Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Almost Ready

The shopping what little there was is done.  Most of the people on our list are difficult to buy for and it is just simpler to write checks or get gift certificates.  I am so over shopping for Christmas Gifts. When I get a little older everyone will just get knit or crochet scarves…isn’t that a special thought!

I still need to bake some Pumpkin Bread…maybe today. I should do a double batch and deliver some to various neighbors.  I used to be better about all this “stuff” surrounding Christmas.

All the decorations are up…at least all that are going to see the light of day.

Yesterday we spent the day away at a checkup with Far Guy’s Neurologist.  All is well and he agreed with me that Far Guy is elderly getting a tad older.  It rained most of the day…Fargo ND has no snow.  Lakes in Minnesota are turning dark from the rain…not a good thing when it is warm enough to rain.  Our patio is like a skating rink.  Chance doesn’t like outside when there are icy puddles to walk through.

lots of turkey

Twenty six wild turkeys a few days ago when the sun was shining.

Our menu is simpler this year for our dinner.  Ham, baked potatoes, lettuce salad, homemade mac and cheese for the boys…simple foods…Jen is making homemade crescent rolls…her boys will eat lots of those! 

It is at this time of year that I wish I had an extra fridge.  Oh well coolers have been used before!  Two people only need extra fridge space a couple of times a year!

I almost fell in the yard Sunday night…one of those oh crap what will I break this time…with visions of hospitals and surgery dancing in my head…I made a great save by running through half the yard…funny how when you begin to fall that momentum is carried on for what seems like forever.   I must have tripped over my big feet…funny I have had them forever you would think by now I would be used to them.  Anyways my right arm and shoulder and left ankle are sore….that ankle hasn’t seen that kind of action for years…and my arm and shoulder must have been doing the windmill ninety mph.  Uffda.

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  1. Stopping by to wish you a Merry 'Up North' Christmas! (You are up north a bit from me.) I'm glad you didn't fall, but those near misses can be painful, too. Peace to you and yours.

  2. Oh goodness. I hope you are alright. Sounds like you had a close call indeed.

  3. Oh my goodness! You make me laugh! Almost falling is not a funny thing but the way you described it is! Made me relive all the times I've run through the yard before finally hitting the ground! I'm making homemade mac and cheese too this time! Merry Christmas!

  4. So glad you were able to make the save and not end up hobbling or casted! I haven't fallen in ages, knock on wood. I'm almost ready for Christmas Eve at my house,too. Lots of last minute things left for tomorrow, too. Enjoy your day.

  5. Really sorry about your soreness. It takes forever to recover AS WE GROW OLDER!!!! lol That is what my dr. told me!!!!!
    Enjoy your family this Christmas Love to you, FG and Chance.

  6. So glad to hear that you didn't fall. Please be very careful in this time of ice and snow. Much too easy to fall and get hurt. Glad that far Guy had TN checkup and only wish things could improve.

    Shirley H.

  7. It seems like a lot of areas are getting winter rain when none has fallen before, creating lots of black ice, so be extra careful. The propeller dance only works part of the time. Glad you stopped your fall.

    Personally, I like simple food for holiday dinners. It's the gathering and not the food that are memorable. Merry Christmas!

  8. Your description of your almost fall is very entertaining, from this end anyway. Hope you'll be right as rain in a day or two, since you managed to save yourself, mostly. And I'm glad to find that Far Guy is doing well for being as ancient as he is. :-)

  9. Oh my gosh!! I laughed out loud at your description of "almost falling". (even though I ditto those comments above that falling is not funny, really....you described it so we WOULD laugh so I thank you for the early morning chuckle, a great way to start the day)

    And I agree with you about being "over shopping for gifts". I would just love to stamp my foot and say "NO MORE". I love getting gift cards and am really enjoying giving them too. It would be so fun to say, "remember all the little things I did for you during the past year and all the little token items I gave to you over the past year?--well consider them your Christmas gift". I've told everyone I know not to give me anything that isn't consumable. hahaha

    Anyway, Merry Christmas from a reader in upstate NY.

  10. OMG, I laughed so hard at your description of "almost falling". That sounds just like me. I know it is not funny, especially at our age, but your description is priceless. I agree about the "shopping for presents"; I just send a check - that is something they never "return". We have been having nothing but freezing rain for the last 4 days and I have had to be extra careful when going outside. Glad Far Guy is doing well.

  11. Glad you didn't break anything! Merry Christmas!

  12. My daughter gave me a great gift- a donation to the charity of my choice. Much more in the keeping of the true spirit of Christmas. I am all ready for Christmas- similar menu to yours, ham, mashed potatoes, brussel sprouts. With a side of Tortiere.

  13. Morning, good to hear you didn't break anything, wow!!!! Ready here too, Merry Christmas, Francine.

  14. Oh I've done those "almost falling" dances before. Glad you didn't fall. Yeah, I'm desperately trying to get those last-minute gift bought and do the last of the baking..... the good news is I can now drive again! Yahoo!

  15. I too chuckled at your description of your save:) You may be sore, but not as sore as you would have been if you had fallen. These days I seem keep track of how long since my last fall, yuk. We did buy some of those slip on crampon things for icy conditions, as I did a good one on the ice last winter. 3 1/2 months and counting (and I hope I'm counting a long time) since the last one. Those specialist visits take up a lot of time, glad Far Guy is okay.

  16. be careful out there. We don't want any broken bones. We had rain here yesterday too.
    Wishing you, Far Guy, Chance, and the rest of your family a Very Merry Christmas!

  17. Oh, gosh! That does NOT sound good. I hope you heal fast! All that cooking and such!


  18. Great description of your almost fall. When I do that I have to check if anybody was watching! The work for our Christmas is much less as we've aged. Our kids don't get home for Christmas. One of ours lives in Chicago!

  19. Uffda, indeed...I haven't heard that since the last time we were in South Dakota several years ago. So sorry about your fall, but it did make me chuckle as you described it....your feet have been with you a long time, right. Have a Merry Christmas.

  20. That would have been awful, right before Christmas. Glad you were able to perform that grand save just in time!

  21. Your feet comment's a classic :-). Hope you're not too sore!

  22. I'm so glad you didn't fall on the ice! Sounds like you are ready enough for a wonderful family time. :) Merry Christmas! :)


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