Monday, May 13, 2013

Feeling Icky

The cold temperatures in the museum finally caught up with me and I have a terrible sore throat (felt like I had razor blades in my throat) cold, cough, headache and feel like I have been through the wringer several times.   Far Guy caught it from Miss Paige and then he shared with me..I thought I might such luck..I got the fever on Saturday at work.  It must be a virus because I am on antibiotics already and have been for some time.

Three weeks ago I was diagnosed with Lyme Disease, apparently undiagnosed for some time.  I am feeling a whole lot better  since I started the medication (Doxycycline) for treatment.  I will most likely need 60 days of medications perhaps more.  I take the medication twice a day..and it must be taken with food..or you suffer the worst nausea ever ( think seasickness).  I am thankful that the medication has taken some of the horrid aches and pains away.  My Doc says it will be a long recovery and is watching me closely.  She says that going back through my records that I must have had it for at least 18 complaints of feeling tired and achy were put off to “old age” by my last Doctor who is no longer in the area.  My new Doctor ran about every blood test available and found the Lymes and a Vitamin D deficiency.

Such is life when you live in Minnesota.  No, I do not remember when I got a tick..we have ticks..they are all over in the woods.  If you get a tick you pull it off and life goes on.  Far Guy had Lymes a year ago..his Doctor treated him with antibiotics right away.  My brother had one of the fancier tick diseases anaplasmosis or ehrlichiosis…and he recovered.

I am sure I will recover will just take time.

The ice is finally off area lakes and the farmers are in the fields:)IMG_7455

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  1. Sorry to hear that you aren't feeling well. Tell Far Guy he doesn't need to share everything. Also, I am glad that they finally found out about the Lymes disease and you are getting treatment for it. You must be grateful to your new doctor for being very thorough. Take care of yourself and get well soon.

  2. I hope you feel better soonest. You should get "hazard pay" for working in an unheated building during the "winter".

  3. Oh, no. Treat yourself well to get past the Lyme disease...plenty of rest and DO NOT overexert. I really hate sore throats; they seem to be going around. There's a tea called ThroatCoat by Traditional Medicinals that might offer some has licorice root and some other natural remedies. I got it online and later found it at Rainbow Foods.

  4. Wishing you good health and a even better week.

  5. Oh Connie, that is terrible but lad you are taking antibiotics now...geeze...darn ticks.....wishing you feel better real soon, Francine.

  6. I have a friend that has Lyme's as well. What a difficult disease it is.

    Best wishes,


  7. Take care of yourself. I am sending you positive vibes.

  8. Oh you poor girl ! I hope you get well and feel better fast ! Glad you are having spring now , we had a frost warning last night and one for tonight , mother nature has done a turn on us for a bit . Yesterday we were hit by all kinds of weather and it was chilly , sunny today but still a chill in the winds after 3 weeks of summer type temps and sun to this . Oh well they say it will be like it should be in the next few days then I guess some will be complaining about the heat soon lol ! Hope you have a good day and get plenty of R&R !

  9. Few things make me angrier than a lazy doctor who attributes every symptom to old age. I'm glad you found a more professional person and warm wishes for a short recovery.

  10. Take good care of yourself. I had a very low Vitamin D level a couple of years ago that will probably have me taking a supplement the rest of my life. I know when my level is dropping as I get so worn out. I can't imagine having that coupled with Lyme Disease. Make sure you're getting enough rest during this busy season for you!

  11. Far Side! Always good to hear from you and return to your blog, but I'm bummed you're struggling. Glad that you're still able to find your way to the computer, though. Your header photos are lovely as always. Happy Mother's Day to you as well!

  12. I am so thankful your new doc found the Lyme's disease problem. As you probably know, the longer it goes untreated, it can cause some irreversible correction. That happened to one of our daughter's professors. Your doc sounds quite conscientious. Bummer on the virus. That stuff hits us harder each year we live longer.

  13. Get well soon! Glad you are still feeling well enough to blog. :)

  14. I hope you begin to feel better soon. Some doctors really let us down. I am glad your current doctor found the problem.

  15. Oh no - so sorry to hear about the Lyme disease. I know a lot of people who have been very ill with it. So glad your new Doc is getting you sorted out.

  16. Oh dear, you have been in the wars. I hope you will feel better from your viral flu soon and that, now it has been diagnosed, your path to recover from Lyme disease will be swift, sure and short.

  17. I'm sorry to hear about the Lyme's disease because it's a real bummer.It's exactly as you describe it. It's too bad that the first moron missed it.

  18. I know what you are going through....I was treated for Lyme's disease about 6 years ago. Hope your recovery is speedy.

  19. Good grief. Glad you have a new doctor. Hope you get well from both, Connie. ♥
    I hope you weren't by that ice stuff I saw on the news tonight.
    Have a blessed week. ♥

  20. Glad to hear you at least know why you were feeling old and achy.....maybe I've got LYme's disease too ;) I hear it's a horrible thing to deal with but at least you're on the mend.

  21. Here's to feeling much better sooner....I hope they get it under control. Now get over that cold too...poor woman. It's much to cold in that museum.


  22. Very sorry to hear you guys have been sick. I wish they had discovered the Lyme disease sooner. We notice so many ticks here at our new place.

  23. Oh buggers. I'm so sorry, from the depths of my heart I feel for you. I'm now convinced that not getting something your husband gets is not possible. Dirt was nearly over his crud, Bet and I had escaped it for weeks, and then, bam. Next year...twin beds, or the travel trailer. Any way, I'm sorry for you. No matter how you slice it, razor blades in the throat or a truck parked in it, its all bunk, crappy stupid stuff, and on top of it you have LYMES disease! I hate deer. No really. The garden chewing, tick spewing vermin, and then they have the audacity to look so cute that no matter how flipping many you have seen in a life time, in a year, in a day, you just have to say, "Oh look Sweetie, a deer! Isn't is beautiful!" Beautiful my ask-me-no-more-questions!

  24. Wow...but thank goodness for the new doctor. Don't see many ticks here, I've only ever seen one once on my mum's dog. Hope you get some warm weather soon, so you won't have to worry about heat in that cold museum. Look after yourself so that you heal quickly.

  25. It is a disease that they have a hard time diagnosing. I hope the meds will speed up things and relieve the pain and the continue weary feelings. We had a friend that went a year or so and finally they started treating it and she is better.

  26. Oh you poor thing! Lymes disease and then sick on top of it--and working in a chilly old building. Too much! I have known a couple people, too, who had Lymes and were slowly cured. Take good care of yourself, my friend! Prayers and hugs your way!!

  27. Gosh, Connie! I'm so sorry you are sick. Lyme Disease is really a horrid thing! I'm glad you have a new doctor who took you serious and found it out.

    Prayers and Huge and MAGIC Thoughts for you!


  28. Lyme's disease is serious stuff. so glad you finally got the correct diagnosis and a re under treatment. I hope you feel better soon.

  29. So sorry you are sick. It must have been hard to keep going with the Museum work feeling that badly. I'm glad you have a new doctor who diagnosed you correctly. Get well soon.


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