Saturday, December 13, 2014

Slow Going

Far Guy worked on the downstairs tree one afternoon.  It has lights.

Tree December 12

No decorations yet…but hey I like the lights!  I am thinking that the one older stringer needs to find another spot besides on the tree.

The tree upstairs is a work in progress.


I go upstairs and grab a box of ornaments and hang them…and repeat until life interrupts.   It will take a few days to accomplish…for sure I will have it all decorated before Christmas.

We have been busy.

I made some “cookies” for a cookie exchange.

We helped set up the silent auction and attended a benefit for Far Guy’s Cousin who has a rare and incurable disease called Arachnoiditis.  There was a great turnout…she was a Chemotherapy Infusion Nurse so she has touched many lives.

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  1. Lookin' good! I had to look up arachnoiditis. It sounds very painful. Hope the fundraiser goes well.

  2. I looked it up, too. It does sound awfully painful, but hopefully they will be able to manage the pain for her at least a little bit. It seems that Far Guy and his side of the family come up with some rare diseases amongst them. :-)

  3. The tree is looking good. Sure hope Far Guy's cousin can get her pain under control. Save a cookie for me. I have a niece with Chiari and she suffers daily. Have a nice weekend.

  4. I hope the auction went well.
    I invited three friends round and we decorated my tree together. Three strings of lights and more than 100 ornaments. I think it looks good.

  5. Looking great.

    I have not begun.

    Maria has been readmitted and had surgery this morning, bringing her total to five.

    Have a blessed holiday.

  6. I love the blue lights! My decorating is almost done since the tree is up and I'm not doing much more than that. I'm just not into the decorating as much as I usually do. Have a nice weekend!

  7. The fun is in the doing. Take you time.

  8. I was going to say ,"What are you doing after Christmas, but I figured it out. You'll be taking all these decorations down!" Meanwhile, you and your visitors will enjoy them.

  9. Your Shiny Brites look so festive in that second photo. It will all be lovely by the time it gets completed--but yes, in the meantime, it looks lovely, even half completed!

  10. Love your header . I like your shine brights they are all so pretty ! I cant seem to get into the Christmas spirit this year feeling a bit humbugish ! Thanks for sharing , Have a good day !

  11. You've come much further than we have - not a single Christmas decoration up yet! Your trees are looking good.

  12. Had to google that. Sounds like a dreadful disease. I hope the benefit helped.
    Love both trees so far. :) Have a great week.

  13. I had to google that disease...what a horrible thing. My heart goes out to her.


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