Monday, November 19, 2012

Chance: The lake is frozen

Something happened to the lake.  Far Side says it is FROZEN.   It was a little cold on my feet and solid.

Frozen Water

It seems like it happened overnight.

Are you nuts

I was a little wary..especially when the ice began to crack under Far Guys feet. You could watch the ice crack as he walked..scary.

Really Nuts

Look out Far Guy ..are you nuts?  Who will save you?  Probably not Far Side in her socks and Crocs.  I am not strong enough to drag you to shore..but maybe I can bark and help will come before you freeze to death. 

He finally came to his senses and came ashore with me!

If it stays clear and cold it will be great ice for skating.

Millpond is frozen

Far Side says maybe it will be  Magic Ice this year:)


  1. Morning.......Far Guy is one brave dude, Chance knows better,LOL........the pond looks very pretty frozen though......skating would be delightful.......once it is really really frozen.......Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.....Blessings Francine.

  2. I enjoyed the Magic Ice post. Chance, you watch out for Far Guy! Thanksgiving blessings to you all.

  3. One year. Yes, ONE year, it was cold enough, long enough to freeze the neighborhood lake so we could skate. It was the most magical time ever and I remember more about those few days than all the rest of the winters put together. I would love that about living up north.

  4. Far Guy may be braver than you but you are the smart one to stay close to shore. I would love to see Magic Ice. Have a very Happy Thanksgiving, Chance.

  5. Chance--I'm glad one of you have some sense. Its way to warm for our lakes to start to freeze. In fact some were boat fishing on Saturday~~

  6. Chance, tell Far Guy he needs to listen to you! Give it some time and you will be out there, too! :-)

  7. Chance, it is a good thing that Far Guy had you there to explain to him the dangers of walking on thin ice!

  8. What would they do without you to protect them Chance? Silly humans!

  9. Good thinking Chance, there is a reason they say Border Collies are so smart. Have a great Thanksgiving.

  10. Wow, it is definitely getting cold your way. Even here, years ago when I was a kid, it would get cold enough that we would get ice thick enough to skate on. There weren't a lot of handy lakes, but lots of flooded farmer's fields, and hockey games would break out at the drop of a hat!
    That doesn't seem to happen anymore, it's probably been 20 years since we had the right conditions for that.

  11. The post on Magic Ice is beautiful. I hope your Grands have some Magic Ice for Thanksgiving Day.

  12. I suppose the ice will freeze here now also...sigh. Thanks, Chance. LOL.


  13. I see that Far Guy is being cautious as he's right at the edge. He wouldn't have any trouble walking on ice here.

  14. Kind of sad when the dog is smarter than the human--ROFL!!
    You may get your ice skating lake yet this year, who knows?
    Happy thanksgiving!! :)

  15. Magic Ice - - - how cool -- no pun intended. I went back and read the other blog. I had never thought of it before but it makes sense that when it freezes without snow, it could be clear. You are the first person I have heard talk about looking through the ice to the water and lake bottom. How fascinating! But until the magic ice is here, it is good Chance is on guard of Far Guy.

  16. I shiver as I read knowing that as sure as ice cubes are ice cubes whatever weather you get comes to us a few weeks later.

  17. Oh, I so jealous of your ice! Lovely pics.

    Here it remains far too warm!

  18. You caught Chance saying EXACTLY what you said he was saying. Love this post!



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