarter mile from our house, near the creek. The camera snapped three pictures of the bear before it hit the ground.

  11. Deer are one thing...bears are another. I'd bring a pan and spoon or something equally loud with me when I was outside. When we were kids and visited Glacier National Park they had recently had bear trouble (and a death from bear attack). The ranger told us to take a pop can, put a few stones inside, and shake it as we walked the hiking path. Yes--we still went on a hike. My dad was in charge of the pop can and never stopped rattling that can every foot of the way--LOL! Be careful!!

  12. The day time deer photo is a good one. The mountain lion that was seen in our old place was never photographed but last week someone got a great photo of one walking away dear the cemetery. I would not want to deal with a bear.

  13. I think I'd stop feeding the birds. Bears scare me.

  14. Our largest critters are possums. The will eat the cat food. If there are bears in Kansas, they are not in our neighborhood.

  15. We have lots of black bears here by the campground. Last week we saw one that had been hit by a car just about 200 yards from our trailer. It looked like a yearling. The do worry me a bit and I make sure that Chloe is inside or by our side after dark. During the day they stay away but at night they come looking for food that people leave out. Lots of deer, moose and elk are around here too. We have two eagles nesting in the tree right above our trailer. There's always something happening! :-)

  16. We just have to worry about gators sneaking up on us here and thankfully it's not likely unless you live on a lake or canal.

    Just popping in to say hello after another long absence. Glad you are well :)

  17. Our raccoons are just as destructive as bears, I'm guessing. We have had them totally disconnect feeders from the poles (they'd have to lift them totally off... quite an effort!) and cart them away... we never see them again. We tempt the wildlife and then complain when they succeed. *haha* Only humans! :-) Love, Andrea xoxo

  18. I really don't think you should just lay down and wait for that big bear. Just sayin'.

  19. Bears and deers are not something I see around here, and I don't think I want to see a bear either

  20. Ooh that bear friend is a little close for comfort. Hopefully you won't see him/her at your place any time soon. We had one walking near our trash receptacles a year ago but no harm done. We see deer walking through the area every day. Hope you guys stay safe!

  21. I love the deer but I think I would find bears rather scary. I have only seen them in zoos and that was enough for me :)

  22. I can't get our trail cam to work, but I'd love to know what wanders through my yard at night.

  23. Be careful. Those bear are very dangerous.

  24. Whoa Nellie!! I don't think about it much but we have bear here also. I saw one once go through my neighbors yard but with Nitty around I never worried too much as the girls were what I called "my early warning system". But now it is weird to be outside and not have them looking out for me. I only saw the one but I know they are in the area. I need to get a trail cam and find out what goes on at night plus who comes up on my porch and eats my lettuce? Be careful!

  25. I'm glad you got to see some deer (and even capture some on the camera). Hope the bear - or bears - only cause harm to bird feeders in their search for food.

  26. Half a mile away is nothing for a bear. I bet he susses out your bird feeders soon. Be careful!


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