Monday, August 26, 2013

Hanging Around

Well I am hanging around someplace.  Just not on the phone or the Internet.


Maybe I am asleep in the hammock.  Maybe I melted in the heat and am just a stinky little puddle on the floor.

I am enjoying the silence… I am going to go rob a neighbor of their Wiffy signal to get this posted.

The repair people might be out sometime today:)


  1. While away the day just hanging around, good for you,Blessings Francine.

  2. That hammock looks mighty comfy!

  3. I don't think they would mind if you stole a signal to get this posted. I am glad you did! Love the hammock and home you didn't melt. :-)

  4. I would be spending the day in the hammock. Enjoy the peace and quiet while you can.

  5. Annoying! My internet connection keeps conking out at the slightest whim. So I have to turn everything off, restart and hope for the best. Annoying! Maybe I should buy a hammock....

  6. I get much more done on the days our internet is not working:)

  7. How easily we depend on this. I enjoyed the few days the phone and other items did not work but was equally glad when they were repaired.

  8. hope you are back up and running soon!

  9. Hope you get back up and running ! Lovely photo . I like the quiet days with the breeze blowing , birds chirping and crickets singing but I also enjoy blogging to as I am retired and don't always have other things to do lol ! Thanks for sharing ! Love your header ! Have a good day !

  10. I sometimes borrow my neighbors Wiffy signal, too. Enjoy your down time.

  11. Is tha a double hammock? If so I'll be right over!

  12. Nice hammock with a nice view. Enjoy!

  13. Our church is located about 2 blocks from the public library, which has an unsecured Wifi. I have on occasion camped out at the church and borrowed it when our power was out and I needed to keep on working. I hope it isn't stealing. That would be a terrible irony -- stealing Wifi at the church.

  14. Oh, no! What a pain. I love the hammock. And the neighbour.

  15. I'm glad I did some hanging around last week. Now we have lost our sun and daily showers will dampen that lazy summer feeling.

  16. Oh no! I hate internet and/or computer issues. I hope you are connected again soon and are not a puddle on the floor. (It's been so hot the hammock did not look inviting!) ;)

  17. I had one of those days yesterday. It was lovely!



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