Friday, May 3, 2013


The phone rang early.  Far Guy answered..and he quickly turned the phone over to me since I had been dealing with the “mess” for months.

Someone in their infinite wisdom changed to a different computer system.  During the change only half their information was retained..I heard they lost 2 million dollars because of this “little” computer glitch.

We have been part of this glitch for months..since January.  I have talked with many people at this provider of service..a different one every month.  (I keep track of their names and the time of day I spoke with them.)

They coded something wrong.  I asked them to fix it.  They said it would take at least two months to fix..that was four months ago.  I kept calling and complaining politely.  They always said they would get back to me with an update.  No one ever called back.

Then they sent me a letter that said I was way overdue and owed them $63.  I waited on hold one day for 20 minutes and finally hung up.  Let the bums call me, eventually someone will call.

The phone caller (collector) wanted payment right now with a credit card over the phone.  Ya sure..not likely.

I asked if the problem had been solved..”What problem ?  The problem we have is you did not pay your past due bill.”   I explained and she said “WELL, I will have to go back through 135 pages to find that problem.”  I said “FINE I will wait.”

After a while she came back on the line and said “I see that problem, it has not been resolved, it is still under review. Now lets talk about your outstanding bill.”  I said “FINE when did I make my last two payments?”  She found seems that if something is under review..and you make a payment the payment goes to the oldest bill..unless you tell them different.  So I was paying part of the reviewed bill, and nothing was being applied to the other billing..which I had paid in full.   She said “Well it is your fault, you should have told us to apply your payment to the active account.”  DUH.. I said “You mean to tell me that you couldn’t have figured it out yourself?  You are wasting my time,  I don’t owe you anything ..correct?”  She had to agree.  I asked for her full name..she wouldn’t give it to me.  I said “Sounds to me like you people are real messed up calling people and telling them that they are past due on a bill that is non existent.”


Pretty Picture: Loons at the beach.

Loons at the beach

Blog Signature


  1. I agree, OMG, good luck, the loons, :)

  2. grrrrrrrr don't they just make your blood boil?

  3. What a mess! And the bad part is we have so little recourse when people screw up like this. I hope you get this straightened out soon, for your own peace of mind if nothing else. Sigh. Pretty picture, though.

  4. Seriously?! Is this one of those services you can't just cancel, take your business somewhere else?

  5. A similar thing happened to me with Comcast. That is when I got another cable company. I hope your mess gets straightened out,

  6. Pretty picture - irritating situation!!! Grrrrr....

  7. Way to go, Towanda!

    Nice photo, but the real loons are working for that company.

  8. Sounds like the true loons are at the company (ditto Nancy!)

  9. I did some googling...I think Far Guy should take the car keys away from you and hide the sledge hammer:)

    I understand your frustration though, and good for you for fighting back.

  10. Yes, making car payments on line has stopped at our house as they record it as paid but then didn't take it from the bank account. We paid on time two months in a row and their system was not collecting the money. So then they realized they didn't have the money and blamed us for not giving them any money. I don't think so. Ok, we will pay by mail because you can't handle modern technology.

  11. Oh, I hope you get the mess straightened out soon!
    Great picture of the loons though.

  12. Good luck...isn't it funny how they always know more than we do?

  13. Your complaint is altogether too common. Ask them for an ID number, then and extension number and then their name. For some of these people you have to push a little harder for this info. I hope they get the little glitch fixed quickly or they will have to deal with a more than irate customer and I don't blame you for being irate.

  14. Towanda indeed!!! Sad thing is that so many people will just accept the error and pay instead of standing their ground.

  15. Know your pain. Been there.
    Hope you have a blessed weekend! ♥

  16. It sounds like this frustrating situation has been resolved. I hope so.

  17. I love that you have taken all the appropriate notes!! You have obviously dealt with this type of thing before and that is the only way to defend yourself (I found out the hard way). Towanda didn't have a chance! LOVE IT!!! :):)

  18. I have a magazine that cashed my cheque in March, and keeps telling me that I am overdue.. Even after I showed them the bank statement...

    What's with modern day stuff?

    Your company is crazy...can you switch?


  19. Makes me mad enough to bite nails.

  20. Towanda, you are my hero. Imagine how many people just pay up because they are confused, or not paying attention, or just want the problem to go away. And too many companies have not only no brains but no soul.


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