Tuesday, November 25, 2014

The Contest Results Are In

Last August I entered some photographs in the local Electrical Cooperative’s Calendar Contest. I asked for input over on my photo blog…thank you to those of you who responded!

When I sent in the photos I asked for a reply and a nice gal replied “Yes we have your photos…thank you.”  Then I didn’t hear a thing.  Months went by and I didn’t hear a thing…

I was certain that none of my photos were good enough…oh well…one night in the middle of the night I thought well after the first of the year I am going over to the office and see which photographs made the cut.  The only rules were that it be a horizontal photo with no people and be in the Electric Coop’s Service Area.

Lo and behold…Far Guy and Chance brought me a packet from the mail box yesterday.  There was a letter inside.  It congratulated me…and they chose four of my photos for the 2015 Calendar!!! 

I immediately thought which four?  Are you curious?

As I slipped the calendar out of the envelope I certainly must have squealed!

Rainbows Front Cover

A photo I took just two miles down the road made the FRONT COVER!!

bird feeder in the snow January

The snow on the bird feeders in our yard. I included this photo at the last moment…glad I did.  It wasn’t even a possibility earlier.

Five Deer in the field June

The photo of the deer at sunset in Steve and Jo’s field made it at the bottom of the June page.

August Sunflowers

My favorite sunflowers made the August page!

I am just thrilled.  I told Far Guy he is getting one for Christmas!  I think they are giving them away at the open house they are having in December!

The competition was stiff.

Some of the other photos

I am still smiling! I applaud all the photographers.  I don’t know any of them.

I won twenty dollars a photo and it will be taken off of December’s electricity bill.  I can live with that!

It ain’t over till it is over…or just when you think all is lost ..it isn’t! Life is funny like that sometimes.

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  1. Those are gorgeous photos and I would choose them for a calendar, for sure! Hooray for you! Can you get a few extras for your um, fans?

  2. Oh how fun! Congrats to you! I love all your photos and the one on the cover is my favorite! So happy for you!

  3. Congratulations. The sunflowers are my favorite. I like the snow-covered birdhouses, too. the scene looks like a little village on poles.

  4. Congratulations, Connie. That is so awesome and well deserved as those are very good photographs. And to make the cover is a real testiment to your ability as a photographer. Love the snow covered bird houses.

  5. Yeehaw!!!

    The cover is magnificent - and the Snow buried bird feeders and houses just scream "January"! Of course the Sunflowers are perfect for August!

  6. Congratulations! They are all great pictures. I can feel your excitement all the way over here! They know good stuff when they see it. :-)

  7. Congratulations! Look like great photos!

  8. Good job! It's always nice to know you have been recognized for our art. You will be savoring that calendar all year, anticipating the next month where you photos appear!

  9. Congratulations! I would have been very surprised if they didn't pick some because you do such a great job of photographing. Now I plan to go back and look and see if some I picked were those that made it. THANK YOU for letting us help you! And thanks for the follow-up! It's fun to see the "rest of the story".

  10. How exciting....congratulations!

  11. Well holy cow! That is indeed super exciting and congratulations!

  12. Congratulations! What a nice Thanksgiving treat. The photos are spectacular.

  13. Congratulations Connie! Great pictures! Hope we get a calendar.

  14. Doesn't surprise me one bit! And the lowered electric bill is a nice prize. Congratulations.

  15. Holy cow! How incredibly wonderful! The results certainly show that your eye and the composition of your photos are excellent! Congrats, Madam Photographer!

  16. That is just awesome! I am so happy for you. I think they could of all been in it!

  17. Beautiful pictures my favorite one is the bird houses. Have a great Thanksgiving

  18. What a wonderful honor and well deserved. Great pictures.

  19. Wonderful photos, you have a good eye. Isn't it nice to get part of our heating ill paid.

  20. Wonderful! Congratulations to you. Great pictures.

  21. Congrats, beautiful photos! I'm glad you got a monetary reward:)

  22. Obviously they know quality when they see it. Congratulations!

  23. How wonderful! Congratulations to you and I am happy that your wonderful photography has been recognized by others although we readers of your blog already knew how good your pictures are. Such a surprise for you and we all are very happy about it.

    Shirley H.

  24. Wow! And twenty dollars to boot. Congratulations. I sent in a photo once to our local TV weathermans "garden" contest of our State Flower and 2 people who saw it on the show called me to inform. No big bucks though....:)

  25. Oh! Wonderful! I had forgotten that we got to help you pick for that contest! FOUR!!! Four is a mighty number!


  26. What a lovely surprise for you. Well done! I usually make a family calendar and it's so hard choosing the right photos. I think you made great choices.

  27. Congratulations! That is so neat. Especially when you were about to give up. All four pictures do look like calendar pictures.

  28. Oh, that's wonderful! Congratulations!

  29. Congratulations! Awesome photos.

  30. You take great pictures!!!! And of course, I love them all but the sunflowers have to be my favorite - state flower, you know.

  31. Congrats, those are great pictures.how fun to have them in the calendar.Blessings Francine.

  32. Congratulations!! They are great pictures!

  33. Congratulations! Let us know when the open house is.

    1. December 4 and 5th. Call us and we can go for coffee. I have something for Dawn:)

  34. Well, I will add my voice to the chorus with a hearty CONGRATULATIONS!

    Your photos make such a natural fit to their calendar layout--and the COVER!!! Just perfect. As are the bird feeders and sunflowers. Great job! Glad your beautiful work has found a new showcase. It deserves to be out there!

  35. Congratulations! They are deserving photos. It is so cool to get the cover shot, that happened to me once and I was thrilled so I know how happy you are too!

  36. Congratulations, Connie!! I am not surprised. You take some gorgeous photos. Whoohoo!!
    Happy Thanksgiving!! :)

  37. Zero surprise that they picked your photos :-D. Congratulations!!!

  38. Connie, that's very cool. You are a talented photographer. I love each of the photos but especially the snow on the bird feeders.

  39. OMG!!!!!! Congratulations! That is wonderful and you deserve it! I love your photos! I wish I could get one as I use my REC calendar every year. I've never seen the contest here but I don't read the newsletter either. I think that is REALLY exciting and WOW!!!!!! You're awesome and now you're famous! You go girl!

  40. Congratulations Connie! That's just fabulous.

  41. I knew your photo's were really good. Congratulations Connie. I took two photo's from the greeting cards you sent me, and put them in frames and hung them up. The wagon wheel, and the aprons. I love them. Thank You


Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate your comments! If you have a question I will try to answer it here. I no longer accept anonymous comments. All comments will be approved before posting...due to spammers...may the fleas of a thousand camels infest every hair on his body. Connie