Saturday, June 6, 2020

22 years

Our youngest daughter Jen and Handy Andy celebrate 22 years of marriage today.
Big Island Hawaii 2019
Happy Anniversary kids! 
They have some big changes happening this year close to their anniversary.  They have sold their totally remodeled and beautiful old four square home and bought another next week they are moving 14 miles to the bigger town where they both teach and begin another chapter in their lives.  Andy built new kitchen cabinets and an Island (which is so large they call it a Continent) and together they picked out new counter tops and flooring for the kitchen.  It is a large home, Adam will remain living with them and go to Northland Community Technical College this Fall. The dogs have a fenced in back yard...and probably a doggie door before long.  We are excited to see their new home but with Covid 19 we will wait a while. 

Far Side


  1. Covid-19 has changed so many things haven't they? Happy Anniversary to them!
    And...yeah, I miss Hawaii, sure would love to go back once more!
    I bet you miss the visits. I know we are feeling a bit more lonely right now. Sigh.
    You guys stay well!

  2. Happy anniversary to the lovely couple!!! Araignee

  3. Happy Anniversary! That was a wonderful trip to Hawaii! I know they will love the "next chapter".

  4. Yes, happy anniversary to the young'uns. I like that wedding picture. It seems impossible to believe that 1998 was 22 years ago. Sigh. :-)

  5. Happy anniversary to the happy couple!

  6. Happy Anniversary to your daughter and son-in-law! There new home sounds lovely, and I hope you don't have to wait too long to be able to visit.

  7. Happy Anniversary to Jen and Andy. Lots of big changes for them this year.

  8. Happy Anniversary to Jen and Andy! I wish them happiness in their new home. It sounds wonderful.

  9. Awww.... it's always wonderful to hear such happy news like this. Happiness, success, new beginnings, love... it's all just so wonderful! Happy Anniversary, Jen & Andy, and many many more... as well as total bliss in your new home. Love, Andrea xoxo

  10. A new home and new projects. My youngest daughter and her husband closed on a very charming 1917 house yesterday. Today begins 2 weeks of frantic painting and hardwood floor refinishing before they move in on the 17th. The kitchen is extremely weird and ugly but that will be a future project. They are excited to be homeowners again after renting a townhouse the past 4 years.

  11. Happy anniversary to them! I wondered about people moving and selling houses during this time. Sounds like a good move to be closer to work. Too bad you will have to wait to see the new house for a while. Soon, I hope. :)

  12. Ah they are so young. Happy anniversary. As kids are moving out in the next few years a newer home is good timing. I loved my antique house for all those years but now that we are in a new one I would never go back. It will be nice for them not to have to drive everyday. A tech degree probably is just the beginning for for him as that field is ever changing.

  13. Happy anniversary to Jen and Handy Andy! And congratulations on their new home. Our daughter's family just moved into their new home. We, too, will have to wait a while before we get to see it. Thanks, COVID!

  14. Congratulations on their anniversary and on their new home. Andy does sound handy indeed.

  15. Happy anniversary Jen and Andy! Hope the move goes as smoothly as a move can go.

  16. Happy Anniversary to Jen and Andy. Hope their move goes smoothly and they enjoy their new home. Hope you can go and visit before too awfully long.

  17. Congratulations to the "kids." So nice to hear good news!

  18. Happy Anniversary and best wishes in their new adventure.

  19. Happy Anniversary to such a cute couple! It must be hard to leave that house where they have put in so much work and life. I remember leaving the was hard. Glad they are happy and healthy and enjoying their marriage...still! :)

  20. Belated happy anniversary to Jen and Andy, and good luck to them on the move.


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