Thursday, May 9, 2019

Dreary Rainy Day

No sun yesterday and it spit rain all was chilly too.  ( Some parts of Minnesota got snow!) I decided it was a good day to get my twice a year haircut...she cut off about six might be manageable again...maybe.  Since you can fart around all day long looking for someone to cut your hair in our closest town we drove further away where there is no waiting...and they have a Craft Store.  I didn't need anymore yarn....but I bought some anyways...just because....and some envelopes and cards and sparkly pens. 

We enjoyed getting out of the house and saw Swans, Geese and Deer.  Far Guy waited for me in the vehicle when I got my haircut.

One of these years this barn will be history...but not yet.

Far Side


  1. It is always such a good feeling to me when I get my hair cut. I feel like a new person. Hope you both are starting to feel better.

  2. I love getting my hair cut, but I sure get it cut more than twice a year...but I do wait till it really makes a difference. Then when I get it cut I feel like it lifts years off my looks. Well, maybe months.

    That poor barn! It needs something to prop it up.

  3. Glad you found someone to get your hair cut with, and had a chance to get out and about for something other than a medical appointment. Shame the weather wasn't nicer for it.

  4. We had to go buy paint which I could buy at Ace, less than a mile away. We had a Sherwin Williams color picked out so we dove the six miles north to get paint and Krispy Kremes across the street. We all need to have a warmer spring.

  5. Every time we drive by that barn, we say, "Hey its still standing"! Hope you both are feeling better.

  6. Much more fun to get your hair cut when it can also involve a craft store!! ;)

  7. It rained all day here too yesterday! But we're seeing some hints of sun this morning finally. Yay! Many years ago we watched a leaning barn along the highway here. Every year it seemed to get worse, but still defy gravity. And then one day it was down in a heap.

  8. Sounds like a good day even in the rain. Love the barn, and sparkly pens.

  9. A breath of fresh air - hoping restorative!

  10. Need should not have to enter into the thought process when your talking yarn!

  11. Isn't that true with that barn - it is a favorite of mine but some day will fall.

  12. Some days I feel like that barn.

  13. Snow fell yesterday and last night, but thankfully the ground was warm enough to melt it quickly. I'm ready for warmer temperatures. I consider yarn an investment rather than something I need or don't need.

  14. That barn is amazing. It looks as though it's defying gravity! I'm glad you were able to get out to do something fun instead of doctors appointments. You can never have too much yarn. It's as needed as air to me. :-)

  15. Sometimes Terry and I get the car and just go for a drive...just to see something new something different...makes the day go faster.

  16. Amazing how far these old buildings will lean before they finally fall over. Where I was brought up on the Canadian prairie 905 of the places were abandoned so there used to be many old buildings ready to cave in.

  17. Good for you buying cards and sparkly pens. We need to spoil ourselves more often!!

    Too bad about the dreary weather. Here it is now very dry and we'd actually welcome rain.

  18. I love seeing old barns like that one. There are not as many left any more. Smart move to get your haircut where there is a Craft store nearby. It's always good to have backup craft supplies!

  19. Well of course you bought more yarn, I would have too! That barn has certainly seen better days but it's amazing just how long old buildings can last.

    Hope the weather improves soon. We're getting sunshine this weekend with temps in the low 70's F. Looking forward to it as it has been cool up until today.

  20. I used to get twice-yearly haircuts too, but then realized my hair looked better if it was cut more often, so now I go with a friend every 2 months. The barn could have been ours several years ago. Ours no longer makes a great picture -- it finally decided it was tired of defying gravity and just went ahead and fell down.

  21. So glad you got out, a good use for a cold, rainy day.

  22. Lovely barn! It's still very chilly here too.

  23. What a great barn photo. Thankful you could get out for the haircut. I pray for you both every day. xoxo

  24. I’m surprised the weight of snow didn’t take that beautiful old barn down already. Some new yarn and sparkly pens brightened your day, I’m sure. I got my hair cut yesterday, too. It’s straight-ish in the winter, but in the summer humitidity it insistently curls up. So i have a winter hair cut and a summer hair cut.


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