Friday, May 17, 2013

Chance: What a week

Far Guy dropped me off at the groomer one morning..I stayed all day because Far Side was home napping and getting over her virus. Far Guy worked for her at the museum.  She said she missed me..but I am not so sure about that. She said “Look at what a pretty boy you are and you smell better too!”Handsome dog

Then Far Guy got really sick, there was lots of commotion..and hollering ( Yes were are going to the ER or I am calling the rescue squad..No you aren’t..that kinda made me run in circles between them) finally Far Side got everything under control, she made me a bowl of food, plopped it down on the floor and said “Stay home and eat.”   Four hours I laid there at that dish. There was no one to throw my ball for me or say “Good Boy Good Boy” while I ate. They finally returned and I ate all gone.

Far Guy was feeling much better..he said he would live, and he was glad Far Side did not drop him off in the ditch on the way to the hospital like he requested.   They gave him all kinds of Meds in the ER because he got a secondary infection trying to fight off that nasty virus.

I went to the Vet and got my yearly shots, I have one small problem..I have a stye in my eye so I get “stuff” in my eye a couple times a day…other than that I am good to go.

Far Guy has some problems too.  Far Guy has to call Far Side at work and report how he is feeling and if he took his medication and if he is drinking fluids..and she tells him when to lay down and rest and when exactly to call her again.  So far it is working..he is cooperating and getting better. 

Far Side however is exhausted…that why I am blogging :)

Tracking a chippy


  1. My prayers and thoughts are with you.

  2. Morning, praying all is well with you both, Chance looks great, handsome boy, Francine.

  3. I just said a prayer that Far Guy gets better and Far Side gets some rest. Chance you were a good boy to take over the blog today. You look very nice after your visit to the groomer.

  4. It's a good thing you are such a talented border collie, Chance. They need you to help like you do, and the fact that you can blog makes you a very essential member of the family! I sure hope Far Guy is all better now. What a story!

  5. Oh dear. That doesn't sound too good at the Far Folks house.

    I hope you feel stinky soon Chance -- I mean smell like you want to! :)

  6. I am sorry to hear that Far Guy has been so sick and hope he is better soon. You are looking handsome, Chance - and thank you for taking such good care of your Far People.

  7. Oh NO! So very sorry to hear this. Hope you all get a rest soon.

  8. Sorry to hear this. A little prayer for better health for both of your parents, Chance. Lucky thing they can count on you to hold down the fort!

  9. Wow, best wishes to Far Guy and Far Side, hoping for a speedy recovery for them both. Look after them Chance, and ask them to do some reading on yearly vaccines. Not the best thing for you:(.

  10. I'm glad that Far Side has you to keep watch on Far Guy while she is at the museum.

  11. Chance is so handsome and such a good blogger to step in when the Far's are not feeling well, help them get well soon Chance.

  12. People are getting hit by a stomach virus down here. I don't think your virus sounds any better. Chance you look so beautiful for a guy dog. Stay strong and keep track of your people. Let's hope they are getting better soon.

  13. I'm so glad Far Guy is okay...That is very scary! You have been an outstanding helper by taking care of Far Guy when he is home.


  14. Good thoughts heading Far Side and Far Guy's way. Take care of them Chance.

  15. Chance, I love you. Great blog. Hope your eye gets better quickly and tell the Fars that I am thinking of them and wishing them well too.

  16. hey guy... I'm wondering if your smelling smoke. People are so helpless when it comes to smelling . They ususally don't have a clue. Maybe they did put our those bad fires. We had alot of rain so not to worry here.
    Your friend,
    Baron from Bluff Country.

  17. Chance, you look so handsome. Good boy for taking care of them!

  18. Well, Chance besides being spiffed up you're doing a fine job of looking after a couple of people. When they're not feeling well it helps to have a little attetion from a good friend.

  19. Hope all are well soon. *hugs* ♥

  20. OMGosh, Chance! I'm so glad FarGuy is getting better after such a scare. I'm glad FarSide is on his case! And I hope your eye gets better soon, too.
    You look pretty handsome after your spit and polish!

  21. Oh good grief, Far Guy! Glad everyone is on the mend. You're looking good there, Chance.

  22. Chance, You are a trooper for holding down the fort while your people recuperate. Hope they are all better now!


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