Thursday, August 15, 2013

Yellow and Blue

The wild gardens are getting dry.  God has not sent any water for them lately.

Yellow and Blue

Yellow and Blue

The Ratibida pinnata (Greyhead Coneflower) and the Echinops ritro (Globe Thistle) are in full bloom.

It all depends on your perspective.

Blue and Yellow Blue and Yellow

If you want a bees opinion the Globe Thistle are the bomb.


At least there are some bees.  There are no butterflies and the mosquitoes have all died off.  There are a few Deer Flies…I have not seen a tick in two weeks:)

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  1. Isn't it neat how there always seems to be a contrasting color with yellow flowers - yellow and blue, yellow and purple... It's 48 this a.m. I am THRILLED!!!

  2. Love the contrast in colors. Very few butterflies, bees and hummingbirds around here this summer. I have been seeing dead leaves on the ground lately when I take my walk.

  3. I just saw a globe thistle for the first time the other day - beautiful.

  4. Nice to have all the pesky bugs gone, and yet still seeing those pretty bees. I love your pictures and feel almost as drunk on them as the bees seem to be on the flowers. :-)

  5. I must be a bee....I love those globe thistles..Do you know here we would pay a lot of money to buy a plant with just one blossom, if that?

    You have a veritable fortune there.


  6. Mosquitoes have died off? Really? They are still going strong here and will most likely be here until late September. It's the late season ones that bite the hardest, in my opinion.

  7. Frankly, if I didn't see ticks ever again, I'd be pleased as punch. But, heck, I guess everything has it's place.
    Our Russian Sage is simply alive with bees - I can imagine how happy they'd bee (sic) with the thistles!

  8. The globe thistles are such a beautiful shade of blue!

  9. I love yellow and blue. Everything here is soggy wet. Mosquitoes have been awful. Today is the first time we've been able to open the windows and enjoy cooler temps.

    Hope you have a good day. Hugs to Chance.

  10. I am thrilled that I haven't seen a tick in two weeks either!

  11. These shots are gorgeous! Love that bee on the thistle.

  12. My globe thistles have done very well this year, despite the lack of water. Hmm, maybe they are a candidate for planting at Oliver.
    Seemed like it wasn't long ago that you were getting lots of rain, but then time seems to move so fast these days:(
    Glad the bugs have decreased at least.

  13. All so pretty ! I like wildflowers ! The nights here have been very cool and dewy as have the days been cooler then normal for us this time of year almost fall like ! I have to water things a little bit but the dew seems to be taking care of that for me ! Thanks for sharing , lovely photos ! Have a good day and hope you get rain !

  14. The globe thistle with the bee is really pretty. I haven't seen any butterflies all summer and I'm happy the mosquitoes have all does out.

  15. Beautiful photos, as always. I'll gladly send you some of our rain -- We've had enough to cause flooding. I'm thinking of building an ark -- just in case!

  16. Your mosquitoes are dead! How wonderful that must be! We are not that dry but we sure are dry for us. The globe thistle is magical looking.

  17. Pretty. I like that color of blue. The last photo is stunning. Wish our mosquitoes would die too.

  18. Your little Bee Guy makes such a great shot! As for those wildflowers, I'll go with Blue and Yellow.

    Does your museum include a gift shop? I'd love to have some note cards with photos like yours...

  19. No butterflies here either. I have seen exactly one on the milkweed. Beautful photo of the wildflowers!

  20. We are not seeing butterflies of any real magnitude here either. The weather guy said we are heading into fall's called a weather event a whole month early. SUCKS!


  21. Maybe it was the month with the cool night temps plus less rain--who knows. I am behind on blogs and it has heated up here again the past couple days. Up toward the 90s again. This see saw weather must really confuse the plants and insects.

  22. Blue and yellow are a favorite combination of mine. I love that those are wild flowers there. Here they was cultivated on nurseries and coddled in gardens.
    Lack of rain vs no mosquitoes. Hard choice.


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