Sunday, May 26, 2019


Our Grand Dogs Miney and Little Elvis are spending a few days with us.

They are happy here and know the rules...oh wait there are no rules!  Little Elvis is 9 and Miss Miney is 14 .  Miss Miney is very hard of hearing...almost deaf.  She watches for hand signals...and sleeps so sound you wonder if she is still alive.

Little Elvis walked to the mailbox with Far Guy and Miss Miney stayed with me...she only goes for short walks.

It is good to have dogs in the house again.
Far Side


  1. I bet it is! I should have an elderly 'grand' dog soon staying with us for a bit while my son is gone on a trip.

  2. The grand dogs are beautiful. Our neighbor is taking down a fence and putting up a new one. We have a brown lab and a dachshund that has visited our yard. I have yet to pet them but the neighbors cattle dog, Molly is a sweet thing.

  3. Yes, it is wonderful to have canines in the household, isn't it? Just like grandchildren.... spoil them & then send them home. :-D Happy Memorial Day! Love, Andrea xoxo

  4. These two would make for a few pleasant days for you.

  5. Oh, that has to be so nice to have them both there for a couple of days. :) :)

  6. It is good to have dogs again. They sure are beautiful!

  7. Oh I bet it's wonderful to have the dogs for a few days. My Katie-girl is 12 and now almost deaf and also sleeps so deep it's hard to wake her up to go outside. When she's awake she's pretty much still herself, playful, wants to engage when SHE wants to engage. But when she's sleeping she doesn't hear anything and is very very slow to wake up. The first time we realized that we thought she was dead!

  8. Wow... referring to the comment 2 above.... now you know why I don't allow anonymous comments on my blog!
    Anyway, I was happy to see that you have some dog company for a few days.

  9. Good to see the granddogs. I haven't seen ours for a few months. Now that summer is approaching I expect to see them more often.

  10. How wonderful to have the grand dogs around for a few days. Yes, grandchildren are to be spoiled, human or not!

  11. I know you are very happy to have your granddogs visiting you. The sound of paws on the floor again is always wonderful. It brings life to a home. Elvis and Miney are beautiful dogs.

  12. Our pup will be fourteen in August. We say that there will be no more when he is gone. He's such a good pup, keeping an eye out for use, letting us know when we have visitors and always willing to take a walk with us.

  13. How lovely to have such handsome and lovable visitors.

  14. That's so nice to have a visit from the dogs. Enjoy!

  15. I’m sure they feel safe and loved at your house.

  16. Your borrowed dogs are beautiful.You and they are fortunate to have each other.

  17. Glad you got to enjoy a visit from your Grand Dogs. Sounds like they enjoyed the visit too.

  18. They are handsome fellows, and I bet it was nice to have dogs in the house again. How did they get so old so fast? I swear Little Elvis was just a puppy last week. :-)

  19. Which one's which again? I always get them mixed up. Nitty an dAnnie are always scaring me because they sleep sound like that too and then I yell their names because they're hard of hearing and scare them 1/2 to death! I yell because I'm scared! They are beautiful dogs and don't look old at all. Nitty looks really 'rough' and her nose is dry and peeling and she hacks alot yet she never smoked! I got some nose balm for dogs but it is hard as a rock...I'm thinking some vaseline will do better. Enjoy the canines.

  20. Bet you enjoyed having them. I don't know which is Minnie and which is little Elvis. Both are beautiful.

  21. “No rules” ha ha! Just as it should be, right? The know you are enjoying the pitter patter of little paws back in your house.

  22. This is fun! You're going to have fun!


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