Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Wistful Wednesday: June 1951

This is my Mom, the photo was taken in her parents yard.   She was 21 years old.  This was taken in late June, she was six months pregnant with me..I arrived three months after this photo was taken.  It must have been a difficult time for her, my Father was off fighting a war in Korea and would not be home for another nine months and she was living with her parents.  She was supposed to be living with my fathers parents, where all the children were raised, and grandchildren were being enjoyed.  Instead, she was with her parents, especially her Mother who at the age of forty was about to give birth to her eleventh and twelfth children, my younger than me twin Uncle and Aunt.  The fall of 1951, with three babies in the house must have been a real experience..only one that a mother could love:)


  1. Love you old photographs...I have many, but don't always know who they are...

  2. She looks so long! And what an unusual situation - to be giving birth at the same time as your own mother.

  3. She looks so young and maybe a little afraid.

  4. So glad you survived that dubious mass nursery.
    I enjoy your posts so much and am ashamed I do not leave comments nearly often enough. Please blog on.

  5. She surely is pretty. What a time that must have been for everyone.

  6. Nice the way family's helped out each other then, even if it got a bit crowded. I would never guess your Mom was pregnant in the photo.

  7. Yes, she really doesn't look six months pregnant. What a household that must have been! She does look a little scared, not knowing what life was handing her. But she did all right, she raised you pretty darn well, anyway.

  8. Yes, times were different back then (how many years have folks been declaring that!). I amazed at how she doesn't even look pregnant - let alone 6 months along.

  9. Now that's a Mother's Day story to remember. Three babes in the house. Your beautiful mother looks like a kid herself. Thanks for the well told story.

    Ya'll have a wonderfully blessed Wednesday!!!

  10. wonderful picture
    wow...that was indeed hard times
    Elizabeth Berg wrote a book several years ago about the war and several daughters in one family...they were almost grown. Such a good look into those times and marriages and guys being in the war. I don't remember the title...could be True Blue. I will check it out.
    Loved this post.

  11. How interesting. I ditto everyone else's comments. I love the composition--the car/bldg--what a cool background. I'm also wondering how it was that your mom ended up living with her parents instead of your paternal grandparents, since it sounds like arrangements had been made. And what is the occasion for taking the picture?

  12. i love these old photos. love the way people posed.

  13. I had the wonderful thing of a husband present with the birth of all my children. Bless your Momma, how hard that must have been. But she did her best and you had tots to play with until she and you moved into your own place with your Daddy.

    I'm very glad your Daddy came back, that would have been the worst.


  14. Thanks everyone for your comments!
    Lattice, I have no idea what the occasion of the photo was. My Grandmother needed my Mom to manage the house and her siblings while she was Mother was unhappy about it..but she and I survived. It would have been much easier for her to stay at my other Grandparents where there were no younger children:)

  15. My husbands dad was in Korea when he and his sis were so little. His mom was an emotional basket case. But I think she always was.


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