Monday, March 18, 2019

132 days of snow

We have had snow on the ground since November 6 2018.   Seems like longer than 132 days ago.
We sat outside in the sunshine yesterday, the sun felt delightful.

The road home

The snow is melting some.  I shoveled some ice off the patio.  It is going to be a muddy mess in the driveway soon.

We have another appointment filled week ahead of us.  I wish it was Friday...but then I guess I shouldn't wish my life away. 

I have planned easy meals for the week; chicken and salad, brats and beans, Naan bread pizza, freezer meals and dinner out one night.  I hate planning menus but when you live in the "sticks" you have to be organized!
Far Side


  1. Easy meals for the week sounds like a good plan if you have a lot of appointments.

  2. Easy meals always sound like a good idea to me. I hate planning meals as well, but husband isn't happy if dinner is yogurt and carrot sticks. Almost all our snow is gone and I found one set of daffodil nubs yesterday. There is hope. Hang in there.

  3. I do like planning meals too. I can always make the 22 mile round trip to town if I am in urgent need of something. However on those long cold nasty slippery storm days, I was happy not to go anywhere. Hope you week goes well.

  4. Those sound like easy meals. I plan my meals for 2 weeks in advance. This helps me with my grocery shopping. Most of our snow is gone , but now we are dealing with flooding. Luckily, my yard dried up but the local river is way over it's banks. Good luck with all your appointments this week.

  5. Those do sound like pretty easy and tasty meals. And I hope your appointment-filled week goes as planned. :-)

  6. Seeing the snow gradually disappear from the roadside is an indication that Spring is inching closer each day.

  7. Our snow is slowly melting too. I'm guessing we've had snow nearly as long as you and winter has felt endless. I'm just hoping this isn't one of those years that we get a late April snow.

    I've gotten very lazy about planning meals now that I live a block from a grocery store. When I had to drive 30 miles to buy milk I was much better organized.

  8. Our snow is actually beginning to melt too! Hallelujah! There is so much of it it will take a while, but I’d much rather it be melting than more falling! Smart lady with the meal planning. I have such good intentions about making meal plans, but I have never been able to follow through with it. I have no idea why I have a brain glitch in this area. Happy Monday! Blessings, Betsy

  9. That is a lot of days of snow! Hopefully no more will come for you. Sounds like you have some nice and easy meals planned for a busy week. I wish I could come up with more fast and easy meals as I get so tired of cooking the more involved meals.

  10. Simple and easy meals are the way to go. Cooking for just 2 people often means we eat leftovers the next day which neither of us minds.

  11. I'm finally sending lots of warm weather. It's plus 10 here today.

  12. I am always saying to Roger that I am wishing our life away! We had appts cancelled so only have two and both of those are on Thursday.

  13. That is cause for snow weariness for sure.

  14. So glad the snow is melting and the sun is shining! Are the robins there yet? They left here about 2 weeks ago but then they stop along the way. Your menu sounds great. I need to make simple things now that the outdoor work has begun. I'm lucky so far...only appts every 6 months. Enjoy the sun and get your vitamin D!

  15. Wow, that is a lot of days of snow, I couldn't handle that. I was complaining here about the snow we got on Feb 3 that stuck around for 6 weeks (in some areas, my veggie garden specifically) Very unusual for us at this time of the year, but to think that you had three times as many snow days......

  16. Snow is starting to recede here and it makes you feel better. At least it still freezes at night so it isn't a big mess in the morning!


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