Thursday, May 20, 2010

Planting Trees in the Spring of 10

The true meaning of life is to plant trees, under whose shade you do not expect to sit.
                                                                                             -- Nelson Henderson

Who enjoys planting trees?  Well old people because they want to leave something useful behind and little kids because there is something really cool about planting something that can grow to be taller than they are. They can carry a tree in one hand all by themselves, plop it into the ground, splash some water on it and before you know will grow into a tall stately tree.
Yesterday, we got a call early in the morning,..the seedlings were ready to be picked up.
This is the cold storage room..there are thousands of seedlings in this room..Future Forests.

Last winter I led my brothers into this planting project. I just wanted a few trees..maybe a hundred.  I could order many would they each like?  They decided we should plant a whole bunch of them. Since our land all adjoins, it is a cooperative effort.  My baby brother who lives in Oregon footed the bill.  My other baby brother has a tree planter thingy and Far Guy and I started planting yesterday. Hopefully in the next few days, everyone in the neighborhood will help with the planting!
Far Guy and I load up the three wheeler and the wagon and meander through the woods, planting as we go, giving each newly planted seedling a drink of water and moving on.  We haul the water in covered buckets in the wagon..that way we don't slop water all over.  I get a little pitchy..that is not bitchy..did you know that Avon's Skin So Soft removes pine pitch? Did you know if you pray really hard..just before going to plant..God moves all of the snakes out of your way least it worked yesterday..and I have faith it will work again today.   Just in case I am going to continue wearing my red magic snake repelling boots.
These are White Pine seedlings or Pinus strobus.  They can grow really tall and live to be very old trees.  No we won't see them grow to be huge stately trees, but someone else will...someday maybe someone will say..remember back in the spring of 10..:)


  1. Yes, I like planting trees! No, I did not know SSS removed pine pitch. And yes, someday someone will enjoy the fruit of your labor. My uncle and father were members of CCC and they planted trees in Turkey Run, Kentucky. When I was a little girl my father took us there to see how much they had grown. I went back last summer and it was a fully mature pine forest. ;D

  2. A forest made by you and Far Guy, to help clean our air and feed our souls.


  3. We planted a windbreak near our house in the last couple years- 200 trees in all. We hope to see it to maturity. Happy Tree planting.

  4. What a great tree planting experience
    so glad you could help improve our planet (o:

  5. ....and the forest lives, thanks to people like you. I love to plant trees, I've always said it takes a lifetime to grow a great tree. Thanks girl!

    Ya'll have a fantastically blessed day!!!

  6. Tall and stately maybe not, but trees grow fast up there. You have taken on an admirable job, but my back aches thinking about it. Good job you two.

  7. How wonderful of you to start a forest! A great gift to those who will come after you. A gift that keeps on giving.

  8. What a wonderful family idea/project. I hope one day one of your grands keeps up your blogging efforts and shares these photos on their blog. You two be careful and don't overdo.

  9. Ohhhhh me me me me! I looooove to plant trees!

    Good JOB!!!

  10. It's so nice to see everyone comment that they love to plant trees too! I planted a bunch 2 years ago, and 3 are taller than me now...planted several last year and one this year. I like to take ones like the oak tree planted by the squirrel next to the foundation of my house, then move it and keep it safe and nourished until it gets big...and baby holly trees, too. Sounds like you guys have a great plan, and will have a great forest to show for it!!

  11. What a neat thing to do! The Earth and I thank you!

  12. Yes, hard work!!!! Got my goat pics, ugh!!! The baby looks good.

  13. This is such a great thing to do, Connie. And so many trees will have YOU as parents. How cool is that?

  14. I don't like to plant tress but I like my huband too!! Great job!!!

  15. I love trees! In Wyoming we had a hard time keeping them alive. It is so dry there.

  16. Ya know, it is a little disconcerting that Skin So Soft removes pitch and repels mosquitoes! Cool thing on the trees. I love planting trees, it makes me feel like a forest ranger! I always wanted to be a forest ranger ya know. We are heading to the nursery sale this week-end and I'm hoping to pick up more of my favorite - Arizona fir, or cork bark fir, very blue but very soft. We'll pick up a bunch of other stuff too. Happy planting and watch for the snakes!

  17. It is a good season so far for trees... Our trees were planted 3 times -- but the ones that finally grew - look at them now!

  18. Wow - such a good deed you're doing! A living arbour in your memory (when you're gone, that is)... ;-)


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