Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Through the rat hole

 Ever feel like you have been drug through a rat hole?  Hit by a Mack truck?  Like maybe it would just be easier to go lay down in front of the funeral home or your plot at the cemetery?

That is how Far Guy and I feel after the Covid booster that we got on Monday afternoon.  We both started feeling rotten with  a fever, aches and pains about 12 hours after the injection.  I felt like I had been shot. I would have welcomed death with open arms.   Needless to say neither of us slept much. 

We had a quiet day at home yesterday with numerous naps. We hope by today we are feeling much better. 

Two down and one more vaccination to go.  (RSV)  Far Guy had  RSV one time....he was horribly ill so if a vaccination will prevent it that is a good thing...he was hospitalized for about four days in one hospital sent home and then hospitalized another four days in a different hospital....because I refused to take him back to the first hospital when they obviously didn't know what they were doing.

Far Side


  1. I was feeling pretty rotten for a day or two after the latest Covid booster too. But it did pass finally.

  2. I felt similar after last year's Covid shot which I also got at the same time as my flu shot. This year, not by choice, I'm splitting them up. I got my flu shot yesterday, with no effects this morning, and will get the Covid shot hopefully next week when it arrives. For some reason, it is taking its own sweet time getting to this rural part of the world.

  3. Oh my! I'm so sorry that you were both so ill after the vaccine. I will definitely be praying for healig for you both.

  4. Hope you're feeling better soon, and that the RSV jab isn't as bad when you get it

  5. Not a good story about your vaccination. Our shots are still not available.

  6. Oh yuck! I do hope you're both feeling some better today. I've got my flu and Covid booster booked for next week. Hopefully I avoid the same impact.

    Now I must admit I have felt that horrible before but it was generally self-induced. When I was very young, a hangover was a non event, but as I got into my mid 20's, they were horrible and I decided to quit drinking entirely.

  7. My daughter had a tough time with her new Covid shot, too. I'm just not sure that I want to get one. I have been fortunate so far and if I am careful perhaps the gods will shine down on me and I will escape that dreadful thing. So sorry you are feeling bad.. hope you feel better soon.

  8. That's how I have felt after every covid shot for 5-7 days...and even the shingles shot and the flu shot, but for 2-3 days. I am so glad you guys got your shots and FarGuy will get the RSV. I haven't decided yet on what to get or when. Hope you are both all better really soon.

  9. I hope you are on the upswing by the time you read this. Being sick is so awful and being sick from something like a booster seems to make it even worse.

  10. I got the COVID jab yesterday. My arm is really sore and has a small goose egg at the injection site. I woke a little nauseous and had a brief spell just a few minutes ago. This shot is not messing around.I hope you and Far Guy feel better soon.

  11. I’ve still got to get my boosters. Hope I don’t get sick.

  12. I felt that way with the first shot. I'm sorry for you, it's miserable.

  13. These same vaccinations are on my "to do" list as soon as the doctors allow me to do it. They suggested I wait until my surgery was behind me just in case I felt crappy afterward.

  14. We have all that to look forward to . . . . We are opting for the RSV shot too. I know too many hospitalized children and dont' want to be a spreader.

  15. How dreadful for you both to get such awful side effects. I hope you will be up and about again very soon. Mxx

  16. I had a similar reaction to the Covid shot. Then it triggered a migraine so five days of misery in total. Paul had a sore arm! Hard to understand why people react so differently. I have flu and RSV to go, but flu doesn’t usually bother me much. Hope you enjoy some days before the next round!

  17. Is that a picture of the mack truck that hit you? My cousin had hers and she said she was in the bed for at least a day if not more. I haven't gotten mine yet. I asked the doc and he said I probably could bypass the Covid since I never take my mask! But then I said the grands were coming for Thanksgiving and he said...oh, get the Covid booster for sure. He wasn't encouraging the RV shot but I think I will get it anyway....why take a chance at my age. I hoe you feel better soon. I plan on ensuring I have food cooked, laundry done, etc, because I'm sure I'll be in bed. The last 2 made me very tired...I couldn't stay awake.

  18. I am somewhat slack when it comes to my Covid booster shots, that said I am sorry to read that it made you feel so bad but it doesn't last, well I hope it doesn't no one wants that

  19. Oh my. I didn't know FG had been so sick. And now you got sick trying to stay well. :-(

  20. Prayers for you two to feel much better soon.

  21. That sounds just awful. I'm so sorry for both of you and hope you feel better real soon.

  22. I hope you both are feeling much better. So sorry! I won't take any more of the covid shots, but am curious about the RSV shot. Is that new?

  23. Coloring outside the lines, Yes RSV vaccine is new this year

  24. We felt bad from all three shots that we took in the past. We caught covid anyway and that was not fun. My throat felt like it had broken glass stuck in it. We are not going to get a booster. I am glad you two are feeling better.


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