Saturday, November 1, 2014

November List

I finished everything on my October list.

I am still not pleased with the pavers…maybe next summer. 

November List:

Resume selling “stuff” on eBay.  It all takes time, now after the yard work is done I will have some more time.

Craft Sale in mid day…I have cards and woodcarvings all set to go.

Finish up the Cousins Cookbook.

I should clean upstairs…vacuum down the walls and move the furniture to clean behind and under.

Rework my weird scarf/head covering with the furry doo dads.

We have a prototype of next years Wood carved Christmas Ornament 2016 that needs some work. 


Some of my cards.

Blog Signature


  1. Your cards are so pretty. Good for you finishing Oct's list.

  2. There are list people and no-list people. I'm one of the latter but I sure do admire list people. Especially those who accomplish them. :-)

  3. WOW! I'm impressed - - - with what you have accomplished and what you have planned to do. November's list looks like a lot to take on.
    So where do you do your craft sale? Is it just on the internet? Good for you on eBay. My guess is the time comes in packaging? I know you have to photograph and list it, too. I LOVE lists - - - I accomplish more when I have one. I now keep an Excel spreadsheet of what I did during the day - - not detailed - - - just so I know that I did do something even though so much is still there to do. Something about having a two year old here all day that undoes a lot of what was done - - - - - he is soooo precious though.

  4. I am trying to decide whether I should try a November list…. I like the idea, but…
    I should also sell on eBay - we have far too much bric-a-brac that would love a new home!
    Good luck - knowing you, your list will keep you going through the month.

  5. I don't usually have a list except for a dinner party to make sure I have everything I need. We write on the calendar for events and appointments. But good for you for accomplishing your October list in pretty good shape. Now just enjoy the weekend.

  6. If, by chance, you decide to sell some of your "bark carvings" on e-bay (are you still doing bark carvings?) do let "us" know!

  7. Congratulations on completing your October list! I think I'm still working on June or July.

  8. Making lists is the only way to get there.

  9. Sounds like a busy month to me.

    Could you please send me a dose of whatever helped in your completion?

  10. Your cards are beautiful! You are an inspiration to me. I wish I did all that you do in a day. What is your name on Ebay? I would love to see what all you sell. I need to start selling on there again instead of just purchasing. Happy November!

  11. M ay I see your woodcarvings before you sell them? i may want one to purchase!

  12. I am beyond gumpy with my list. The cold is just not very good at showing up now. I made headway today but it doesn't even show. The largest part of my leaves are now down and I may just burn them if it comes down to push and shove. That will take care of some of my frustration by burning up stuff. I am glad you can see headway to start the month. I haven't changed the calendars yet.

  13. Way to go finishing Oct. list... Your cards are beautiful, Francine.

  14. That's a great sense of accomplishment. You go girl. Looks like November's calendar is filling up fast!!!

  15. Your cards look lovely ! Sounds like you have a busy month again . It is cold and windy here tonight has that bite in the air . Thanks for sharing , Have a good day !

  16. Very proud of anyone that finishes a project list and your November is going to be super busy!!! I want to see the carvings!! :)

  17. Great idea! I make a list every day based on what's important that day but then some "monthly" tasks get forgotten. I'm going to make a monthly list and publish it and see if I can publicly shame myself into getting more done! LOL! You go girl!


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