Friday, May 7, 2010

Lights Out

Last night after we got home, after a very stressful evening, the lights went out. Just like that no hint of a flicker..just blackness. Far Guy was in the bathroom..I felt my way over to the kitchen window where the yellow really ugly flashlight is kept. I hate that flashlight, it was designed by a man. If a woman had designed it, it would be some other color than yellow. I love yellow flowers, yellow flashlights not so much. Thankfully the little boy Grands have outgrown their flashlight years..we used to keep one flashlight out of their it would be ready in an emergency.

It worked fine, even if it is yellow. I was able to use it to find a candle to light. We settled down to silence, no TVs, no computers humming, no ice cubes dropping in the automatic ice maker. We went to bed, Chance was in the middle..lounging..panting..then licking, then sighing. I know he gets the sighing part from his master. Far Guy couldn't take it, he went to the couch. I just snuggled down into the new feather bed topper, hollering back and forth to Far Guy..sure is dark, sure is quiet..this hasn't happened in a long time. We have been spoiled by electricity. I dozed off..only to be startled by bright lights and the sound of my computer booting back up. Then I heard Far Guy running I got up and had a bath..we live in the boonies you know, no electricity=no water.

I don't know what caused the outage, we did see a suspicious car at one of the sub stations on our way home..we thought it looked like a cop car..maybe it was, maybe it wasn't. We were both too tired to investigate..we just wanted to get home take a bath and go to sleep.

When I get stressed out, I either clean or sleep..last night I cleaned our oldest daughters laundry room and did many loads of laundry, Far Guy cooked supper for the girls. I helped with homework. Our eldest daughter who is coincidentally a RN was in the ER, a Doctor recently changed her medications, and she had a severe drug interaction..she suffers from Pancreatitis which is a result of Sphincter of Oddi Dysfunction that she got after the removal of her Gallbladder. I am not sure if she fully understands how terrified her children were when she was whisked away by ambulance. Of course we, her parents were a tad terrified too. The grand girls handled the situation well..until they were alone..then they called Grandpa and Grandma..and they were very happy to see us an hour later. Shortly after that we got word that Trica would be OK and that after a few hours they would release her. So we waited, Jen our youngest daughter was dropped off at the Hospital, Andy and the boys joined us for the evening. Since they had further to drive than us..I am sure they are exhausted today. This morning I spoke with Madison, who was getting ready to go on a big field trip today, Paige is staying home from school and keeping a eye on her Mom, Savannah missed all the excitement because she is in the cities on a Class Trip. I am not sure what the answer to Trica's pain management is, I do know that she was very lucky this time, but with the amount of medications she takes it was only a matter of time before this happened. She has had many surgeries to repair this little sphincter, the one that has caused all these problems..realistically perhaps it is time to talk about one of the final steps which is Pancreas removal with a transplant of some of her Isles of Langerhans.. in hopes that they will take over and give her some pancreas function back.  I don't know, I am just the Mom..I do know that it is hard to watch your child suffer and struggle with pain.  There is absolutely nothing I can do, no magic band-aids, I can no longer kiss the owwies and make them go away.  Young Mothers have those magical qualities..old Mothers just clean and do laundry:(


  1. Oh I'm so sorry that Trish is going through all this, and the stress you guy are also going through. Will talk to you later. Praying that she'll feel better soon.

  2. I'm so glad she is ok. Drug interactions are very scary and can be lethal. My co-workers Mother in Law is getting out of the hospital today after almost losing her life two days ago. She is on a new diabetes med and innocently took some Advil. It nearly killed her.

    I hope Trish can find an answer to her pain. I will keep you both in my prayers.

    The Duchess

  3. Glad she is OK this time around. I sure hope she can find relief without the surgery but we have to do what we have to do. It is hard as a mother to watch them suffer - my son has been in the hospital all week. Happy Mothers Day and have a great weekend.

  4. I agree, watching your child suffer is the worst. I'm sorry your daughter and all of you are going through this. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

  5. Having a child or grandchild suffer is one of the most horrible things to happen.

    We are holding you in our thought and prayers, Connie.


  6. Sorry Trish is incountering problems again. Praying it will all settle down. you two take also. Geri

  7. - - - and we thought it was difficult when they were young because we got tired from chasing them - - - but as we have been told more often than once over the years, it doesn't get any easier just because they have grown up - - -

    Hope you have a Happy Mother's Day - - - a quiet, non-emergency, with lights-on day!

  8. I'm sorry for your rough night and the fact that for us older moms, booboo kisses fail to work, that reality is a whopper of a pill to swallow eh?! In spite of all that is swirling in your heart about motherhood, please have a peaceful mothers' day weekend and know that booboo kisses may not work the magic that they once did they most certainly do magic of sorts. And perhaps even purportionally greater service than in the scraped knees years.

  9. I'm so sorry about Trish. How terrified all of you must have been. I certainly will keep all of you in my prayers. Love to you Connie, Mildred

  10. My mom used to tell me, "A parent's worries never end." I didn't understand, but I do now!

  11. Girl, I'm so sorry you have to watch your daughter go through this and drug reactions can be scary at best. No wonder ya had a high stress night. I'm happy Trish is fine and I pray she can find an answer to her pain management. To go through all that and then the power goes out. Yep, I sure understand the water thing, we have flushed the toilet with pool water many times here on the Ponderosa.

    Take care, get some rest and have a wonderful Mother's Day weekend.

  12. Wow, all those pancreas problems sounds serious. I hope it all works out okay. Funny how much we take electricity for granted. Without it, the world would be WAY different. I hope you have a wonderful and very special Mother's Day on Sunday, Connie, since you are a wonderful and very special Mother!

  13. Gorgeous banner by the way!

  14. that is a very unfortunate side effect -- guess I never knew that could happen.

    I'm sure you give the grands a lot of comfort when it comes to things like that.

    I never had that -- my only grandma was in her 70s when I was born, and lived some distance away.


  16. I know how much I take life's amenities for granted after all the times our power was out this spring. Sorry to hear about your daughter...hope she gets the treatment she needs to conquer it. I love your are SO artistic!

  17. Love the header! Sorry to hear about Trish...and glad she is doing okay. Give Chance hugs from Sophie!!

  18. I am so sorry you are going through all this. I know how hard it is when it's our kids or grandkids!!

  19. Oh, I'm so sorry to hear about Trish. Sending you all healing thoughts.


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