Sunday, February 25, 2024

Life goes on...

 One of my nieces was very pregnant when my Mom took a turn for the worse.  I thought perhaps we would have a birth and a death in the same day.  The baby waited to be born five days after her Great Grandmother died.  The baby is happy and healthy and beautiful according to her grandmother (my sister). 

Do you remember anything before you were born?  Me neither.  Somehow I believe there is a connection someplace between those who are to be born and those who have died.  Do their souls speak to each other?  I wonder. 

As we were sitting at my Mom's bedside, my other baby brother brought up the idea that souls speak to each other...and perhaps our Mom's soul had a lot to say to our souls and those people who would visit her. 

I found it very interesting that Baxter stood on the chair next to Mom's bed and whined/talked to her.  Lolli my sisters puppy spent a number of hours just laying next to Mom quietly. 

My Mom really liked dogs especially Boston Terriers like Lolli.  Lolli was a regular visitor on the night shift when we were taking turns at Mom's bedside.  Lolli got used to the nurses coming and going.  I would take over bedside watch after the Hospice nurses were by to check Mom's vitals, then my sister, her husband and Lolli would go home to sleep. My brothers came by off and on through out the day and evening sometimes into the night. We were a good team and made it work so Mom was never alone.  We had to advocate for our Mom as her pain increased more and more everyday.  Sometimes she would cry real tears in her sleep.  I am thankful that I was there to wipe them away.

Far Side


  1. It's sort of wonderful to have a new life in your family. You are fortunate to have such a close, loving connection to one another. Life does go on.

  2. Oh! Oh! Gosh! I'm glad you were there also. And I'm glad Lollie was there.

  3. I'm so glad she's no longer in pain. And I do believe our souls talk to others especially when in extremis.

  4. What tender moments you had with your mom in her final days. I'm certain she felt the love from her family and the pups.

    I do believe that there is a transition. When a friend of mine, Candy's grandson was about 2-3 he saw a picture of his great-grandmother. Like your sister's granddaughter he was born shortly after the passing of his great-grandmother. He told his grandma that he had met that person. When she asked how he said, "I saw her when I was coming down and she was going up".

    Years later, when my Dad was actively dying, we watched for an hour or so while he made motions as though he was climbing a ladder. He wasn't conscious at the time but he kept steadily moving his arms in the motion of climbing.

    While I cannot know for certain, both of these instances shape my beliefs.

  5. Oh! That little Lollie! So glad family was there with her all the time and she wasn't alone. The joy of a new baby in the family helps a lot. I'm glad you were there and that she is not in pain anymore.

  6. So wonderful that you were all able to be there for her. And the animals too.

  7. Life goes on but you have gone through a major event in your life. You will come out having learned a few things.

  8. This post has brought tears to my eyes, the so sweet tenderness of it. Your family vigil for your mother is such a precious memory to have now.

  9. Just because we can't see or hear the dying communicating, there is no doubt in my mind that not only are they aware of the love we surround them with, but the love of God who is calling them home.

  10. You choked me up with tears talking about your Mom's tears and the dog whining. It probably sensed her pain a bit. I am sure the dog was a comfort to her both physically and emotionally.
    So very very thankful you all were able to provide round the clock care with her. Even in the best hospitals, there are never enough nurses or aides. Also, Hospice is not there every minute either?
    I do believe that persons who are dying are in communication with those who have gone before them. Some even see the glory of Heaven. I do believe communication things happen here on earth when someone can't be there at the bedside of one passing - - - happened to an uncle of mine years and years ago.
    I know you will miss both your parents but also know you did not want to see them in such poor health causing them to not enjoy their days as much as they did even a few short years ago - - - - with the Bingo and crafting etc. Life affects those of us left behind in big ways some days.

  11. I think it iswonderful when a new life arrives in a fmaily, more so when a loved one has departed this life not long before. I will for the rest of my life be sadden by the fact that I wasn't with my mum when she passed, she wasn't alone my youngest sister and my brother and sister inlaw were with her but I really wish I was too.

  12. It sounds like a good death and a good birth. This is all we can really hope for, I think.

  13. I love the story of Baxter whining to your Mom and the pic of Lolli sleeping beside her. I like to think that there are many things we will learn after we have departed this life. Until then we trust that our loved ones are being taken care of and waiting to see us again someday.

  14. My wife's cousin was alone as she was failing with her sickness. No kids there and a dysfunctional husband that never came to the hospital. We were there with her for weeks of intensive care and at the last when she said she was going to go to a hospice. The night before she died I asked her if we were in the road and if she wanted us to let her have some space or peace. God bless her she said that she didn' want to be alone. We stayed the night and through the next day when she arrived at the hospice and died. Your mom was ushered into heaven with royal treatment and only the best was what she deserved. Take care....

  15. Dogs know. Charlie used to sit in my MIL's lap. He was just a year old then. He then visited with others in the Nursing home and would let residents pet him while he sat quietly.

    You dedication and family is something beyond awesome.

  16. The soul of Jonathan was knit with the soul of David. I Sam. 18.

  17. I'm so sorry your mom had so much pain in those last days. But I'm glad her family could be there round-the-clock with her.

    It's wonderful when the nursing homes allow dogs or cats to visit, or even have a facility pet. The patients seem to enjoy that unconditional love from warm furry critters.

  18. Your Mother was so fortunate to have such a wonderful family to take such great care of her. I had no idea she had Baxter and a puppy to keep her company in her last days and hours too. How wonderful. I'm sure she is smiling and so proud and grateful to all of you who stayed by her side through it all.

  19. Your love for each other is a testament the picture of the puppy sleeping with your mom is so beautiful.

  20. I am glad you were all able to spend time with her at the end. Including the dogs.


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