Saturday, August 18, 2018

Health Updates

Chance is still holding his own, barely…as with any aging pet or person recovery takes time.  It can be a rocky, crappy, roller coaster road.  He eats white rice with gusto and looks forward to it.  Antibiotics and anti nausea medication has begun.  He was sleeping very soundly Friday morning, Far Guy thought for sure he had died…maybe he was well on his way but Far Guy woke him up!  Throughout the day we walked him in the yard and fed him small meals, sometimes boiled hamburger with his white rice.  He gets his pills in a pill pocket which he thinks is the best treat in the whole world.  Time will tell.  ( he is at the moment standing next to me with his head on my knee..drooling…cause he thinks I am easy)

Far Guy got the stitches out of his face/nose after his surgery for a suspicious growth.  The lab work came back and it was as we suspected basal cell carcinoma but the sample had good margins so the surgery was a sucess.   I am glad he had it done.  I am glad I mentioned it to the Doctor….because Far Guy could never remember to ask him about it…I would ask did you show the Dr your nose?  …nope he forgot.

I need to have a wisdom tooth pulled, I will put it off as long as possible. I am trying to put it out of my mind.  My Dentist says he can do this one in his office when ever I want.  I looked at the calendar for three days in a row for recovery and couldn’t come up with anything for the next couple of months.

Obedient Plant

Obedient Plant or  Physostegia virginiana

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  1. My heart is with you both and Chance, it is a very rocky road indeed when our buddies get ill. Thanks for the update.

  2. Thanks for letting me know how it's going with the men. I do hope you get that wisdom tooth pulled before it gives you problems.

  3. Bummer on the wisdom tooth. We have a fantastic oral surgeon in town that almost everyone uses for those extractions. They do an IV drip and you never know what happened until everything wears off later that day. Recovery is good when people follow the directions well - - not forgetting to ice and take Motrin, etc on schedule. Consider trying to find a week on the calendar rather than just three days.

    Poor Chance - - and your hearts. Hoping for great improvement - - and if not - - an easy transition. It's so hard cuz we and they share a great amount of love in their short lives. It leaves a void in our lives when they are gone. We still expect our dog to be at the door some days - - -- even over a year later.

  4. I am glad he is getting some of the appetite back. You can eventually get more meat and less rice in him. Barney has decided that he doesn’t want his breakfast meal. It is a small amount anyway but he just doesn’t seem it is worth the effort. He did get a few pieces of steak las night so he does want much after that. Hang in there all three of you.

  5. It's a stressful time for you. some things have turned out well.

  6. So much happens as we, and our pets get older. I’m glad that Chance is eating and that the nose surgery was successful. I had a molar pulled this spring and I understand the recovery time. Be kind to yourself my friend.

  7. I'm glad Chance is at least eating. I'm glad about FarGuy's nose...things like that are sure a worry and need to be taken care of. I hope you are able to get your tooth taken care of soon...having tooth troubles is really painful.

  8. I'm glad the boys are doing well. I hope you can eventually plan on a three day recovery period to get your own self taken care of, too. I know how that goes sometimes. Any good stretches are appreciated. Happy Chance is doing alright and loving his pill pockets. ;)

  9. I continue to keep Chance in my prayers. It is difficult when our pets age. I'm glad he is able to eat the rice and take his meds now. It is so good you mentioned Far Guy's growth to the doctor. My husband has had several of those removed. One was behind his ear and he didn't even realize it was there when I happened to see it. Good luck with the wisdom tooth - I hate any kind of dental work. I had all four of my wisdom teeth pulled when I was in my 20's and they put me to sleep. I don't suppose they would do that for one tooth would they? Personally I'd like to be out for all dental work if I could!

  10. Hoping so much that Chance will get better. Glad your husband's report means it's all gone. I always have to remind my husband too.

  11. The Obedient Plant is amazing. Mine was nowhere near as pretty and by now the blooms are all gone. I hope it self-seeds and creates a patch.

  12. Sending love and hugs to Chance.
    The Obedient plant is beautiful, I'll have to check and see if they grow well here.

  13. I had a wisdom tooth pulled last year and was quite surprised with no pain at all. Get it done.
    I too appreciate the health updates. We all feel like family.

  14. There have been several times when I thought Nitty and/or Annie had died in the night but like all of us 'oldies (speaking of myself)...the closer we get to the end the more tired and deeper we sleep....practicing for the 'BIG sleep' evidently.
    That looks like that pink flower that blooms in my back yard right before Fall. You must be lots smarter than me because I have no wisdom teeth....they took them out years ago and I have been dumber than a rock ever since! LOL! Maybe you should leave it in? Probably not....just joking! Give Chance a hug and I pray he is not in pain...that's all we can ask. My girls are doing much better with the Vetprofin.

  15. I agree with others to allow more time for recovery from wisdom tooth removal. I had two done a few years ago and needed the extra time. Get all the pain meds they offer!

  16. Glad the surgery on Far Guy's nose was successful.

    Hope Chance continues to improve, and you get your tooth dealt with soon.


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