Thursday, September 13, 2018

Busy Days

I recently made a trip to Hobby Lobby and got more supplies for this years Christmas Card. My goal to have half of them stamped and watercolored and ready to glitter may not happen before retreat…but I guess that is what retreat is for.

I am busy painting the Christmas Ornaments…It is a putzy design… plaid will drive you nuts.  I have 22 yet to paint before that project is completed.  81 have been completed and some of them have been delivered. I wanted to be done by September 1st but that didn’t happen.
Fall stampings have been watercolored and are awaiting glitter pens and glitter. They will be trimmed and have coordinating mats behind them before they become cards.
I started a new crochet project…yarn clutters up my desk. I grab some scrubbie yarn and a crochet hook and can work on something in the car or waiting at appointments. We only had three appointments last week…so far this week only one but that is subject to change.
These are scrubbies for dishes or your face. My niece Katie shared her pattern with me. Scrubby yarn can be purchased at Ben Franklin, Hobby Lobby or Wallyworld.

Chance is holding his own, being a turd and demanding bowls of ice cubes at night…last night three bowls full were consumed before he settled down.  He sits in the kitchen and barks until someone gets his cubes for him. Yes he is a spoiled boy.

My dermatologist was quite disappointed that she didn’t find anything on me that was worthy of the small surgeries she likes to do.  I am all clear for another year.  Yeah me!
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  1. I'm glad Chance is up to his old tricks... That's a good sign.

    Also,that's great you got the all cler from your appointment.

    Your craft projects sound fun... Enjoy!

  2. Sounds like you are keeping busy. Glad Chance is feeling better and that you passed the "test" at the doctors office.

  3. Good news about Chance.
    I use scrubbies like that!
    You are so talented with those cards, I am amazed.
    Oh those appointments...sigh. I had a two week break because of all of the flooding around here. As it is, we will have to re route to get to Madison as bridges are out in different areas.
    I'm glad your appt turned out well.

  4. It's a wonderful feeling when your dermatologist doesn't find anything.

  5. Being a turd - is feeling better!!! :) Your projects all look great - love the scrubbies!!

  6. Our cat likes his ice cubes too. He gets a few in his water dish in the morning when he gets fed, and at bedtime - and can be quite the pest if we forget. Animals are so much smarter than we give them credit for.

    Beautiful cards!!

  7. Scrubbies make great stocking stuffers and neighbor gifts - everybody loves them. Another great card design. The bicycle card I received is displayed on the sofa table. 😍

  8. Yay for disappointing your dermatologist! Yay for Chance, although all those ice cubes may require more trips to the outdoors? I have collected some tulle (very cheap at the thrift store) for making those scrubbies. Have you seen the patterns for using that. Have yet to make one though, but have been given a few and have liked them lots.

  9. I love that scrubbie!! Had never seen them before. When Ian was here doing the finger painting/mark making it got designated to cleaning up art projects. You need something abrasive to get acrylic paint off of things. Of course, Ian and I love it because it is red. And, talk about coincidence, I color code in my bullet and the art and craft stuff is in red ink--LOL! Thanks so much! Works great on art stuff so I know it would work on dishes or faces. ;)

    Glad Chance is being a pest. That means he's feeling pretty good. :) :)

  10. Congrats on your good dermo appointment! I love the scrubbies. My granddaughter likes crocheted cotton scrubbies to wash her face. They sell for $1 each on etsy. I need to learn to make them! Chance is one smart dog!

  11. You certainly are busy being creative! I got out some fabric scraps to look at today, for potential table mats or runners, but then I left them sitting there. I'll think about it for awhile.

  12. Congratulations on the good doctors appointment. And I also enjoyed hearing that Chance is doing fairly well. Being demanding is a good sign! You are so busy creatively. I have been working on one project and one project alone for the past couple of weeks. I’m enjoying it but I’m used to getting a lot more done. Love those scrubby‘s. I use them all of the time. Have a wonderful weekend my friend. Blessings, Betsy

  13. You go, girl! Keep disappointing that dermatologist!

    Your cards--and all your creations!--are lovely!

  14. That's funny about the dermatologist. Nowadays they even show the pimple-popper doctor on tv!

  15. Scrubbies are so useful and the cards are lovely. You choose great projects.

  16. I need to find a new scrubbie pattern. The one I tried was round as in 3 - dimensional and I could not see what I was doing. Your's looks more doable and usable. Love your cards! I didn't know you water colored them are multi-talented for sure and very artistic! Are your stamps one giant stamp or do you use multiples to create your scene on the card? No matter what, they are gorgeous!
    At least Chance isn't going in the house like Annie! I am really trying to be patient but there are days when I think she has it in for me! I just discovered she peed on my new throw rug and I've probably been walking on it all morning back and forth! Woe is me. Give Chance a hug for me and I love all your projects.

  17. Your cards a beautiful... so much detail! I've been making scrubbies as well I like working with that yarn and my girls all love the finished project. I've made sponges and dishcloths with the yarn. So glad to hear Chance is feeling better... you know they're better when they start to be a little demanding!

  18. My life seems to be a scrambled mess the past weeks. I am not sharing things that are going on with the public but things may settle down. I can see the crochet things would be great to pass time. You have great stamps to press out cards.


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