Saturday, August 2, 2014

The Museum

I volunteered to give a new Board Member and his wife a tour of the museum.  Uffda…the place has gone to heck in a hand basket.

It was dusty, the floors were dirty and I walked around picking up pieces of paper here and there.  “Stuff” anyone should notice…but apparently don’t.  The Board Member emptied trash and helped clean up the kitchen… we dusted some.

The numbering system is all messed up…on paper only.  It isn’t too late to fix it. I informed another board member who is the acting President since the last President resigned.  I volunteered to give the new curator a lesson on accessioning items correctly, marking them, photographing and entering them in the computer.

If you all remember I cleaned something just about everyday at the museum, updated the Facebook page, wrote their blog and got their advertising out on time, still managing to accession items, write thank you notes and give tours while still smiling. 


I am discouraged for them.  It is hard for me to see the place go so far downhill in just a few months. I worked really hard to whip that place into shape, so did my husband.  You would think that out of seven board members a few of them would take responsibility to see that things are presentable to the public and that items donated are properly documented.

I AM R.E.T.I.R.E.D…repeat many times.

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  1. Hope someone comes along soon who cares for the museum like you and Far Guy do.

  2. That would be so hard to see, as I know how much loving care you poured into the museum. I hope they take you up on your offer to train -- but don't get too involved in all the stress again because, as you say, you are RETIRED!!!

  3. Oh dear. How frustrating! Maybe this is what was needed for people to see a) all that you did and b) how it can spiral out of control without attention, resulting is someone else rolling up his sleeves other than you.

  4. I could have told you that you should stay away. They had a gem when you took it into your life, but please remind yourself that you can't do everything. You are retired! :-)

  5. I was afraid that would happen! You did a wonderful job with, and at, the Museum. They will never find another dedicated person like you I fear.

    Shirley H.

  6. Oh oh, how disheartening, Blessings Francine.

  7. Things like that are totally disheartening. And you do have to stay away even though history is in your heart. Like you, I don't understand why people don't give it their best when they offer to do something. Better they should say "no" if they can't do a good job well. Fortunately the person who took my job does it well - - - just differently - - - but it's still odd for us to be there to volunteer so we have cut back to only going in emergencies.

  8. That is very disheartening. You were so good at the job. But like you said you are retired. Shouldn't stop you though, from expressing your opinion to the board members.

  9. It's like retiring from the Reference Dept. of a local library. When you go back you find the young new librarian has about gutted the collection. Tons of empty shelves. You just try not to look around. Sad after I spent 27 years there.

  10. It's hard to understand the lack of commitment from the museum board to make sure the items and displays are cared for properly. I know it's hard, but rescue them one more time by working with the new person and then walk away.

  11. I feel your pain since I experienced the same thing. When I 'retired' from a volunteer position I held, I turned over all my notes concerning the job. Everything was in place for the next person to just follow along -- or change, if needed. No one did anything, and all the projects and events soon fell by the wayside. I was discouraged, at first, but then I let it go. You will, too, eventually. Stay calm and enjoy your freedom!

  12. So sad to see something you've put your heart and sole into go to heck. Hopefully someone will step in and get things back on track.

  13. How disheartening:(. Did someone else take over your position? It seems not. I think you just need to stay away, but I can imagine your frustration, in fact I can feel it from here:( Sad, sad, sad.......

  14. Oh, how sad for you to see your work being neglected. You had such a passion for your work. They need to find someone with similar interests and work ethic. Stick to your guns about your RETIRED position!

  15. So sorry. The problem with being retired is that everyone thinks you have plenty of time to work on things or fix things. But it wouldn't be so bad if someone kept up from where you left off. We all love you here!

  16. Sorry! I know how you feel. I've been trying to step back from my society to try and find more time to work on my own genealogy and more time for photography. I have this big problem saying no to anyone..but I am learning, and being pretty firm. It still is hard to let go though, especially when you have done so much and then have to watch it be neglected.

  17. It must have made you sick to see the mess. I agree with Linda. People think you have all the time in the world if you are retired. I am retired and I have never worked harder in my life. I love your word uffda. :)

  18. It's a sad situation that so few value heritage artifacts. I know it's a lot of work. Governments need to help in this part of our cultural heritage.

  19. You can't go back again. I stopped visiting my old school the second year I retired. I still hear occasionally about how much I am missed, but I can't fix it any more. Those board members do need to be contacted though. They aren't doing their job of oversight and support. They got lazy when they had someone as thorough as you to rely on.

  20. Well, you may be R.E.T.I.R.E.D., but I bet they really miss you! I hope, though, that you are not irreplaceable. They certainly need a dynamo who can keep the place up to snuff and move on from there!

  21. How very discouraging for you. Just remember that you gave them 200%; you are retired now and you seem to be regaining your strength now. Wish them well - they had a good thing and did not appreciate your hard work and diligence.

  22. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.
    (Lazy so and sos!)

  23. Sigh! I so understand!

  24. When I left as an art teacher I could have warned them that my replacement was gong to trash and destroy the room. I knew her for a few years. When she left and moved away three years later I had to sub in there for two weeks. There was not a floor to see as the cardboard scraps and boards were everywhere. While teaching I was constantly on the hunt for things to throw away. The kids loved the pit as they could freely paint on furniture, ceiling and cupboards their very bad art. No one told them no. Everything had to be stripped and refinished and the ceiling tiles were all painted over with a good white paint. The newest teacher is wonderful and has made it back into a great room. There must be someone out there that can care about good work ethics and quality presentation.


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