Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Wistful Wednesday: Shadow

Only the Shadow knows..

My beautiful picture

…why he loved to sleep in the bathroom sink.

He would lay there half the day until someone ran cold water for him to drink out of the faucet.

My beautiful picture

He was a weird cat.  He was trained to go potty outside and would wait to be let out the door.   He would use the cat box only in a true emergency.

Shadow was a replacement kitten.  He replaced Midnight who was a gift to Trica from Jason.  When Midnight died of Feline Leukemia..Shadow was the replacement. 

Like I said he was a weird cat.  He bit my father in law..who promptly got cat scratch fever and required a hospital stay and a surgery.

When the dogs..we had four..would get into a fight..Shadow would leap into the fray and land on one or another of the dogs and the fight would be forgotten..after all a kamikaze kitten was not to be trusted.

Shadow lived with us for a long, long time.  He finally moved in with Trica..and was euthanized because he could not be trusted around Savannah when she was a newborn. He was very jealous..and the day that he peed in Savannah’s car seat was the last straw.

There was always something a bit weird about that cat named Shadow…but only the Shadow knows why:(

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  1. Like you said, only the Shadow knows... so there really is such a thing as Cat Scratch Fever? I didn't know that, thought it was just a song. :-)

  2. Really cute pictures. The folks who bought Nalley Valley from us sent me pics of their cat sleeping in the bathroom sink!!!

  3. Morning, but what a pretty Shadow kitty, we also have had our share of different kitties, but loved them all....... Blessings Francine.

  4. Shadow looks so cute in the bathroom sink.

  5. Shadow was a strange one. When I looked at the photos, all I could focus on was the pink tile. I wonder if that will ever become a 'trendy' bathroom again?

  6. We have a Shadow, too, and I often wonder...

    Maybe the sink was the coolest spot in the house?

    Funny how animals sometimes have such strident personalities. We've had a jealous one, too...though it was a dog, not a cat. Just like people, I guess--there are all kinds.

  7. Sharp ending to your story. Some of these little critters are just off the norm like some humans.

  8. Some cats are just strange ! Pretty thing though ! Have a good day !

  9. The dairy barn had a small round sink that the barn cats loved to sleep in, too. I think they liked the confined space of the sink.

  10. Shadow sounds like one heck of a character!
    I had a friend who got cat scratch fever. A cat she had taken in from a friend went ballistic on her arm one day. It got infected and when she finally had to go to hospital the doctor told her she could have died. She was on intravenous antibiotics for quite a while.

  11. Our first cat after we got married was named Squirt. A shelter rescue. She didn't take any guff from dogs either.

    Shadow sounds like a great cat.

  12. Cats all have there things that they do. Shadow liked the sink like my mom's cat loved all and any box. He would sleep in a shirt box if it were left out at Christmas.

  13. But a beautiful cat!

  14. Yes, some cats are just strange. Shadow was quite the character. :)

  15. What a great looking cat...but so sad he couldn't be trusted with the baby. In college, I went to visit a buddy of mine and stayed with his girlfriend - she had a psychotic cat that couldn't be trusted. I woke up in the middle of the night with him sitting on my chest glaring at me. I was totally freaked out.


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