Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween Report

The moon was almost full, the leaves had a ghostly snow glow..ghosts and goblins scurried throughout the neighborhood.. the dog howled..we ran out of candy..we had so many Trick or Treater we didn't know what to do.

Well not quite..the moon was almost full, there still is some snow on the ground..Chance loved all the Trick or Treaters..everyone one of them is his very best friend..he would like them all to stay forever and play ball 24/7.    FIVE children, that is it..and we are related to all of fact all of them live within walking distance for small children, old people and a dog.  Chance was not the least bit scared of their costumes..throw the ball, throw the ball....sometimes a Border Collie can drive you almost nuts with a ball!  

We gave away bags of candy to a very scary skeleton and his sister Curious George.  The twins were Batman and a Red Devil and their sister we decided must have been a Hunter as she wore a little warm up suit that was camo..and warm!  One Mom said "What do you say?"  They said "Thank you?"  I said how about "Trick or Treat! "   Ya, ya..that's it!!

There seems to be a little bit of controversy going around about Halloween.  "The evil holiday."  I am not sorry I get a kick out of seeing kids all dressed up,  going door to door with their parents..hollering "Trick or Treat" at old people that hand out candy.  What holiday is geared more to children and fantasy than Halloween.  Imagination, kids think about their costumes, they talk about what they will be.  They are so excited that they can hardly eat their supper..they talk about other kids costumes..they talk about the candy they got.   It is all about interaction people..just think about how many people stayed home last night to give out candy..I bet some of those people were kids once too..that enjoyed a few Halloweens themselves.  I refuse to see it as an evil holiday..I look forward to it every year..I look forward to seeing the children in their costumes..perhaps it is all about the giving of the candy, you want to give it all away..because if you don't then you are stuck eating the left overs, and when you grow older you like to have company in the evening.   Evil..I think not..parents spending an evening with their could that be evil:)


  1. Sounds like you had a howling halloween!

  2. I'm sorry, but it looks like Chance is the biggest kid of all! LOL! The kids are adorable, my grandkids dressed as a veternarian and Lightening McQueen from the Cars movie. I also had two hippies, Little Red Riding Hood and a cute little chicken knock on my door. ;D

  3. I love Halloween too! I love to see the kids and adults alike dressed in their costumes. We don't get any trick or treaters here on the farm, we are to far off the main road. We have a border collie named Missi - and yes she has OCD when it comes to her ball or any other toy she can play catch with - they are soo funny!

  4. Halloween is very low-key in Sweden. Only handed out a few sweets to kids who were out. Still - all the more for us!

  5. It is only as evil as one wants to make it. For me I think it is innocent and I love Halloween. It is so fun seeing the little ones excited and dressed up. Lucky you with only 5 trick or treaters. Our neighborhood easily has around 150-200 kids dressed up as ghosts and goblins and knocking on doors. It is a major investment to buy that much candy each year.

  6. I love Halloween-seeing the kid's costumes makes all the preparation worthwhile! We had about 70 kids this year, ages ~2 to 14(?). All with costumes, and very polite.
    For the first time we also had 2 small dogs, each dressed in a costume, walking with a child. Guess next year I'm going to have to buy some dog biscuits to give out along with the chocolate!

  7. Sounds like you had a lovely time-we didn't get any trick or treaters, but we always carve a pumpkin, and share in our kids' loot!

  8. Like you, I never think of it as evil; I only remember happy memories of planning the costumes and giggling with friends visiting neighbors to collect candy. I have enjoyed visiting blogs today and seeing the colorful costumes and parents spending the evening with their little ones.

  9. I can almost see CHANCE with a basket of treats over his outstretched arm/paw, as he sits up as if to beg......but HE is the hander outer of treats to the visiting Halloweeners!!!

    We had a total of 3 kids last night! All neighbors. I asked one little fella for a Trick for me....ok how about a Treat? Can you tell me a poem. He said how about a joke! I said ok.
    .....He didn't have the guts!!!!"

  10. Amazing! Wonderful thoughts of Halloween. I remember the first time I got to dress up, how excited I was, and how much it meant to me. The candy wasn't important but the fantasy was. I hope it's the same for a lot of the kids today.

  11. We left our back porch light on, but mysteriously, no trick or treaters showed up... maybe it's because we live 3 miles down a gravel road?! LOL

    Love the shots of Chance in your header! He is just so photogenic. :)

  12. SHOT, singular, of Chance. The fall photos in your header are very pretty too, of course, but Chance always steals the show. :)

  13. We never get trick or treaters at our place, but in our small town the stores all have candy for the kids. Parents bring the little ones to town and they get to walk around to every business to do their trick or treating. We saw a green and yellow dragon on the street yesterday - must have been about 2 years old. LOVED IT!!!
    Yes, it's all about the little ones. I know the big kids enjoy it too, but we enjoy it because of the little ones.

  14. Just precious! I was thrilled to have my own little goblins visit too. :) We did have a handful of neighborhood kids, but mostly it was just some sweet family time. :) Glad you hada good one too. :)

  15. Ya, our church frowns on the whole scene. I always allowed my kids to go and I have to say this chick loves to don a costume and become someone else too. I just view it as a good time to let children be creative in their alter egos collecting candy for a night. I just think it is a fun time for kids and families.

    Ya'll had some darling little spooks didn't you?

    Have a fantastic fall day!!!


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