Tuesday, December 8, 2009

My Newest Old Ornament

The tree is up..but just the tree and it's lights..not so many ornaments yet.

I found this box at an Antique Shop. I thought is was an interesting box..it had a foreign flavor to it. 

Inside was this ornament, which is now hung on my tree! What does it say? Yes, that was my thought exactly. I asked everyone in the Antique Shop if they spoke or read any foreign languages..no one did..so I had to part with a whole dollar to bring it home and find out for myself. It says "Jolly Christmas" in German. Apparently Louise was the artist..this is a hand painted ornament.

Now to research the box..it is not foreign. Instead it came from Schumachers at the New Prague, Minnesota Hotel. Chef John Schumacher is known for roat duck, kolacky and other Czech and German specialties. First I wondered what is a roat duck..apparently is is a roasted duck. Kolacky..what are they? I looked them up.. ahh Kolache..those wonderful pastries that are filled with prunes or apricots. Montgomery Minnesota is known as the "Kolacky/Kolache capital of the world." I have had just a few of their kolaches from their bakery on main street. I can just taste that dough that is not to sweet..and the wonderful fruit filling.

Apparently the 1898 Hotel with it's historic charm was closed after thirty one years..it has just recently reopened..Chef John is still the owner. Apparently my ornament came from one of those thirty one years... 1974 to 2005. So my newest old ornament is not so old. It is still a nice ornament and it has it's own box..that is a plus when you collect lots of glass ornaments. If I am ever in New Prague, Minnesota ..I know where I am going for lunch:)


  1. Funny how things work out. It's still a nice ornament though!

  2. It is a beautiful ornament. It is nice to have a story to go with it. We are really getting dumped on today. I don't think it will come that far up into your area. Predicting 14 inches now. If I get snowed in I can get my work done for sure, and then put up our tree.
    Hand painted is really a nice touch now that I think of it.

  3. How neat. I love that ornament. It looks much more expensive that a dollar. Great find even if it is not that old.

  4. Nice old German ornament. I think it's also nice to have a story to go with it, and yes, it's perfectly okay not to have it be ancient to be precious. These days, 1974 is actually pretty ancient...

  5. It's very pretty Connie. I hope you get to dine at Chef John's one day. It would be neat to put a photo in the box with the ornament.

  6. It is a beautiful 'old' ornament. And I agree with DJan... 1974 is ancient.


  7. Well you are making progress. At least your tree and lights are up. I can't believe I broke down and put up a few decorations. I am so stupid! These ornaments of yours are unique. So much better than Wal-Mart plastic cheapy things hanging from the tree. I will be thinking about you as I watch the weather channel tonight. I know how you hate snow. Stay safe and warm.

  8. how "gemutlich".. thanx for sharing the heritage.. .here in also very brrr montana

  9. Very interesting - the that ornament is beautiful...neat little bit of history

  10. You are ahead of us. No tree yet :) Maybe next weekend, we'll see. The ornament is lovely. We have very few glass ones because I seem to break them all!

    The Duchess

  11. Hi Far Side,

    We just came back to tell you that the Blog of Note today is a horticulture blog from the far east. Thought you might want to check it out!

    Kisses for Chance,
    Emma Rose

  12. OMIGOSH! Your post brings really interesting news: I didn't know Schumachers had reopened. My husband and I spent part of our honeymoon there, almost 25 years ago. We used to go back for a lunch or dinner in the fall every few years. The food was very rich and the dining experience was deliberately drawn-out. A recent news story says they have lightened up the menu but retained a few of the classic Czech dishes, all of which is great! And they have modernized the hotel. I see a return visit on the horizon! So enjoy your lovely ornament, and thanks for the news!

  13. Amazing what histories you can unearth via a simple ornament. And those pastries sound sinfully delicious!

  14. Beautiful ornament -- and I love all the history that came with it!

  15. Found your blog through another one, I scnned so many I am unsure. Love to read so I will be stopping by.

  16. What a beautiful ornament and story. I'm soooo far behind this year. I will catch up, I will.......

    Have a wonderfully blessed day!!!

  17. I would love to say, "I'll pick you up on my way over to Schumacher's for lunch, Connie!"


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