Monday, December 8, 2014

Winter Formal: Paige

The Winter Formal that our Granddaughters attended was on Saturday.  The girls ask the boys for this date.

Paige’s group of friends are not quite old enough to drive yet.  One of her friends parents went all out to make it a real experience.  They hosted eight girls and their dates, with parents invited to take photos and then a fancy smancy dinner for the teenagers.  After dinner a “fun bus” took them to the Grand March and dance.  After the dance they all went back to the friend’s home to watch movies, play games etc…and were chaperoned until morning….when everyone was served breakfast and sent on their way.  It all made great sense to me…and I could rest easy that Paige was well taken care of.

Of course we didn’t know all this before hand and showed up a little early to take photos.  The parents were gracious and said we were more than welcome.  Of course they adore Paige…don’t we all!

Paige  winter fornal one 

Back of Paiges gown

The back of her gown.  She said “Grandma I am no good at this posing stuff.”

The bracelet

The peyote stitch bracelet I made for her.   I told her she didn’t HAVE to wear it, but she said she loved it. She wore it along with another sparkly bracelet.

Paige modeling the bracelet

I thought this pose was quite model like!

Paige Nice smile

This is probably my favorite photo!  I think her Grandpa was telling her something funny.

Paige and her grandpa

She asked for a photo with her Grandpa.

Paige and her friend two

Paige and her friends.

Paige and her friends

Paige and her date

Paige and her date, he is a basketball player.

Paige and her date two

The Grand March

Paige and her date two (2)

I think he adores her. BUT as she says she has goals and a vision and a boyfriend just complicates things.  I keep telling her that she can date in her late 20’s!  Hockey and getting good grades are her whole life right now.  She is the number one or two student in her class.

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  1. Such a beautiful and smart young woman (and her friends are very pretty too!) Hard to see her playing ice hockey in that formal dress!

  2. Paige looks lovely! What a handsome couple they make. I love the photo with her friends but my fav is with her grandpa. She's fortunate to have these perfect photos by grandma. Love the bracelet you made too.

  3. What a beautiful young lady Paige is. My favorite picture is Paige with her Grandpa. The bracelet you made is very lovely. I'm sure it is something she will treasure forever. Thank you for sharing theses pictures with us.

  4. Well, Linda M just took the words right out of my mouth! I also love the picture of her with Far Guy, and the picture of the four beautiful young women on the stairs is just breathtaking. And her date does look like he's smitten. :-)

  5. Did I hear a proud grandma in that post? And well you should be, Page is lovely and she and her friends have such a variety of colors in their gowns. So happy parents helped to make the evening special for all of them. Very nice.

  6. She is beautiful and I hope you had a wonderful time.

  7. What a fabulous post! Beautiful Paige with her beautiful friends and handsome date. A friend's smart and generous parents providing a fun and safe overnight activity. Gorgeous dresses (and shoes and jewelry and flowers). And proud grandparents got to see it first-hand and record it for posterity. Excellent!

  8. Wow!!!!!! Such a beautiful gal, that dress is stunning too. Hope all had a fantastic time, Blessings Francine.

  9. Lovely! - You must be very proud. They all look stunning, don't they, on the threshold of their lives. I must say, that evening sounds very civilised - much more so than when I was your granddaughter's age!

  10. Beautiful girl, beautiful dress, and beautiful Christmas decorations!

  11. Wonderful photos ! Such pretty girls ! Glad all had a good time ! Thanks for sharing , Have a good day !

  12. Oh aren't they all lovely. Just beautiful! Love the stairs photos and the last one. Good for Paige and her life plan, and kudos to those parents for setting up a lovely supervised evening. Loved your matching bead bracelet too, that looks like a lot of work.

  13. Oh yes, he adores her. :-)

    Just look at that last photo.


  14. The photos are all so great. It is fun to see them do formal things that puts them in clothes other than bluejeans and t shirts. Paige has so great photos for memories as she gets to be older.

  15. It's always fun to feel like Cinderella at least once in awhile! What a beautiful set of girls!


  16. Paige is a beauty, and smart too! I sure you are very proud of her.

  17. Paige looks like she would be very sweet and I bet she LOVES her grandparents. She is very pretty! I love all the pictures.

  18. Must have been a lovely evening! Good thing for Paige that she is so solidly pursuing her goals. She'll likely achieve them, and more.

  19. What a fun time! Kids like a safe way to have a lot of all night! You have taken some awesome photos of the kids.

  20. Just lovely! Beautiful girl(s) and sounds like a wonderful way to enjoy a party and be safe!

  21. She looks wonderful in that amazing dress!

  22. Beauty and brains too. Good for her for having goals.
    The girls all look so lovely in their gowns.

  23. So you have 2 beautiful grand daughters! Another gorgeous dress and handsome beau and she's smart! Never put off your dreams for someone else...if it's meant to be it will happen regardless. I love the bracelet...did you go blind making it though? LOL! What great pictures you took and the ones on the staircase are gorgeous and so is the staircase and tree. It looks like a lovely home. I got cold just looking at those girls dressed like that at this time of year. LOL! The decorations for the dance were really cool too.

  24. We used to call the girls asking boys fall dance the Sadie Hawkins Dance. But we dressed like farmers with plaid shirts and overalls and such--extremely casual, shall we say. These ladies look gorgeous! Love the bracelet you made and the pic with grandpa! :)

  25. Talk about a hockey playing Cinderella! The shot of her on the steps is PERFECT and the one of the girls in front of the tree will mean so much to them in the future!


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