Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Wistful Wednesday : 1952

In May of 1952  I was six months old.  Able to sit up by myself and everything.

Connie Summer of 1952 (2)

Ah.. I probably sat up momentarily for this photo and then fell over.  My Mother wrote on this photo.  Connie Joy May 1952.

It was about this time that we moved to the farm where I would grow up.  I don’t remember living anywhere else..however I know that my Mother and I lived with my Maternal Grandparents while my Dad was in Korea, I just don’t remember that part.

I have some memories before I entered school.  Banty roosters being mean and chasing me.  Dogs..and kittens.  Coffee poured into a saucer to cool so I could drink it.  Butter.  A baby calf sucking on my fingers.  A fawn with spots in a fence. 

Sometimes smells ..fresh baked bread, rain and a wet dog stir up memories that I cannot quite remember.   Some things remain just on the outskirts of my memory.  Fleeting feelings just  for a moment..something I should remember but cannot.

I suppose as I get older more memories will be forgotten.  More experiences will be that a word?  Well if it isn’t it should be.

Now a days I remember some “stuff” in the middle of the night when I wake up.  What a terrible time to remember “crap”…then I wonder will I remember in the morning?  Unless I get up and write a note to myself…my sleep/waking cycles are filled with reminding myself to remember in the morning…and that is exhausting.  I am certain that after being asleep a few hours my brain finally clears out and remembers the important stuff I forgot during the day…and then because my brain is all rested up… it has to keep reminding me so I won’t forget again.  It is a vicious cycle:) 

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  1. Lovely photo and memories though ! I find as I get older the more I remember of my growing up on the farm . My horse I will never forget and have photos of us and lots of photos of me with the animals to ! All the hard work yet fun times to ! I miss being on a farm with all the animals but hopefully one day in the future we will have our own hobbie farm that's our ultimate goal ! Thanks for sharing . Have a good day !

  2. My earliest memories only go back to when I was 4 or 5. If I do remember something earlier I tend to associate it with the 4-5 time frame. I also have the same sleep cycle you have. I fall asleep then wake up and remember something important. I either get up and write it down or stay awake trying to remember it till morning. What a pain it is getting old. you sure were cute when you were six months old.

  3. I read somewhere that memories are stirred more my smells than anything else. I have a few smells that bring back the past right into the present. Love this little girl. She grows up to be a real good blogger, too. :-)

  4. That's a big part of why I blog. I don't want to forget. Runs in the family, so I'm hoping at very least I'll be able look at pictures...

  5. Such a cute baby you were! I keep a pen and pad of paper next to my bed, but forget to use it because I remember so much during the night. But I rarely think to write things down. This morning I got up super early because I remembered that I was supposed to do some research for well my husband is supposed to drill and I had forgotten. It was eating at me so I got up and did it.

  6. Oh you were such a sweet baby, cutest picture.....Smells are a big part of memories for me, always enjoy childhood smells that make me happy today.....Blessings Francine.

  7. You were such a pretty baby!! Smells trigger memories for me too!

  8. I have very few memories of my childhood - it's almost a blur.

  9. Ahhh some things will be forgotten but many will be remembered and since you have written them down to share, they won't be forgotten at all!

  10. Oh gosh. I heard that. Sometimes I can't remember something long enough to write it down!
    Have a wonderful day. ♥

  11. You've gotta format that hard

    Lovely memories..must be the weather, I was trying to remember old stuff too.

    Great shot of you Connie Joy, you were adorable.


  12. When I was three or a little older we moved to a different farm. I have a few of the memories of the move and just vague happenings that took place in the old house. Thrashers around a table, a tv set in the living room with no furniture and the top of the stairs at night where I was put to bed.

  13. It's called fading memory. It's just enough memory to sound familiar but not enough to give any details.

  14. Sounds familiar. Funny about smells and childhood memories. And that tananger - Wow!

  15. Such a sweet photo, Connie. My memory is not what it used to be. Your wonderful blog posts are going to be such a treasure for your grandchildren. I would dearly love to read a "journal/blog" of my grandma.

  16. They always had baby bonnets back then. So cute!
    I keep pen and paper right next to my bed for that very purpose. ;)


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