Thursday, August 30, 2018

Wasted Time

I spent several hours looking for something.  Several weeks ago I put the something in a safe place when I retrieved a similar item.  When it was time to retrieve the something I searched high and low, cleaned out some files whilst looking for said item.  I explained my problem to Far Guy who said “I hope you find it.”  I gave up for awhile and began painting on Christmas Ornaments…and thought and thought finally I let my over cluttered mind relax…I knew I had seen the item recently but where?  Finally it came to me, it was in the red basket on my desk.

messy desk

Lesson learned…either you should just leave things in their proper place or clean off your desk more often.

All that time wasted could have been spent cleaning off my desk.

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  1. Oh, that never happen to me. Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

  2. That happens to me all the time. It is so frustrating because I know I should know where I put the item. Welcome to the club.

  3. I have the same problem. The worst cases are when I have "lost" my glasses or my car keys.

  4. I don't put things in "safe" places any more, since I've lost them and can't ever figure out where I put them! I smile in recognition of this tendency. Apparently I'm not alone. :-)

  5. I'm glad I'm not the only one who does this! ;-) Glad you found what you were looking for!

  6. Glad I'm not the only one to do this. I work from home and my desk is currently a disaster area with multiple "piles" of paperwork. Things get lost in those piles too.

  7. Hiding in plain sight. I haven't found some items from my move. Even though all the boxes are unpacked, I'm sure the items are tucked inside something that made sense at the time. Aargh!

  8. Oh I think we can all relate to this post, unfortunately. We spend far too much time searching for things around here, for me it is my glasses. I try to make a point of remembering where I take them off, but if I can't remember to remember, well you know how that goes. Glad you found the thing. Larry did a big cleanout of the garage yesterday. I asked him if he found anything important. Not really, just some random stuff that we hadn't needed in a long time.

  9. It seems to be a common problem for all of us!!
    I've actually started a notebook to help me remember where I put more important things and also I have my passwords written down. I know one is not supposed to write them anywhere but I am very sure I wouldn't remember them otherwise.

  10. I find that if I go off and do something else it will come to me, too. :)

  11. Oh my goodness, you put it in a safe place! That is exactly how I lose things!

  12. Cluttered desk, cluttered mind. Empty desk...

  13. From the comments you are NOT alone. I do the same thing. So frustrating.

  14. Usual things have usual places. It's the one of a kind, once in a while stuff , but still important, that I really have to think about. Where will I put this so that I hvae some clue as to where it is? It doesn't always work.

  15. You're better than me...I still haven't run across those quilts! Your desk looks organized compared to mine.


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