Thursday, September 20, 2018


I am older today. 

I was looking through some of my old birthday photos and this one made Far Guy laugh out loud. 

11 years old 1962

Me and my baby brother…ready to shoot the photographer.  Far Guy said “Too bad you didn’t keep that holster!”

Doncha just love the full skirt with itchy can cans underneath accessorized by a apron with it’s own towel…and a really strange haircut…no chance of those bangs getting in my eyes…and my shoe is untied.  I am holding a figurine of a Collie.

My Mom took this photo and she marked it 11 years old so the year would be 1962.

Far Guy and I will go to lunch today with my parents…at one of our favorite places.  I got new mulching blades for my lawnmower so I am really happy…and Far Guy got me a nice surprize too…quite by accident…but I really like it!  When he asked me what I would like for my birthday I replied  “ I know you will pick out a really thoughtful gift.”

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  1. Happy Birthday to you. Hope you have a lovely day.

  2. Happy, happy birthday and many more. I enjoy your posts every day.

  3. Happy Birthday and enjoy the mulching blades. I once asked for a weed eater for my birthday, it was a nice gift!

  4. That is a great photo, all right. Happy birthday! I hope you share your surprise with your admirers, Connie. :-)

  5. Happy Birthday Connie! Blessings on your day.

  6. This is how we know we're getting older. Mulching blades excite us. Funny how we change. Happy Birthday.

  7. Who's going to put the blades on? What surprise did Far Guy get you? Was that the mulching blades? BTW.....Happy Birthday to one of my best blogging buddies! I'm writing the date down this time so I can plan ahead next year. I hope you enjoy your day and your lunch and I wish you good health and happiness all the rest of your days!

    1. Far Guy put the blades on yesterday! I will blog about the surprise soon:)

  8. Happy birthday! Love the photo.

  9. Happy Birthday, Connie! I always loved my can-cans...they were hard to stuff under the desk but that was just fine with me!!


  10. Happy Birthday! Now I'm waiting to hear about the surprise from FarGuy! ;)

  11. Happy Birthday! Hope you have a very blessed day!

  12. Happy birthday. I hope you have a great day.In those days we thought we were cool.

  13. Happy Birthday Connie! Love the picture!

  14. Happy, happy birthday Connie! This picture made me laugh out loud. It reminds me so much of my childhood. Blessings, Betsy

  15. Happy Birthday!! The picture made me laugh...Annie get your gun...and those bangs, maybe you were trying to shoot the hairdresser, lol!

  16. Happy Birthday. I think you looked pretty natural for the cowboy and cowgirl era of our youth. I had a red cowboy stray hat that I loved for a few years. Roy Rogers and Dale Evans and all the fixings were on black and white television and we love it.

  17. Happy Birthday to you.... Happy Birthday to you! Hope your day is wonderful - darn rain.... Maybe a good day for a Birthday Nap!

  18. Happy birthday!. Love the photograph. I had similar bangs, cap guns and holsters, broomstick horses, a cowgirl outfit, and even a Roy Rogers/Dale Evans pup tent.

  19. Happy birthday, Connie! I hope you have been enjoying your day. I got a kick out of the photo. And I had bangs just like that, maybe even shorter! I remember my mom "scotch taping" them to my forehead and cutting them to make them even. Sometimes they got pretty short before they were even!

  20. Great photo! I like a woman who appreciates that new mulching blades are a great gift. So what's the other surprise?

  21. By now it's Happy belated Birthday, but not by much. I get on my computer late in the day and the rest of the world is probably asleep.
    I am curious what your mystery gift from FG is :)


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