Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Along The Tower Road

Last week one afternoon we had a little time to go for a short adventure.  The Tower Road, this time I left a note on the table, and we did not veer off course.   We met one vehicle..a man was dressed in Orange..possibly an early hunting scout.

A beaver has been busy making a home..I wonder if the thickness means anything..probably only to the beaver and it is possibly reflective of how much raw material is available.   He wasn't home, or if he was he was hiding.

One of the sloughs must be full from the recent rainy weather, a small creek seems to come out of nowhere and heads toward the river.

We saw an Eagle, it was way too far away to get a decent photograph.  He was resting in his perch..the river must keep him fed.  I am not real fond of Eagles..that is possibly why I see my fair share.  They feed on  dead stuff, and kill cats and rabbits.. they used to sit in a tree right outside our house..and eye my dogs..one spring I even had to put up a camouflaged play area for a litter of growing puppies.  Eagles and I do not see eye to eye.  I had to watch one terrorize a Trumpeter Swan one winter, the Swan was injured and couldn't fly..that Eagle was relentless...finally the Swan disappeared.  The Eagles are really mean to the Loons too, and will steal their eggs.  They are just nasty..nasty.   I think it is a disgrace that they are the National Symbol.  Just my opinion.

I wonder what this area looked like years ago.  The natural progression of the woods may be in the same cycle.  Oak to pine and back again.   Far Guy tells me " You know, years ago when the trappers came down this river they met at one of these points on the river..and named it Pine Point."

We had a wonderful afternoon drive, the sun was out, the woods were quiet except for an occasional Chickadee.  No one was sighting in their rifles, there were no gun shots.  I did see and photograph a baiting site..which is Illegal.  More about that some other day.  I have just a few things to say about that!
Chance enjoyed the ride, after awhile, I let him sit in front with Far Guy..he thought he was pretty important.  Anyone with Dogs in Minnesota..the Deer Ticks are still out..so check your dogs really well:)


  1. I'd love to bring my kids for a nature walk along Tower Road. What great pictures!

  2. Those are some strong feelings about eagles. The ones I've seen pretty much stay by the river and the only thing I've seen them go after is fish. I might feel differently if they hung around my house.

    Are you talking bear baiting? That used to be legal. I know there was a law proposed to make it illegal but didn't realize it went through. I thought the NRA lobbied it out of being passed.

  3. Hi Connie, I love to see all the places you three ride to on these afternoon trips. It always looks so peaceful. I bet Chance is something riding up front with Far Guy.

    If you get a chance, I posted some old photos on my post and wonder if you know anything about the wild socks my dad is wearing!!!!!

  4. I enjoyed the ride along. What a nice view of the river and the trees. I didn't know that about the eagles. Interesting. Have a good day.

  5. Maery Rose, Deer baiting..by hunters. I will address it soon. Yes, I am opinionated about the Eagles.:)

  6. I do like reading of your adventures. Keep the pictures and the adventure posts coming, okay?

  7. Yes, Connie, I know how you feel about raptor birds who eat the others. I have a Cooper's Hawk that is eyeing my fat little chickadees. I also love the header and wondered if you have a collection of them and change them each for the season, or make them anew. I find it to be more work than I expect each time I make a new header, so many choices! But yours are always ALWAYS outstanding.

  8. Love the new header. Glad you remembered to leave a note on the table this time :)
    Just the other day a friend of mine had an Eagle eyeing her 25 lb. Border Collie. YIKES! That's the first time I've been happy to be a chubby dog :) Too big for the Eagles to lift! Ha!

    Emma Rose

  9. Everytime I see one of your photo tour posts I see why my mother loved Minnesota. She said it was the most beautiful place in our country and I believe it. I wish it wasn't so cold there in the winter or I would consider a move. I have always wanted to see an Eagle in person, but learning this about them I am not sure that I would have much respect for them anymore.

  10. DJan, I make the headers in my scrapbooking program called Memory Mixer. I do have quite a collection of them..but I have only used my very favorite ones over again..for me it is just a little glimpse of what I have enjoyed capturing with my camera:)

  11. It looks like a beautiful place to take a walk. I had a young eagle perched in the top of the big old elm tree in my front yard early this spring. Beautiful creatures they are.

    Have a fantastic day fill with blessed surprises!!!

  12. Hi Connie! So glad you got my comment finally!! I hope this one comes through too. I told hubby about the Google you mentioned and he knew about it.:) I love reading about your adventures with Chance and Far Guy...you are such a wonderful family that so enjoys the outdoors! I agree with you about that Eagle too! I get upset with animals killing other animals but then I have to remember that it is their instinct. My cat is always beheading some beautiful bird and it makes me hate her for the moment...then I realize it is part of her nature I guess....as sad as it is. Trapping!! I don't like that one bit!! I think that is one of the cruelest ways of hunting wild animals!! You always make me think and I love that. Give that big beautiful black and white Chancey a big hug for me will ya?:)

  13. I didn't know that about the Eagles. Bad birds! Beautiful area!

  14. Wonderful shots and beautiful countryside.

  15. When one of our local nature spokesperson, laughed about an eagle taking a small poodle, I was beyond angry. All animal life needs to have respect. I know they have become a nuisance along the Mississippi River. I am glad they are back and we stopped the poisons that were killing all birds. I haven't seen Minnesota in the fall ever, but some of these days we are going to cut loose. Good blog.

  16. Thanks for taking us along on your drive, nice shots.

  17. I understand your feeling for the eagles. Since moving out to the country, I have changed my mind about a lot of things. Beautiful hawks, smart brave coyotes.... I lost a beloved cat to a hawk or coyote. They are not so wonderful now. And don't get me started on the racoons, squirrels, possums and skunks.

  18. Thanks for the "daytrip", it was lovely!!

  19. Sun - you have sun? Send us some rays please!

    Looks like a lovely walk - great fun with all that water.

  20. We are like you...we love going out into the woods to capture photographs of nature.
    I am thrilled to get pictures of eagles..I know they can be predators, but almost all of nature feeds on one another. A sad fact, but the cycle of life.
    Loved the ponds and beaver dam shots, we see those alot up here too.


Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate your comments! If you have a question I will try to answer it here. I no longer accept anonymous comments. All comments will be approved before posting...due to spammers...may the fleas of a thousand camels infest every hair on his body. Connie