Friday, February 16, 2024


 One of my Mothers last food requests was for sauerkraut.  She always used them as a topping for mashed potatoes when we were growing up.  

The kitchen staff rounded some up for her and my baby brother went and bought some.  I am not sure who took the cans of kraut home, SOMEHOW an opened jar of kraut ended up in a bag at my house when we did the final clean out of Mom's room.   (She told me that it would take us kids a month just to clean out her room.)  In a few hours it was and some stuff went to Goodwill. My sister took one of Mom's flannel shirts and Mom's sewing machine, I took Mom's jewelry case and my sister and I will go through it someday.  My brothers took the puzzle table and a lamp.  Baby brother ended up with a porch full of fabric totes...good thing I do not sew.  My sister asked me if I wanted Mom's sewing machine...I said " Nope I do not want to dust it!"

Some strange smell was coming from upstairs back at home...drawn like a moth to a flame...I had to find the source.  I am certain my brothers had something to do with the kraut coming to my house. 

I ended up with three huge totes of photographs, greeting cards and scrapbooking supplies from Mom's garage.  I opened one of the totes after I hunted down the sauerkraut to find Mom's Confirmation item that was requested by the Pastor.  How lucky was that!!

Far Side

Mom sometime before 1950.


  1. Of course your mom put it on top! The sauerkraut smell made me laugh.

    My prayers are with your family. I know you miss her terribly.

  2. So hard to go through those special things of a loved one and decide what to keep and what to discard.
    I made 2 quarts of sauerkraut yesterday. Have never done it before. Will be interesting watching it ferment. My mother used to make large crocks full but I don't remember much about the process.

  3. A bitter-sweet time, I am sure, but you found some humor in it. As for the sauerkraut... my uncle put it in his glass of buttermilk and cornbread.Strange.

  4. You look like your Mom! She (and you) are BEAUTIFUL!

  5. I think sauerkraut is a cultural thing. I don't like it, but I didn't grow up eating it. Your brother's pulled a joke on you! That is a lovely photo of your mom.

  6. I guess one of your siblings decided to share the sauerkraut. Too funny.
    Lovely photo of your mom!

  7. Hi Connie,
    So sorry to hear about your mom's passing. It seems to have been quick, so that's a blessing. I'm sure she was really missing your dad. Take care of yourself. You're lucky to be surrounded by so many relatives. Sending prayers and positive energy your way. Barbara Harmon

  8. I may have to put some thought on what food I might want to eat one last time if given the chance. I'm pretty sure sauerkraut wouldn't make the cut, unless it was on top of a fire roasted bratwurst with some mustard.

    It is definitely bittersweet sorting through things. I found many a thing that I wish I could have asked mom about. All I know is that they meant something to her.

  9. Tracking down sauerkraut doesn't sound like fun, but poignant.
    She was so young and pretty. It is always amazing to see our parents before they ever were parents.
    I'm glad you guys saved her crafting and sewing supplies.

  10. I know that these have been some hard days for you and your siblings. My husbands mom passed away in September and we just went through all these necessary times. Kraut definitely has a distinct smell and I can only imagine you searching for what was lurking around. My prayers continue for you and the family. Blessings to you all.

  11. Believe or not, I tried kraut for the first time two weeks ago. I didn't hate it, but I probably won't order it. Sounds like you found some joy in a painful process.

  12. It was a spot of fun to sneak you some smelly kraut. It is a good way to unwind from such a loss. It seems like the dust never settles from all that is left. I got tired of emptying out all the different persons' billfolds. My mom's was easy as my brother, who was broke, could be seen by me carrying her purse to his truck from the hospital. I am glad you didn't take something that you would need to dust.

  13. Those brothers left you a lingering memory! I’ve been reading about how healthy kraut is. Sauerkraut is rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Its probiotics also help your body absorb these nutrients more easily, which is what makes sauerkraut more nutritious than raw cabbage or coleslaw. I bought a jar, but haven’t been brave enough to try it straight. Kraut and wieners is the only way I’ve ate it.

  14. I have just such a suitcase full of old greeting cards, drawings that my children and grandchildren gave me and an endless supply of assorted bits and bobs.
    Not much will be of interest to my family when I'm gone. I imagine your Mom kept such a variety of bits too. Going through them will be hard.

  15. Treasure hunting. Not the kraut though. :-)

  16. Your mom was a beautiful lady inside and out. It's not an easy job, what you have all been doing, cleaning and clearing, but it sounds like you've made good headway fact I guess you're just about done. That should take some time going through all the photo albums, etc. May your beautiful memories of her and your dad, live in your hearts forever.

  17. I forgot to mention that I grew up enjoying sauerkraut and still use it... mixing it with mashed potatoes and polish sausage, butter and a little brown sugar. Yum.

  18. Since everybody is there , it always is a rush to clean things up. Everybody has some thigs and I'm sure there will be some sorting and exchanges.

  19. What a pretty picture of your mom! I'm betting her lipstick was red. Seems like every picture of my mom from that time frame included red lipstick.

    I got a big chuckle out of the kraut stories.

  20. Beautiful mother.

  21. Hmmm sauerkraut on potatoes- I might have to try that!
    Lovely photo of your mom. I'm sure you will have precious memories going through the old photos and the totes.
    How wonderful to have a family who didn't fight over things..

  22. I love sauerkraut too but it's another food that I no longer eat. I love the picture of beautiful! I knew you all would make quick work of it all. Now, if I could just get you to come down here and help me with my mess.
    So glad you found the photo for the pastor. My thoughts have been with you and your family all week...take care dear friend.

  23. Probably wasn't totally luck that you found that confirmation certificate when you needed it. Your mom might have had a hand in that... :)


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