Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Ah nuts!

 Far Guy heard some noises one night...he said it sound like an animal scratching in the laundry room.  We both looked around and didn't see anything out of the ordinary.  

One day I heard a sound like a marble was in the dryer...I found a dime!  Yeah me.  

Night before last I got up in the middle of the night and read my book ...I heard a scratching and a noise of something dropping... in the area of the dryer. 

I told Far Guy the next day...he investigated. 

This is the dryer vent with the cover removed...seems someone was squirreling away acorns for the Winter.  Apparently when the guys refinished the house they did not put the dryer vent cover on correctly and some critter could shove acorns in through a small gap in the bottom. 

Far Guy came inside and took the entire dryer vent apart...guess what?  Many more acorns...we vacuumed them up, reattached the venting and outside Far Guy covered the dryer vent cover with some heavy screen...because apparently this is a creature of habit and must be stopped from using the dryer vent as a storage area. 

It is either a mouse, a chipmunk or a squirrel.  My guess is a chipmunk. 

It took us half the day to get it all cleaned up.  Far Guy says the sound I heard was acorns dropping down the dryer vent when the area up top of the vent got too full... then the acorns ran down the dryer vent inside. 

Mystery solved.  Country living at its finest.

Far Side


  1. Glad you found out what the problem was. I do hope the little critter finds a better place to store its winter stash! :-)

  2. This is the kind of thing that would happen here in the Meadow. I have 2 walnut trees and I pick up the walnuts that fall and put them in big buckets planning to haul them to the woods later. Last year a squirrel found the buckets and worked away moving the walnuts to his hiding place. I didn’t care of course but watched each day as the bucket of walnuts held less and less.

  3. It seems to me you've had more than one issue as a result of incomplete work done by the refinishing crew. Hopefully this is the last.

    That's one industrious chipmunk/critter!

  4. Yikes! That's a lot of acorns. We've actually had a small (hopefully) invasion of mice this year. Dave has caught 3 in the basement so far. And we had to get our attic sealed against bats again, as I'd been hearing them in the attic. Seems like critters are just too smart.

  5. It's a good thing you were paying attention to the noises of your house and caught it before something worse happened. I seem to be blessed with that gift because I can hear a toilet running on the opposite side of the house while those closest to it don't hear anything wrong.

  6. Will you forgive me for laughing? That is a very industrious critter, who would not be able to reap the rewards of its labor. It is good the mystery is solved.

  7. I have to love them. They are wiley.

  8. I have to admit that I chuckled while reading this post, but I’m glad the little critter’s stash was discovered before it caused a fire.

  9. Somebody is going to end up hungry this winter--lol! Survival of the fittest, eh? Not smart enough to think ahead to being able to get them out later--duh!
    Glad you found them out and will keep them out! :)

  10. I'm glad you figured it out. Now the little creature has to start all ove

  11. Great story. While the clean up effort wasn't fun, it was a fun read. Dryer vent warmed acorns. Yum. I hope the critter found a better place for his winter stash and still had plenty of nuts to gather.

  12. Oh my goodness! That is a LOT of acorns. Glad you figured it out before the snow came.

  13. Bloody hell, good job you found them although some creature will be going off because some thieving sod stole their nuts.............lol

  14. Those issues are a pain in the butt because they are mysterious and difficult to find.

  15. I remember when one summer at Lake Pokegama and man found his speed boat completely full of acorns. He had left it out most of the summer and when he was going to put it in the shed he had a real mess. I remember being in a cabin in Colorado when I could hear the pack rats working all night in the ceiling.

  16. Ha Ha....what next??? Too bad those guys that worked on your house didn't do a better job! Glad you found the problem and fixed it!

  17. I'm glad you found the source of that mysterious noise. Could have been worse. I can't help feeling sorry for the little critter who did all that gathering for nothing.

  18. oh my goodness ~ that is one busy critter!!!

  19. I don't know weather to laugh at how mystified you were with the noice, be glad you got all the acorns out before a fire happened or feel sad for the critter that worked so hard just to have nothing stored for the winter.
    Thanks for the entertainment.


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