Thursday, August 28, 2014

Barred Owl

The phone rang on Tuesday night just before dark.  My other baby brother said “Grab your camera and come see the Owl.”  He told me where to park and where to walk.

There were two Owls.  They had a eerie screechy call.  One was in the tree for a short time and then went hunting in the tall grass in the woods.  The other was perched in a tree.

Owl in a tree at Jodys

We didn’t know for sure what kind of an Owl it was.  I looked at my bird book and on the Minnesota DNR website and found that it is a Barred Owl.

Owl Closeup at Jodys

The Barred Owl is the only Owl in Minnesota that has brown/black eyes…all the other Owls have yellow eyes.

It was getting dark…but I was very happy to get these photos.

Later they moved from my other baby brothers to our yard.  Probably hunting for rabbits.  Chance was not the least bit impressed with them and was not real pleased to share his yard…yesterday he wanted to stay inside most of the day…a chipmunk finally enticed him outside.

I hoped that the Owls would return again last night but no such luck they must have been just passing through…and at least one bunny rabbit escaped!

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  1. You were so lucky to have been able to take a picture of them . I love owls and love hearing them at night. Send them my way as I have plenty of extra squirrels for them to eat.

  2. We have lots of these barred owls in our neighborhood. They are so curious looking! I just saw a video yesterday of one feeding its little ones, and now you show me these guys. :-)

  3. Aren't they just the cutest? I love owls. You got great pictures too.

  4. That is so wonderful! Great shots, too!

  5. That is one fascinating elegant sitting up there on the branch. He doesn't look all that mean up there.

  6. Such a great photo!! Your baby brother has "good eyes"!!!

  7. That's a rare privilege - and I'm impressed by the photos! Owls are amazing birds.

  8. I like barred owls because if you find one, they will usually pose for pictures. :)

  9. You lucky dog you to get to see such a find and "good baby brother" for calling his sis!!! Thanks for sharing the photos as I'm now totally jealous!

  10. They are lovely. Back in October of 2010 Ted and I rescued one that had got it's wings caught in the lowest strand of a barb wire fence- probably running after a mouse. We had it in the house for 2 days until it could fly again. What a privilege.

  11. Wow - magnificent owl shots.

  12. What a beautiful creature -- I've never seen ANY kind of owl.

  13. Great photos, Connie. It's the only owl I know by sound "Who cooks for me. Who cooks for me." We heard a pair calling back and forth like that in the woods at Lake Louise S.P on Tues. at sunset....:)

    1. I read that too! I could not make that out of their calls that was more of an irritated screech. I hope to see them again.:)

  14. How wonderful to have them right in your yard and to get such nice photos!

  15. I am very very jealous. My friend has a Great Horned pair that we start to hear around this time or later and can see in the January snow well some nights. NOT THAT close though. WOW. WHy do they remind me of cats?

  16. The owl pictures are great! I love owls. Aren't they beautiful!

  17. It's a good thing you were able to snatch those photos when you did! They are just perfect shots--and what interesting little creatures they are! Thanks for sharing.

  18. Your mouse population should be less after their visit. Your lucky to get these photos as they move at night.

  19. What a fantastic photo opportunity. Thanks to the other baby brother. Love your photos, and I hope they come back for a visit soon.

  20. Great photos! I never see our owls when I have a camera.
    And I haven't seen them lately so I hope they're okay.
    Have a great weekend!

  21. We don't see owls here in our suburban neighborhood. I love your photos! I also learned that your brother lives near you. didn't know that.

    1. Oh yes my brother lives right next door as does my nephew, my niece used to also but she recently moved to North Dakota. We just have family in this section of land:)

  22. Oh Gosh!! I have never seen one of those owls and they are stunning! So cool that you got such great pics to share with us. :)

  23. I found this on the net about barred owls. Theircall sounds like "Who cooks for you?" and "Who cooks for you all? I see we do have them in Iowa but they must stay in timbers and not small towns. I use to have an owl, not barred owl, that lived in the hole of one of my silver maples. One could see him sitting there all day looking out.

  24. Great picture! Those eyes huh? Thanks for sharing.

  25. These photos are amazing....lucky you to have an opportunity like this !


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