Thursday, August 22, 2013

Blue Moon You Are My Sunshine

I almost missed the Blue Moon.  It was beautiful!

Blue Moon

Lots of transitions here one mile south of us. Ditch, harvested wheat field, standing wheat, medium pines and taller pines.

Blue Moon  You saw me standing alone without a love of my own…hows that for an ear worm…especially the group that had that base singer…The Marcels back in 1961..a fun song. 


Genes Hand

I asked Far Guy to get out of the car when we went for our evening drive.  “You are my sunshine…my only sunshine.”  Gotta love a guy that will stand in the middle of the road for ya!


A happy dog in his usual traveling down a dirt road mode:)

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  1. Morning, beautiful moon, love that picture....Blessings Francine.

  2. Missed the moon last night. You sure took a beautiful picture of it. Chance looks happy.

  3. Wow! You captured it all right. I saw the moon rise and set two nights ago, it was definitely a beautiful one! :-)

  4. Saw it driving home but didn't realize it was a blue moon!

  5. Sweet. Didn't know this was the blue moon. Enjoyed it regardless :-).

  6. Wonderful post and photos ! I t was cloudy here last night and couldn't see the blue moon . I will be hoping for a few photos of the Harvest moon in September . Thanks for sharing ! Have a good day !

  7. I'm curious as to why you call it the blue moon. I thought a blue moon was when there are two full moons within a calendar month. Great picture of the handful of sunshine.

    1. A Blue Moon falls on the night of August 20-21, 2013. It’s a Blue Moon by the seasonal definition, that is, the third of four full moons to take place in a season, in this case between the June 2013 solstice and September equinox:)

    2. I see- thanks for the explanation!

  8. Wow wow wow - your photos are stunning!

  9. All terrific photos...thank you for sharing!!!

  10. Yes indeed the moon was gorgeous, and your pictures are beautiful. I saw it this morning at about 6 am when I took the Mollynater outside for her morning squirt. It was so bright, made me think about how we are supposed to reflect the light of God in our lives

  11. Lovely picture of the moon. I never knew that definition of blue moon. We've been admiring it during St. Paul Saints baseball games.

  12. Three great photos! The moon was enormous when it came up last night.

  13. You've named a couple of popular tunes about the moon and blue moon. There could be lots more tunes with moon in them.

  14. It was courtesy of my husband that I was treated to a rendition of the definitions of a blue moon, courtesy of Wikipedia and some place else that I forgot...apparently, it is only officially a full moon for a matter of a few hours. By the time he read that to me, the moment was over.

    You've captured it quite capably for me, however, so I can't exactly say I've missed it. And, truth be told, I did get a stale take of it outdoors, myself, a little later....

    Your photo of the sunset is magnificent! And, of course, Chance is always charming in travel mode.

  15. Pretty pictures - great 'celebrations' of our world... and a wonderful dog!

  16. Great photos! I saw that moon and didn't even realize it was a blue one.
    Have a great Friday!

  17. You have taught me something! I had no idea that there were two types of blue moons; and I love me a full moon - lol.

    And don't let anyone tell you that blogging is just a waste of time.

  18. Your photos are gorgeous. I just wrote about "You are my Sunshine" and how it connects my mom to her grandkids. :)

  19. Two ear worms! LOLOL!
    I missed the blue moon. ;)

  20. Great shots!!!


    Of course we have LOTS of dirt roads!

    Fuzzy and Boomer


  21. I noticed the past few nights that the back yard was lighted enough that I didn't need to turn on the light for the dogs. It is a pretty night even if it is muggy and warm.

  22. Wonderful photos - I never think of taking photos of the moon. Your photo captured it well.


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