Saturday, December 19, 2009

Death of a Blogger

This morning a blogger died..Flydragon.  It was a pleasure to have known her.  She was one of the first people I met in the blogspot blogging world back in September of 2008.  We became friends,  she had many friends in this big old blog world.. many people are sad heart and prayers go out to her family.
Bloggers can touch your life in so many different ways..and I am truly honored to have been her friend.

Death is one way to escape the cold, snowy winter in Ohio..she is probably laughing her butt off..and eating chocolate that has no calories.. walking among flowers that never need watering or weeding:)


  1. How sad to hear. I have read her blog many times. Sorry for her family.

  2. This is a wonderful tribute to our beloved friend Connie. She certainly enjoyed a good laugh. Pretty pots of flowers will always remind me of her and of course, chocolate kisses!

  3. My heart goes out to her family but your right, she's havin' the time of her life right now. My friend and I ofter joke about meetin' under the chocolate tree in Heaven. She would of loved what you have written.

    Take care and have a good weekend!

  4. Sorry to hear about her death. Our blogging friends seem like they are right next door, don't they? Always is sad for families to loose a loved one before the Christmas holiday. Hopefully her family will see your tribute to her.

  5. You're right. Bloggers do become our friends and some end up touching our lives deeply. I'm sorry that her family and friends are going through such a loss. It is especially tough during the holidays.

  6. Sorry for your loss. A friend is a friend no matter how you meet or stay in touch! Kindred spirits, and all that...

  7. You wrote a beautiful tribute to Pat. We will miss her, but I think that you are right. Somewhere she is eating calorie free chocolate, and just imagine her garden.


  8. That is sad and you did a great post in her memory!

  9. So sorry to hear about her death.

    I love the thought of her eating chocolate in heaven.

  10. Connie, this is a very nice tribute. I never followed her, but I know a lot about her from your post here. Thank you so much for sharing her with those of us who missed her... and glad to hear she's flying free.

  11. I read this last night, then went over to her blog (which I had unfortunately never found) and read and read...then I read her daughter's blog. She was a neat person, and I share your sorrow now.

  12. Connie, as I read this post it put me into "stun" mode. I ran over to Flydragon's blog to get a feel for her. I did not know her. But I feel this huge sadness at losing a member of our blogging community. Is this strange - but even though I did not know her, I feel this loss. I can only attribute it to the sense of community that blogging fosters.

    My heart goes out to their family. Reading her blog and seeing what a wonderful person she was makes me feel the pang of her family's loss.

  13. Thank you for this, Connie. I'm sure you're right, I think she's thumbing her nose at Mother Nature and eating chocolate in a garden right now.

  14. It was a sorry thing to hear. She'll be greatly missed.

  15. Thank you Connie. My Mom loved your blog. She appreciated all the support you gave as all of us kids did/do too.



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