Sunday, November 16, 2014

The day before or maybe the day after

It depends how you look at it…the day after we arrived. 

October 31, 2014  Indiana

The big discussion of the morning was where are we going?  Who is doing what when?

Chance, Ernie, Ronnie and I are staying home.  Chance and I do not want to get back in that car. Janice (Far Guy’s sister) is off to get her hair and nails done.   Far Guy, Andy, Jen, Noah and Adam head out for the Louisville Slugger Factory, a Bourbon Distillery called Evan Williams and Churchill Downs.

It is raining and the weather has turned cold. I straightened up the kitchen and had a nap, later Chance and I take a rainy walk.

Raindrops on roses

The roses are covered with raindrops.

Chance and the mums

We checked out the Mums…looking much better with their black pots covered up!

Geese on the4 lake

Canada Geese on the lake.  Many many Canada geese.

Mums ready for the wedding

Oh ya those Mums will be decorations outside the door at the reception tomorrow.

We helped load the cars with other Wedding Reception and Wedding “stuff.”

It kept raining and getting colder.

Later that day we got all dressed up and headed for the Wedding Rehearsal and Dinner.  We got to meet the groom’s folks from Delaware. The dinner menu was homemade rolls, Adam ate four or five, Haricot Vert ( fancy name for green beans with garlic and almonds), chicken, potatoes out of a box and gravy with apple crisp for dessert.  You could have wine…duh since we were at a winery…I had a soda.

Soon after we finished our meal it began to snow. Adam, Noah and I went out to watch it snow!  Many people from Delaware didn’t even bring a coat.  It rarely snows in Southern Indiana at Christmas and here it is Oct 31 and snowing…the bride was so upset…the wedding will take place outdoors the next day.  It is what we have travelled so far to see…Far Guy’s only niece on his side of the family…and we are her only Uncle and Aunt.

I am so glad I packed my snowboots.

On a side note there was no candy left out for Trick or Treaters and the only costumes I saw were a few devil horns that the bridesmaids wore, it was perfect for one of those maids. I expected to see groups of kids out and about…nothing doing…maybe it was the weather.  I missed seeing all our Trick or Treaters…this was the first year I have missed taking their photos.

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  1. Yes, the weather has been rather odd for the past month. Freezing cold here, and it's early in the season for all that snow in the Midwest. It will be interesting to find out tomorrow what happened with the outdoor wedding. :-)

  2. We had sleet last night.....there will be no window washing or car washing that I usually do at this time of year. Of course, it's usually in the 60's here too but it's in the low 30's instead.
    I didn't know you were going for a wedding. Those mums were gorgeous. I hope you all had a great time. Are there pictures of that tomorrow? I see you have snow....Amy called me last night and said they were getting it in Cedar Rapids (IA). We had a chance but there's nothing out there this morning except gray skies. Your snow is beautiful. That snow stick went in none to early! Have a nice Sunday.

  3. Cold, rainy weather sure puts a damper on things.
    I hope the sun came out for the wedding!

  4. An adventure despite the weather!

  5. Emotions always run high in pre-wedding activities. I hope the bride was able to have a beautiful outdoor wedding.

  6. Morning, snowing here..... Everyone on edge at times as these. Hope all was well, Blessings Francine.

  7. The odds are bad for outdoor weddings at any time of year. So I hope the weather improved for this one.

  8. I sure hope the weather co-operated for the outdoor wedding! Too bad you didn't get to see any trick or treaters.

  9. Not sure I would have thought to pack snow boots, but these days anything can happen. Brrr.

  10. Too bad about the snow for the wedding......

  11. I like what you said about the devils horns. :) Looks like everyone is having a rough early winter. It was 23 here Saturday morning. That's just unheard of here in early November!

  12. I missed Halloween too, and I think because of that, because I was out of the country, I am still confused, especially when I see Christmas decorations in stores.
    I think I missed what this trip is all about but i guess I'll find out soon!

  13. Oh, the poor bride! If this was to be the "dream" wedding, I can certainly sympathize. We went to a beautiful garden wedding one rained...the congregation grimly sat through the drizzle while the bride and groom exchanged the fastest set of vows on record...but she got to have her garden wedding in her dream location.

    And then we all ran inside and enjoyed a fabulous dinner. Moment over.

  14. That's brave, having an outdoor wedding in November.


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