Thursday, November 1, 2012

The Halloween Report

The evening went as expected. We had ten trick or treaters. All of them as cute as they could be.  Brooke was a T.U.R.D and would not pose for a photo..she was supposed to be a Care Bear but got too warm in her costume she took it off.

Halloween 2012

Aubrey had her shoes on the wrong feet..but it didn’t seem to bother her.  Chance was happy to see them all, he greeted everyone..he loves kids.  All the children left happy with their treats.  And yes we have left overs.

I like just involves buying candy and staying at home:)

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  1. Sweet trick or treaters! Aubrey looks precious.
    Love the shot of the moon.

  2. the cute.....lots of trick and treaters at my home....over 100 kiddies came.....I was so tired from getting up to go hand out the goodies but love Halloween to......Blessings Francine.

  3. I got exactly three, and I have leftovers too. Love the cuties but it was raining hard here last night, and I was glad that there weren't any more...

  4. Great costumes! And yes, buying candy and staying home...perfect holiday ;-).

  5. So cute in their costumes!! Ten is a good number. We didn't get a single trick or treater. So unlike when we lived in town.

  6. Awww - that looks like fun!

  7. I love seeing your pictures of your T & Ts they are all so cute!

  8. I love the variety of costumes, and the fact that you got to spend time with your visitors, making their experience extra special. We handed out candy at the kids' house while their family went trick-or-treating. We had about 90 kids by 7:30, when we ran out of candy. Our kids had returned, and Augie was handing out candy when supplies ran out. There were still four visitors at the door, so Abby grabbed candy from the kids' buckets, handed it to the four, and quickly shut off the light and locked the door. I think next year I'll make a costume for myself!

  9. They all look like they have wonderful Halloween you know, I thought I was running out of candy, but didn't.

    Dollar bills? Are you kidding? LOL


  10. Oh they are all so cute ! No trick or treaters here it was quiet as always ! The kids around here are Mennonite , they don't do Halloween ! Have a good day !

  11. Great that your Halloween could center around little kids.

  12. Our grandchildren were our only tricksters, but they made the night for me. Terry likes all the left over candy also...I only snuck two today...I hope I can keep my hand out of the bowl tomorrow! (I'm way too fat now)


  13. Love the pics - thanks! I missed Halloween this year (yes really missed it) - I did hear that we had some treaters.... nice to see the costumes!

  14. we don't do Halloween here, kids come, my husband says, sollee no lolles,

  15. I love that Parents dressed up too! I was lame this year. Of course - since we've moved and now have a very long scary drive-way there will never be trick-or-treaters ever. Oh well.


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