Sunday, July 6, 2014

Quiet Day

We went for a walk whilst the wind was blowing…the skeeters are horrid.

Red Achillea

The Red Achillia millefolium or Yarrow is blooming.

Achillea and friends

The Hot Pink Achillea is blooming too…see the two grasshoppers? 

The Heat Index was 100 degrees yesterday.  We were outside for a short time working on Christmas Ornaments.  Thanks goodness for Air Conditioning!

I did some laundry and I had a nap in the afternoon.  I am feeling better but when my body says it is tired…I listen.

Chance and I sat outside… we listened to the cars zip up and down the highway….everyone is in such a hurry.  Places to go and things to do…around these parts July 4th is a big deal and everyone wants to be at the lake…or in it.  

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  1. With it being that hot, I can understand why people would want to be near or in the water. I sure would. Glad you are feeling better! :-)

  2. You were warmer than us! I know what you mean about the mosquitoes. Worst year for them I remember in a long time. I love the red yarrow. I can never get it to grow more than a year or two, while the other colors seem more hearty.

  3. Lovely flowers! It is to be hot and humid here this week.
    I am so glad that you are feeling better!

  4. Mosquito spraying has started here, and thankfully that keeps them somewhat controlled. My area has been a hot bed for West Nile virus in recent years, so the critters are dealt with aggressively.

  5. Heat and skeeters are not a summer blessing. We have skeeters too, and I think the heat will be returning this week. Glad you are feeling better.

  6. We were promised heat but it hasn't happened. The summer humidity is here to stay and the air is on just to keep the moisture down in the house. I have too many bites. Keep up the resting part as it does get better. Sometimes I think one just hits the point of exhaustion and the body refuses to let one keep up the fast pace.

  7. We are lucky with the skeeters so far, but our turn might be coming later because there are so many different varieties of mosquitoes.

  8. Our humidity has left us for now , it is sunny with cool air and breezes the skitters haven't been that bad for us this year thank goodness , and tomorrow we are to have a rainy day so that's good news for my gardens . Lovely photos ! A quiet Sunday for us here to well lots of birdies tweeting and singing in the yard so not to quiet lol ! Thanks for sharing , have a good day !

  9. Just into the low 90s today in Texas, so still not up to 100 degrees. A nice quiet Sunday...thinking of going to a movie. Beautiful flowers!

  10. Quiet is good I think, not quit as humid today, a nice breeze blowing. Love the color of the yarrow, I can never grow it, funny cause it such a easy plant I hear, Blessings Francine.

  11. I didn't realize that it got that hot in Minnesota. The red Yarrow is really pretty. I can't get any color Yarrow to do good here.

  12. Weird when it is as hot there as here.
    The mosquitos are terrible here, too.
    Glad to hear that you are slowly feeling better. Hope you continue to heal. Have a great week! ♥

  13. Summer at last! Love those vivid flowers!

  14. We saw so many water sport vehicles on trailers this weekend, they all must have been headed to the lakes, just like your folks were! Only the traffic on the Interstate wasn't zipping by quite as quickly as yours. I heard it was bumper to bumper on Interstate 80 from the mountains to the Bay Area Sunday afternoon...not my idea of a perfect ending to a perfect weekend...

  15. Such pretty flowers. It's been so hot and sticky--awk!! And then mosquitoes to boot--awk!! MY little AC unit couldn't keep up and it was almost 80 in here--awk!! I do not do well in the heat. Keeps me trying to be a good person. Hell and I wouldn't get along--LOL! ;)

  16. The biting bugs are terrible this year...worse than we've had for along time. I'm always glad there is a breeze or wind when we are outside just to keep those buggers away!


  17. Beautiful....I've never seen that stopper! Same here...this place is hopping on the holidays and everyone wants to be on the lake or golf course. I was outside for awhile and could hear the boats. It was a nice weekend here and in the low 80's....what's up with the's like we've switched places but I'm not complaining!

  18. Ah, the State Bird is back! The nasty Skeeter! Minnesota really knows how to grow them!

  19. HEY, that is our state bird too!
    You are have the most extreme weather, bone chilling winters and boiling hot summers. Makes me very glad to be where I am!


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