Saturday, May 1, 2010

Goodbye April, HELLO May!

This little woodland violet shows up every spring..she is a pretty little thing..I have never found her exact name.  So she is just a Violet. We are one month closer to flowers!

Yesterday I was pissed off all afternoon.  We got roped into doing something because Far Guy is a nice guy and never says no.  He doesn't like to stir the pot.  Why is it that if you volunteer your time once it is written in stone forever and ever.  I wanted to stir the pot so badly I could taste it..but because Far Guy asked me to be sweet..I was..sweeter than pie.  I was so nice, that sugar must have dripped from my lips..instead of venom.
Enough said about that..

Chance is feeling better, he is almost back to his normal self.   We finally got some more much needed rain..there is nothing like the smell of a wet dog!  Far Guy got out Chances little blue swimming pool..he loves splashing in the water on warm days.
The Bluebirds showed up on April 21st, they are occupying one of the new nest boxes that we put out early this spring.  I have not been able to get a photo of ours yet..but I did get one of the neighbors one evening.  I have a chair moved out near our occupied nest that they get used to it..Chance and I sit out there from time to far it has been the wrong times..but I am a patient person.

Today, Chance and I will deliver our May Baskets..they are filled and waiting in the old aluminum cake pan ready to put some smiles on some familiar little faces.  This past week was birthday week in the neighborhood, she who see robins first is in the last of her forties.  Nephew Josh turned thirty as did Niece Kate's husband Hunter ( he was a May Day baby), I recall turning thirty..I thought it was quite old and over the hill.  Happy Birthday Everyone! :)


  1. We get violets, too. I love them.

    And I love hearing that Chance is getting better. Our pets sure find a way into our hearts, don't they?

    Sorry about someone spending your time for their endeavor. Our pastor has talked about time in a sermon or two and basically has said it is something we can never replace. And at our age (he is mid-fifties), we have lots less time than we used to. His point was to make sure we are using our time wisely and in a way that God directs.

    And I didn't mean to write a book but if Far Guy wants to do the activity next year, he could go solo with it. I did that with my husband on a community project that I didn't have the time to contribute but he did.

  2. I keep seein' a little purple flower strung along the base of the hillsides 'round here. Hubby said, "aw there just weeds" but I'm thinkin' maybe they are woodland violets.

    Happy May Day sweetie and have an enjoyable weekend. I'm so happy Chance is feelin' better!!!

  3. I gave everybody who reads my blog today a May basket, thanks to you telling me about this. I figured I'd start a tradition. Now what can we use instead of a doorknob? Hope you have a great May Day!! Hugs to you, Far Guy, and Chance.

  4. STIR STICK! lol I have not been able to call anyone that in years.
    Happy May Day

  5. Happy May Day!

    Emma Rose

  6. Our town just doesn't attract the bluebirds. They are out there but no one along the edge of town has boxes. They are such a nice bird. Far Guy probably is proud of you for what you did to help even though you know they are taking advantage, right?

  7. Hope you had fun with the May baskets! And hurray for a healthy and wet dog! ;-)

  8. we have the wild violets here, too. When I was a kid growing up near Seattle, we had yellow ones. We called them Johnny-Jump-Ups!

  9. Those violets are very much like the ones that are growing in my driveway. We have them all over and I love them. I think they are Norm's favorite flowers ... he always picks some for me, even though they only last a few hours in a glass of water. I am just catching up with you after a week at Census training. Have a good week.

  10. I have some of those growing in my yard from seed that someone gave me. My friend calls them bog violets......I love them.

  11. Boy do I know about "wet dog" lately... Ringo has been lovin' his springtime pond adventures. Can you say "stinky" dog??!!

    Again, I'm so glad that Chance is doing better!

  12. I'm so glad Chance is feeling better! It's so hard when pets and children are feeling sick. It's hard with adults but they let you know about it.


  13. Isn't it wonderful, rather like a miracle, when our husbands can ask something of us and we can manage to oblige? Something of similar ilk happened this weekend to me, but instead of taking up all your space with a brief but seemingly lengthy telling of it I might make myself tell on myself, for mine did not have such a nice outcome as yours. At first it did and then, ugh, it did not. I will patiently await your patiently harvested sitings of bluebirds (but really I can't wait to see your pictures of them and hear your tellings of them!)


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