Monday, March 11, 2019

Scones and socks

Adam and I moved lots of snow.  
We made scones. Adam had not used a pastry blender before. 

I finished my first trial pair of socks.  It is possible for me to knit socks.  I learned much...and there are a few things I will do differently from now on.  I need a list to mark off what I have done... not quite row by row but close.  Since I am counting challenged I should mark my rows so my socks end up being exactly the same! 

Yeah for socks!

Boo hiss for snow
Far Side


  1. Great job on the socks! The scones look delicious; have one for me.

  2. I love the socks and the scones. Not so much the snow. Supposed to start to warm up around here this week. Daylight Savings has me all screwed up agin. Just when it was light when I got up in the morning, the stupid time changes and now it is dark again. Dumb daylight savings :(

  3. Congratulations on successfully completing your first pair of socks!

  4. Awesome on finishing the socks! They look great. We are in for a huge warm up and lots of rain which will turn us into mudsville pretty quickly.

  5. I wonderful if June will be gone by June? Your socks look great, and I am really impressed with how well you did with those first ones. They do look nice and warm, too. :-)

  6. Two of my most very favorite things - warm socks and homemade scones.

  7. Your socks are impressive. I have never been brave enough to try knitting socks. The scones look good.

  8. Yummy scones! I agree about the snow... and more is falling here today. And I think your socks looks absolutely wonderful. I never count the rows on the legs of my socks. I always forget. I just measure him from the top of the calf to the beginning of the heel flap and make sure they’re both the same. It works for me. Happy Monday!
    Blessings, Betsy

  9. Bravo! Be careful - sock knitting is addictive. I'd love to have one of those scones this morning.

  10. Oh man, Connie.... you folks have a LOT of snow yet, don't you. Boo-hiss is right! But those nifty socks sure do look warm.... and such a pretty color too. I love them. ~Andrea xoxo

  11. You did far better than I did with my first pair of tension was off and they were huge. Your socks look good, and they fit!

    Mmmm...those scones look yummy. The snow, not so much!

  12. Congratulations on the socks! They look great! I see more in your future. 😉

  13. We've warmed up so I'm sending some warm weather your way.

  14. Nice socks, good job, you can keep the snow

  15. Your socks are colorful. Are they comfy too?
    Scones - yum.

  16. Way to go on finishing the socks! I like the color...the scones look delicious.

  17. What a pretty colour those socks are!
    Your scones make me want to bake some too.

  18. diane in northern wisMarch 11, 2019 at 8:23 PM

    What a fun visit. You made yummy scones...finished a pair of beautiful socks and moved snow! Good for you both! The snow can start to melt any time now...because it's going to take a long time. Safe travels back home, if you're not already there.

  19. The scones look delicious. And the socks are nice!!

  20. A pastry blender would work well with the dough for scones. They looked good. It looks like your socks match. Good for you.

  21. The scones and the socks both look great! What a neat time to be able to spend with your grandson.


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