Friday, November 6, 2009

Sockeye Lake Adventure

Last Saturday we were out and about..with no firm destination in mind.   It had snowed,  but the sun was shining.  So many days were so dark and the sky is blue and filled with clouds.  The sunshine was so inviting!!

The clouds are all lined up on the prairie. Far Guy said that they are all Isobars.  Distinct lines of clouds all headed east.

We ended up on Sockeye Lake Road.  We met two vehicles..that was it, a wood cutter and a guy with a boat.

 We really need a trail map.   We just kept making lefts.. I joked with Far Guy..well at least we will only be lost for a week..hunting season starts next weekend!

We ran into a mud hole..should we turn around?  Far Guys says "No,  we can make it "   ..we have the car!  Luckily it is four wheel drive.

We spot an eagle..Far Guy says "Now wasn't that mud hole worth it? "    Aw..maybe  OK ..sure.  Chance was worried..ever since that day that he hid on the floor by my legs in the Big Hill Country..he is a little leery of Far Guys driving.  Chance wants to sit in my lap..he wants to help me take a photo of the Eagle.

Another mud hole..this is a big one..looks deep too.  I am thinking that this one will turn us around.  Far Guy says "No..lets go!"   Well next time I should pack an oar or stop and get a push stick..because I could feel the back end of the car float  .. I am not crazy..I have been in enough boats to know what floating feels like.  We were definitely afloat.

Now doesn't this look better..a very calm pot hole that is not in the middle of the road.   I am a very poor judge of distances..but I should have recognized the lay of the land about this time.  I used to hunt deer back in here with my brother and my Dad and many of my uncles and cousins a very long time ago.  There are lots of good memories back in this area.  Now there are a few more:)


  1. I just love your adventures! They remind me of some my husband and I take around our back roads. Those clouds are really neat all in a line and the eagle is just spectacular.
    Sunny :)

  2. Sounds like you and Far Guy had a good drive. Have a nice weekend.

  3. Nice photos, thanks for the adventure. Could do without pics of eagles, but he is at your place not ours so I guess I can enjoy it.

  4. Pretty scenery but it looks cold from way down here in GA!!! Great pic of the eagle too. So glad you had a clear day to get out and about - those are treasured memories for sure. Enjoy the weekend.

  5. Wonderful, thanks for taking us on the trip.

  6. Beautiful pictures. I looks worth the trip, but if you make these explorations a habit, I would invest in a winch to mount on the bumper!!

  7. ' Lovin' those left hand drives. We used to do that on a Sunday afternoon when I was a kid.

    Have a fun and adventurous weekend!!!
    God bless....

  8. What a beautiful NATIONAL Bird! Thanks for posting the photo. I see them but they are way to far in the sky.


  9. Lucky you getting to see an Eagle in person. I have always wanted to see one - especially in flight. They are so magnificent. Far Guy should consider being a tour guide. He sure knows how to navigate the backwoods of Minnesota. The sky is beautifully clear and blue. It was a great day for a drive. Some of the sweetest memories result from a day like that.

  10. The backwoods up there is so fun. I don't go through mud holes so I wouldn't have gone very far. It is interesting to see the forest making it's color change from the forces of cold. Great shots, thanks for the journey.

  11. What a wonderful adventure and you got to add new memories to old terrain.

  12. OOOOOooooooooo, LOVED that eagle got pretty close! I love seeing them and catching them on camera!!

  13. You two are so brave! Did you take food this time? Ha! Great pictures :)

    Emma Rose

  14. Wow - an eagle! Surely the trip was worth seeing that? And those clouds in the beautiful blue sky - fabulous!

  15. I would get so anxious -- afraid we'd get stuck. It has happened - and I don't think my husband likes me very much when it does.


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