Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Static Lightning

On Sunday afternoon our phone line was hit by static lightning.  Our phone line and Internet line are all together.  So we have not had telephone except for Far Guys cell phone and no Internet.  It was fixed but failed again so now they think it is a problem in a splice…and may require a special repairman.  I am not certain when it will be fixed.  Right now Internet service is intermittent.

The mailman was particularly perturbed because we had a package and he tried to call us for hours to find out what to do with the package.  Finally he delivered it and told us our phone didn’t work.

It is hot here.  Unseasonably hot.  91 degrees F or  32C.  With about 90% humidity.  It rained a bit today as a cool front moved through…it cooled off some but not enough for black dogs or old women.


It was practically a Florida monsoon type rain, it rained while the sun was shining between three and four o’clock and my camera kept fogging up.

Five weeks left on my countdown till the museum closes:)


  1. Miserably and record-breakingly hot here, too. I have wifi but no air conditioning so I will be borrowing that today. Thrift shop, library, Caribou, wherever I can spend some cooling off time! Hope your phone etc are fixed today.

  2. Miserably hot and humid here also. Sure hope you get your phone and internet back soon. I am so glad we have A/C - could live without phone or internet but not A/C. Stay cool my friend.

  3. Ouch! I hope they get it fixed soon, and I so appreciate your perseverance in getting your blog posts up! Makes me happy to see your smiling "face." :-)

  4. It's hot and humid here too. Miserable. We haven't gotten any rain.
    I hope you get the phone and internet working soon.
    Stay cool.

  5. A bit of humidity here, too, which is practically unheard of, but temps are comfortable in the mid-80s.

    Hope you get some relief as well as phone and internet soon.

  6. Oh Connie, it should just be one or the other right...hope a good cooling breeze comes your way, along with the repair man and soon.


  7. :) You are having your 6 to 9 days of "actual summer" in Minnesota. It will be autumn there soon (maybe even by this weekend?)

    I hope you can find a cool spot - unheated museums are uncooled... ugh. I would hate "sticking to the desk" there.

  8. Our weather seems to be one extreme or the other with a couple of perfect ones thrown in to throw us off. :) Hope everything gets straightened around and you have some nice cool nights.

  9. Since I'm an old lady, and Emma's a black dog, we're not exactly happy campers right now with this heat and humidity. :(

  10. I tried to e-mail you last week or the week before but it was returned to me, I don't know if I have the right one. I did leave you a message on facebook. I would be lost without the phone and internet!

  11. The heat is oppressive right now. It makes me feel miserable. Hope you get your line problem fixed. It feels like you've lost connection to nearly everything without access to the internet.

  12. I hope you natural good nature is handling all this. Mrs. T. claims I get extra cranky when things don't work....

  13. It is hot and very humid here to and the rain we have had makes it even more humid so humid it is steamy and the air is thick and heavy and it knocks you off your feet when you just open the door .. being in a valley with a river the humidity and heat makes the fog roll in thick ! Thank fully we have AC and lots of large old trees over the house for shade . I hope you stay cool and your internet gets fixed soon ! Thanks for sharing ! Have a good day !

  14. Wow. Your weather is like ours.
    Sorry to hear you're still having problems with your phone and internet. Hope they get it fixed soon!

  15. Sorry about the phone/internet. We lose power very often in our new neighborhood; of course, we've had lots of bad thunderstorms all summer, too.
    Keep looking toward the finish line at work!

  16. Hope they can repair the line soon! Or maybe it's nice to have a break from it.

    Enjoy the warm weather - we are having a heatwave here too.

  17. Then you get to do your museum work from home...for free!!!


  18. I'm late getting around to blogs and it is still hot and humid--and has been every day. I can't believe I've never heard that saying (black dogs and old women)--I LOVE it! so true. Makes me feel like a disgruntled old crone. :)


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