Thursday, May 7, 2009

Chance : A Bath

I guess Far Side woke up on the wrong side of the bed or something. She got up and will be seventy degrees today, a fine day for a bath...well OK. Bathe away. Me? She wants to bathe me? WHY? I didn't roll in anything, I have been really good. I follow the rules....Rule One: Do not eat anything you find in the woods. Rule Two: Do not roll in anything delightfully smelling in the woods..especially deer poop. I have been really good. Far Guy just said "OK, I will lift the big lug into the tub." I thought he was my best buddy, whose side is he on anyway?
I guess I was a little dirty.
Can I shake yet? "Not yet" Far Side hollers "no shaking indoors." She ran up the stairs and opened the door..freedom to...


And Shake..

See I am just like a little kid..clean for only a few minutes. But delightfully soft to pet..or so Far Side says anyway:)


  1. Did you turn the jacuzzi on for the poor pup? Ahh, nice and clean!
    joy c. at grannymountain

  2. That is exactly what our dogs do! I refer to them as crazy numbskulls!

  3. You capture that dog perfectly! I had to laugh at his facial expression in the tub.


  4. Chance is so pretty. I bet he is nice and soft now. These pictures are so cute!
    Wishing you a happy Mother's Day.

  5. Chance is adorable. I love the post. He seemed OK in the tub and doesn't fight you. You really captured a good one of him shaking.

  6. Oh, poor Chance. And it's not even Saturday night!

  7. What a good sport that Chance. Hey dogs do get stinky and why do they have to roll in something smell? I'll never understand that.
    I love that picture of him shaking.It is so funny!

  8. Chance is adorable. He has a beautiful face!
    He's just doing what dogs do, shake the water off all over you!
    Julia ♥

  9. So lovely and clean and so ready to roll in anything smelly and dirty1

  10. Great post and great pictures! I laughed out loud. His expression is so funny in the tub. What a hoot.

  11. I remember getting soaked by the shake

  12. Oh Chance! You make the same face as I do when I get a bath. It's no fun is it? Actually, I think the whole bath routine is a bit humiliating. However, I bet you have the softest fur in the world right now! Snuggle, snuggle!!!

    Emma Rose

    PS Tell Far Side she really did a great job catching the "action" in the shaking picture. Wow!

  13. Well, at least you were clean for a few minutes before rolling in the grass and mud, Chance!

  14. I love the photo of him shaking, great shot! :) And I do love how soft their fur is after a bath. Hmmmm, I know two furry girls who need a bath also....

    BTW, my music is still on my blog... must have been faulty when you visited. :-\

  15. So nice and clean, isn't that a wonderful feeling Chance?


  16. Such a cute post! It is so fun to give them a bath. They get so nervous they just swallow and look at you with those pitiful eyes...and then everyone scatters out of the way when they are done, because you KNOW they are going to spray you when they shake!!


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